In Plain View is the only song that would have sounded OK on SOAPF. The rest would only fit in on ASOP.
What? Rusted Nail and Filtered Truth sound exactly like leftovers from SoaPF. They've got that feeling.
In Plain View is the only song that would have sounded OK on SOAPF. The rest would only fit in on ASOP.
Unfortunately for you this is bullshit. Nobody's expecting MDM, most of us just wanted an album on the same level as SOAPF, rather than a collection of tracks that sound like that album's B-sides.
It's quite funny really, the only arguments people seem to have in defence of this album is "you're not listening to it with an open mind" or "stop expecting them to play MDM" ... as if there's no way anybody could dislike this album otherwise![]()
Svářeč;10898169 said:What? Rusted Nail and Filtered Truth sound exactly like leftovers from SoaPF. They've got that feeling.
C'mon man we all know how you guys acted. Always complainig about stuff, even with the songs you like. If they did something like SOAPF most of the forum would be like, "why did they do SOAPF PT2, this album sucks". So Im not expecting from you to like this album. You're gonna complain anyway. Im just tired to see same messages all over the tread.
C'mon man we all know how you guys acted. Always complainig about stuff, even with the songs you like. If they did something like SOAPF most of the forum would be like, "why did they do SOAPF PT2, this album sucks". So Im not expecting from you to like this album. You're gonna complain anyway. Im just tired to see same messages all over the tread.
C'mon man we all know how you guys acted. Always complainig about stuff, even with the songs you like. If they did something like SOAPF most of the forum would be like, "why did they do SOAPF PT2, this album sucks". So Im not expecting from you to like this album. You're gonna complain anyway. Im just tired to see same messages all over the tread.
C'mon man we all know how you guys acted. Always complainig about stuff, even with the songs you like. If they did something like SOAPF most of the forum would be like, "why did they do SOAPF PT2, this album sucks". So Im not expecting from you to like this album. You're gonna complain anyway. Im just tired to see same messages all over the tread.
It sounds like you just want everyone to say "yaaaay In Flames!!" and that be the end of it. Thankfully some of us are a little more interesting than that.
A88 and myself have both posted a few positives about the album, which you've apparently overlooked, but if you're unhappy with people posting their true feelings about the album I suggest you fuck off to JesterHead where everybody will be having a huge circle-jerk about it.
In Plain View is quite an effective opener with its electro intro and its short guitar solo-ish melody in the beginning. I actually like Anders voice a lot in the verses, and Daniel's work is pretty effective throughout the song. The chorus is quite punk-ish with a very nice guitar melody. The biggest moment in this song is the instrumental part after the second chorus, this part sounds like it comes straight from Come Clarity. - 7.5
Everything's Gone begins like a thrash metal song, and the guitars are definitely loud and quite death metal in this tune. Anders voice totally softens the heaviness of guitars during the verses, and not for the worse. The chorus is very powerful and I'd love to see that live with the crowd screaming the lyrics. The end of the guitar solo is very reminiscent of Slayer (if you ever heard Raining Blood). The song ends the same way it began: abruptly. - 7
Paralyzed starts with a short elecro intro followed by very groovy riffs that only In Flames know the secret for. Anders then sings over a shift between electro loops and groovy riffs followed by a palmed bridge. An amazing chorus then explodes with great vocals and a nice job done here by Daniel. Anders shows here that he has never been better at clean singing and Björn performs one of his classic solos (without wah this time). Chorus goes crazy in the end of the song. - 8.5
Through Oblivion is one of the softer songs on the album. The chorus is driven by a great work done with the keys and the soft part after the second chorus is mesmerizing. This song is the most pop-ish song they ever made and acts like a soft break in the rythm of the album. Great song, but weird choice as a single. - 7
With Eyes Wide Open is a hit. The opening riff is quite powerful, and the guitars during the verse are very reminiscent of The Jester's Dance. Anders' voice is silky smooth here, he did an amazing work throughout the song. The chorus is one of the best they ever did in my opinion. The bluesy touch added by Björn before the last chorus fits in perfectly. One of the best songs on the album. - 9.5
Siren Charms takes you on a boat, rolling over deep seas as the clean melody goes up and down before the sky-rocketing chorus. The break part is OK but the last chorus is definitely a big moment of this album. - 7.5
When The World Explodes is the most aggressive song of this effort. Slap-in-you-face palmed guitars and big screams all over the place, and then comes this female voice. Wow. Finally, the chorus transcends the song, emancipates itself from it and literally explodes in this huge atmospheric ending. - 8
Rusted Nail is probably the most generic song of the album. To me, it's the only song that doesn't have anything special for itself. It's quite enjoyable especially the last chorus, but not an exceptional song to me. - 6
Dead Eyes begins with quite a simple riff driven by keys like the one in the begining of Alias. Then, the clean guitars during the verse are reminiscent of Square Nothing, and Anders sings with a mid-saturated voice (and that, he does well). Chorus is amazing IMO one of their best ever, but you have to give it a few listens to understand it really. The break part is very melodic. - 9.5
Monsters in the Ballroom starts with a pitched version of the Behind Space 99' intro followed by thrashy and groovy riffs. At first, I had trouble understanding the chorus but I love it now, and this song has a great ending. - 7.5 or 8
Filtered Truth is a mix between AC/DC, modern rock, melodeath metal and Irish punk. This song has quite a catchy chorus and a very good solo. - 7.5
The Chase opens with an electronic guitar looping over and over, playing the same few notes with an industrial feeling. A few seconds after comes a riff that could totally be on A Sense of Purpose. Anders kicks in with a weighty grawl over a groovy riff, but trades his anger against harmonized cleans quickly after that. An amospheric bridge precedes one of the best choruses on this effort, quite pop-ish but very efficient. The solo on this song has a very pleasent atmospheric part and a well-built tapping. The last chorus gets more and more atmospheric and melts into a mesmerizing outro played by a piano over electronic sounds. - 8.5
Become The Sky starts with the song of a robot cricket, followed by a dark riff. Anders is half-singing, half-screaming during the verses which is very powerful. The chorus is the perfect balance between atmospheric and powerful "I'm weightleeeess, when I becooooome the skyyyy. / The Earth, the Moon, the Sun, beneath me...". Very, very fucking efficient. The structure of the song is different from other songs as there are only two choruses (like "Ropes" and "Fear is the Weakness"), the second one is longer than the first one. Björn plays a wah-ish solo in the middle of the song, and the track ends with the same dark riff it opened with. This song should totally be on the record. - 9
Svářeč;10898208 said:Where the fuck did you get these bonus songs? Or are you just trolling us?
Svářeč;10898208 said:Where the fuck did you get these bonus songs? Or are you just trolling us?
My brother-in-law writes some reviews in a big webzine. And no, I can't share them, sorry.
We had a birthday party and I stole it from his iPod using Winamp (bro, if you read this, I won't share, I promise).![]()
Wow, you're now my idol, no matter what kind of shitty music you like.![]()
It sounds like you just want everyone to say "yaaaay In Flames!!" and that be the end of it. Thankfully some of us are a little more interesting than that.
A88 and myself have both posted a few positives about the album, which you've apparently overlooked, but if you're unhappy with people posting their true feelings about the album I suggest you fuck off to JesterHead where everybody will be having a huge circle-jerk about it.
We had a birthday party and I stole it from his iPod using Winamp (bro, if you read this, I won't share, I promise).![]()