In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

Yeah, I mean exactly that short riff, which sounds exactly the same like Black & white, but it doesn't matter that much. Even if it wasn't for it, I wouldn't enjoy the song. Same sterile bore like other songs, just heavier. (and I edited the post, but not this part, you had to misunderstand that :) )

And for Through Oblivion - it's not like I really like it, it's just a bit better than the stuff I listed. I like the chorus, it has nice atmosphere. But the verse is as terrible as most of the other stuff.
I don't know how you can rip off your own material lol, but isn't that what many people are screaming for? I would imagine that if there is similarities to some older stuff, those said people would be happy. I think it's cool that you can hear similarities to older tracks and it feels nostalgic in a way.

Nope it doesn't. The good thing when listening to TJR and Colony or Clayman is that you're listening to a brilliant melodeath band that doesn't copy itself. If they start to copy their own riffs, it's or lazyness or lack of ideas.
Svářeč;10897284 said:
And for Through Oblivion - it's not like I really like it, it's just a bit better than the stuff I listed. I like the chorus, it has nice atmosphere. But the verse is as terrible as most of the other stuff.

In fact, TO is just the example of what Anders is not capable of. On the verses he is forcing himself so much to reach a low tone that he just cannot, that it ends sounding like someone who just woke up form a hangover and only wants to go back to sleep.
Nope it doesn't. The good thing when listening to TJR and Colony or Clayman is that you're listening to a brilliant melodeath band that doesn't copy itself. If they start to copy their own riffs, it's or lazyness or lack of ideas.

Although, if the same guitar player has written riffs for 10 albums I would imagine that with a personal playing style, you'll come up with similar or same riffs some times. I don't think Björn purposefully copied the riffs and added them into new songs.

Onto another topic, will be interesting to see what kind of setlist they come up with. What songs do you think they will keep from SoAPF? They will most probably have at least 2-3 tracks, Deliver Us is a given. Other than that I don't know what songs they'll use but probably Ropes/Soapf/Where the dead ships dwell/Fear is the weakness will be in the mix. From ASOP it will probably be Mirrors Truth and possibly Alias.

Now with another album it will be even harder to have a balanced setlist if they are going to include all the ''crowd pleasers''.
In fact, TO is just the example of what Anders is not capable of. On the verses he is forcing himself so much to reach a low tone that he just cannot, that it ends sounding like someone who just woke up form a hangover and only wants to go back to sleep.

Exactly :lol: Rusted Nail is the same.

But to give him some credit. Chorus of Rusted Nail or Filtered Truth - that's Anders from SoaPF, too bad he doesn't perform more of this kind of vocals.
Although, if the same guitar player has written riffs for 10 albums I would imagine that with a personal playing style, you'll come up with similar or same riffs some times. I don't think Björn purposefully copied the riffs and added them into new songs.

Onto another topic, will be interesting to see what kind of setlist they come up with. What songs do you think they will keep from SoAPF? They will most probably have at least 2-3 tracks, Deliver Us is a given. Other than that I don't know what songs they'll use but probably Ropes/Soapf/Where the dead ships dwell/Fear is the weakness will be in the mix. From ASOP it will probably be Mirrors Truth and possibly Alias.

Now with another album it will be even harder to have a balanced setlist if they are going to include all the ''crowd pleasers''.

I think they will go on with the singles and maybe a surprise. But Deliver Us and Where the Dead Ships Dwell for sure.

Maybe they'll start to do what Metallica in the dark times. See what kind of crowd they had and then decide the setlist.

I remember a concert, it was in the garage revisited tour, they played not one song from the Load or Reload albums. Obviously we, the crowd, were very pleased.
Singles from Siren Charms are Rusted Nail, Through Oblivion, Filtered Truth, Everything's Gone and With Eyes Wide Open so far. I guess they will also play Dead Eyes live. And When The World Explodes at Scandinavium.
In Flames say they write these songs for live performance, but I don't see many of these giving the crowd much energy. Slow, plodding mid-tempo numbers aren't exactly show-stealers. The setlist will be worse off for the exclusion of SOAPF songs, imo.

For some time they were opening with The Chosen Pessismist... I honestly don't know what they were thinking. Whether you like or dislike that song, it's not a live number, especially to play the entire 8 minutes! They opened a show I went to in London with TCP and the crowd was dead for those first eight minutes. The absolute worst way to open a show. The TJR medley drew a great reaction, though, funnily enough.
Singles from Siren Charms are Rusted Nail, Through Oblivion, Filtered Truth, Everything's Gone and With Eyes Wide Open so far. I guess they will also play Dead Eyes live. And When The World Explodes at Scandinavium.

Those fuckers better not only play When the World Explodes in Scandinavium. I'm going to Hovet, the Stockholm concert. And I think that chick is from Stockholm as well, making it a bigger chance for me, hopefully.
In Flames say they write these songs for live performance, but I don't see many of these giving the crowd much energy. Slow, plodding mid-tempo numbers aren't exactly show-stealers. The setlist will be worse off for the exclusion of SOAPF songs, imo.

The show I've been for the SOAPF tour they played, SOAPF, Deliver Us, All for Me, Where the dead Ships Dwell and Fear is the Weakness. As you can see not much crowd energy.

Middle show people started to claim for OFTW.
A88 "H8ERZ gonna H8" review II (after 5-10 spins):

In Plain View - Good opener. One of the most energetic riff on the whole album. Decent verse, thanks to changes in the background. Mediocre chorus, but I find yelling refreshing compared to the rest of the album. Some good riffs and hooks instead of solo (a welcome change). Verse again (I like how he repeats the first one). Some Ropes-like weird scream. Ending with chorus. Chorus is prob. the worst part of this song.

Everything's Gone - Death metal riffs, not too original, with some nu metal style. Clean verse kind of ruins the feeling for me. Chorus is excellent: fast, dynamic, powerful. "Everything is gooooone" parts are annoying. Solo - short and mediocre. Ends with good chorus. Selling point of this song is def. chorus and speed (compared to the rest of the album).

Paralyzed - Opens similar to IPV. Still a good main riff. Nice verse effect. Anders melodies fit here. Chorus kicks ass. Speeds things up, interesting dynamics and just catchy. Breakdown for solo (on the same spot as in every song - not cool). Solo is pretty forgettable. Another chorus and a really cool powerful, slow ending of the song. Maybe the best song on SC. Certainly one of better composed.

Through Oblivion - I'm still annoyed by guitar "work". Anders managed to fit his verse singing with rest of the music here. Not a big fan of the chorus, but it has some really nice electronics in the background. Ending of the song, with effects and guitars is quite effective.

With Eyes Wide Open - Opens with soft guitar and goes into some really melodic riffs-melodies. Nice clean guitars in verses. Soft singing by Anders - passable. Good chorus all around. Nice melody on guitar after. Chorus. More good melodic guitar work. Nice silent break. Another chorus. Soft melodic ending. Yeah, really melodic song. Sound like Finnish gothic. Still, a good one.

Siren Charms - I really dig the main riff and Anders verse singing. Then, thing go badly, singing is worse, lyrics don't fit the vocal lines and whole song comes to abrupt halt. Everything repeats and then we go into some boring riffing and slightly less boring and more energetic solo. Then another round of boring riffing and ending chorus. This song is a mixed bag. Some really cool music fucked up by few moments of singing and boring middle part.

When the World Explodes - Generic riffing, but welcome change from the slow tempo of the rest of the album. Anders screams aren't good here. Chorus is really nice. Both music and vocals. Solo is short but really sweet (prob. the best on SC). Another round of generic riffing and screaming. Last minute or so, is hand down the best part of the whole album. I guess it will sound even better when we get better quality audio.

Rusted Nail - Traditional, badly composed, SOAPF leftover. Just annoying and boring. Melodies, verses, riffs, solo... But, it has excellent chorus. Most powerful on the whole album. How did they fit chorus this good, on a song so bad!?

Dead Eyes - Has some cool melodic riffing but this song is way too slow. Needs to be like 30% faster for this to work. Melodic pre-chorus is quite good. Chorus is catchy but pop-ish beyond belief. Instead of a boring solo we get something that was once part of almost every IF song - fantastic melody buildup, from clean guitar to full blown power chords with harmonized melody. That abruptly ends and Anders continues with some empty, boring verse. Why!? Chorus again and song ends.

Monsters in the Ballrom - STYE rippoff riffing. Aggressive and so annoying. Terrible verses: music-boring, Anders-awful. Another overly popy chorus with stupid lyrics and shitty vocals. Another bad solo. Rusted Nail is shit (excluding chorus) MitB is shittier.

Filtered Truth - Gay beginning goes into best riff on album. Gay pre-chorus. Simple but good chorus. Nothing breathtaking but still... Happy sounding solo, but at least makes some sense and some efforts was put in making it. Chorus - riff - electro fart.

All things taken into account, I find the whole album a bit better then after first two spins. Suffers from lazy songwriting, lack of proper riffs and solos, repetitive song structures, bad arrangements on most of the verses, lack of dynamics (too slow, too monotone). I'll give it a strong 6/10 and be done with it 'till I hear the (supposedly better) bonus tracks.
Those fuckers better not only play When the World Explodes in Scandinavium. I'm going to Hovet, the Stockholm concert. And I think that chick is from Stockholm as well, making it a bigger chance for me, hopefully.

I guess that for DVD-filming purposes the shows at Hovet and Scandinavium will be exactly the same.
In Flames say they write these songs for live performance, but I don't see many of these giving the crowd much energy. Slow, plodding mid-tempo numbers aren't exactly show-stealers. The setlist will be worse off for the exclusion of SOAPF songs, imo.

For some time they were opening with The Chosen Pessismist... I honestly don't know what they were thinking. Whether you like or dislike that song, it's not a live number, especially to play the entire 8 minutes! They opened a show I went to in London with TCP and the crowd was dead for those first eight minutes. The absolute worst way to open a show. The TJR medley drew a great reaction, though, funnily enough.

I think TCP thing worked great when they did the curtains thing until the distorted guitars kicked in.

I do think some of these songs will be awesome live. Especially Paralyzed. It's not like Cloud Connected, Only For The Weak, Deliver Us, Alias, Where The Dead Ships Dwell aren't mid-tempo bro.

I also think Rusted Nail will work great, the chorus will definitely spark energy. I can see them opening their set with Rusted Nail, the intro to that song is somewhat similar to the intro to SoAPF.
I think TCP thing worked great when they did the curtains thing until the distorted guitars kicked in.

See, I originally thought they were gonna have the TCP intro (w/curtains) then break into a more melodic track like The Mirror's Truth, but instead they played the whole of TCP and it was horribly flat. It would have been fine with just the intro, but doing the entire song was a huge mistake and did not start the concert in an energetic fashion at all. Bands almost always make their opening number a fast paced, energetic song to get the crowd going. I didn't and still don't see the logic in using TCP as an opening song.

Obviously they've dropped it now but TCP ate up 8 minutes of time that could have been spent on two far better and crowd pleasing songs. Sometimes it seems like vanity from Anders - he's obviously had a big influence on this unusual song and will force us all to listen to the entire thing despite it being a very poor live song.
Just listened to the album version of Where the Dead Ships Dwell. What an amazing song for it being modern In Flames. Acceptable as far acceptable pop-metal can be.

Destroys anything on this garbage pile we've just heard.
Just listened to the album version of Where the Dead Ships Dwell. What an amazing song for it being modern In Flames. Acceptable as far acceptable pop-metal can be.

Destroys anything on this garbage pile we've just heard.

Absolutely. Great song, very powerful. That chorus is just fantastic, nothing on SC holds a candle to it.

I could understand a positive reaction to SC if it had come after ASOP, but we've just come off In Flames' most powerful and diverse album in some time and now they give us this? It's such a let down.

I love the energy on SOAPF. The atmosphere of the album draws you in and they finally seemed to work out how to fit Anders' clean vocal style into their songs without destroying them. It's like they forgot everything about the SOAPF sessions and regressed back to ASOP's uninspired mindset. I really can't articulate how disappointed I am (though I'm trying my best :D).

I can appreciate people attempting to take positives out of SC. It's been three years, it's new stuff and few people listen to the album intending to dislike or hate it. But the positives here all seem to be grasping at straws and pretending they didn't release an amazing album three years ago (or making laughable remarks about how these new songs are somehow superior).
SOAPF is an amazing, amazing album. Don't get me wrong. But I like Siren Charms just the same way. Please, accept that without trying to tell me that I'm fooling myself.
Sorry, but in my professional opinion as a doctor of bro studies I think you are :D