Still waiting for a better leak...
I think the production took a huge change from Whoracle to Colony even if it's still Fredman. new amps, tighter drum production/sound. Production sounded more modern and polished than Whoracle and back.
I agree. Especially on the drums. TJR had better snare sound than Whoracle, I don't know why though. Colony and Clayman had the best production imo, most likely Clayman takes the throne.
Whoracle is my favorite album but the drums and snare especially bother me a bit some times.
You must remember that the drummer at that time was Bjorn.
Yeah but Björn played the drums on TJR also. I didn't mean he was bad, I meant the production on the snare drums on Whoracle is a bit weird. Regressed in quality if you compare it to TJR.
I don't think he was a bad drummer at all. He was just a regular good drummer, nothing special. Daniel is a really good drummer though. Jesper did all the drums on Lunar Strain and he's apparently much worse than Björn ever was.
Svářeč;10897427 said:I usually have no problem understanding what people like about music I don't like, but this:
no offense but I just don't get it. WEWO is such a weak song, Paralyzed is so much better and more powerful song (though it's not something miraculous) yet you rate it just 5/10. Siren Charms feels so half-done and the chorus is possibly the weakest on the album. And When the World Explodes, well the only good things about this song are those female vocals and the electronics in the chorus which generate some atmosphere. Everything else in this song is just wrong.
I'll probably wait for a better quality leak to come out before listening to this again. It's sad, but after 3/4 spins I have literally no desire to listen to any of these songs again. It's the only In Flames' album I can say that for - I even had ASOP on repeat for months.
Yeah. Goodtimes.
You know, I've got a friend who's a drummer, and he says that Daniel is just a good drummer. And Bjorn recently said that he was not a drummer at all, he was just playing drums with local kids ore something like that.
Nonono, he was working at a youth center and taught drums to the local kids. Björn was just a decent drummer though. Jesper kinda sucked but he managed to record decent parts for Lunar Strain. In the same interview you are talking about Björn got asked by Jesper to play drums on Lunar Strain just because Jesper thought he was much better than him. They jammed a bit but he didn't think it sounded that good but he regretted it a little bit after he heard how good Lunar Strain was afterwards, that's why he jumped at the chance when he got another chance on TJR. Daniel definitely isn't some technical god or a big name in the industry, but he's a solid drummer IMO. I think he's even better on the two Sacrilege records though, super young and energetic.
The guy who ripped the album first ripped it properly and updated the download links here:
I've compared Filtered Truth to the leaked pre-release version; and it's identical, so the leak is now in proper quality.