Okay. The album they just wrote the don't actually like, they just wrote it for monetary gain. In reality, they rather make another Whoracle but they are so money hungry that they rather make music they aren't satisfied with. Playing those songs 500 times live that you don't like? No problem, money in the pocket.
Siren Charms = Business decision, time to rake in the fat dough guys
The new album, it sucks. Guitar driven songs? Nope, not on Siren Charms, can't hear a single guitar riff or melody, it's all just Anders trying to sing and failing miserably accompanied by boring drums and forgettable electronics. And where is Peter Iwers, is he fucking sleeping? I remember him when he actually wanted to play base like his slick bass-part in Insipid 2000.
There's no chance people will actually like this pile of crap, even those who liked ASOP and SoAPF.
This album def will sell very few copies, just look at the Youtube comments on Rusted Nail and Through Oblivion for proof. Look at all the other songs on the album that has leaked on Youtube as well, the dislike ratio is 9/1 and all the comments are negative.
Every person who actually likes this garbage is under a spell or confused what real music sounds like.
IF are going to alienate their fans if they continue down this road. Watch them try to return to the old sound to win back their fans when they are noticing they are losing their fanbase.
Siren Charms 1/10 would not listen again. Anders ruined this band.
Oh, they like it. Bjorn said that it was their best album ever. But, you know, the bands that doesn't change their sound, they love their albums too.
And also, you can love your work even when you know you did an effort to be more comercial, there's no rule against.
There is people, I'm one of them, that thinks the album sucks. There is people, you're one of them, who thinks the album is great. And I respect both opinions. But it's great that we can discuss about our points of view. You know, I will not try to convince anyone who likes this album to not like it, because I still like the past albums despite what people says about them.
Of course I'm one of those who thinks that Anders ruined the band, just because you now, this album semlls so much of him (I don't know if it's wekk writen). But that's my opinion. As is my opinion that, in fact, Anders has never been too much into metal. But maybe I'm wrong.
And you know as I know that, if this album is a step back to their career, they will go back to a more "clasical metal" sound, and if it is a big success, they will go on to a more "comercial" sound.
I know you people would like everyone to love this album. You know We would like everyone to hate this album. But it's better if everyone has his own opinion as we don't have the same tastes nor listen to the exact same music. (I guess all I wrote is understandable).