In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

Here's a little something I came up with while giving the album another listen:

Songs that start with a melodic/heavy intro followed by a slower/quieter verse and Anders singing: 9 out of 11
Exclusions: Through Oblivion, Filtered Truth

Songs that have a wah-wah wanky solo/instrumental part roughly 3/4 into the track: 9 out of 11
Exclusions: Through Oblivion, With Eyes Wide Open (appears half way through the song instead)

Songs with a sing-along pop chorus: 9 out of 11
Exclusions: Everything's Gone, When The World Explodes

Songs that end with the chorus: 11 out of 11
Exclusions: None


And people want to try and argue In Flames are still creative? I'm actually a little shocked by these results myself - this album is formula song-writing from beginning to end. The lack of originality is absolutely appalling. These are almost all pop-structure from start to finish.

Basically, the song that deviates most from the norm on Siren Charms is Through Oblivion :D

Wow, boring song structures were obvious from the start, but this bad... Again, wow.

BTW, I listened the whole album today again, and after the new-IF/fresh-music factor is gone, my opinion about SC is not getting any better. Bonus track doesn't help the situation.

Worst In Flames album ever.
Actually most of them are have same structure. Stars slow then melodic part. Solo speeds up and ends with tapping. Deliver Us, RN, Become the Sky are examples for it.

And how are we supposed to listen The Chase?

I meant, listen at them. They're practically the same solo with slighty variations (in fact, the only change between the both of them is a double guitar part just before the end part of the solo).
The same kind of riffs Bjorn is using in the background in like 80% of the solos from SOAPF and SC doesn't help...
Listened (BTS) about ten times. Now my head is aching. I don't like the chorus, I don't like the intro, I can't understand why the solo guitars sound so lame and why the chorus is so boring and generic.

Well, enough with the music by now. Lets start complaining about bad attitudes. I know that there's a part of the old fanbase that act like morons, hating like they enjoy it. I really can understand why people enjoy this album, though I really don't like nothing about it, but people has its tastes.

But, what I cannot stand are some of the new (I will call them fanboys) who new nothing about the band ten years ago, who doesn't like the old albums, and by old I mean everything they released until clayman (included), who call themselves true fans and keep on telling those who doesn't like the album to fuck off and don't speak about the band. So I wanna say somthing. Without those "haters" as they want to call them, there will be no IF, there will be no evolution, no "mature" (though I don't think it's mature), no fucking SC (please, those who like the album excuse me, it's an expresion of rage against those kids), for this people has been suporting the band through the hard times and kept on when the good times came. So, at least, I would expect some respect, for if they (we) are disapointed with the album they have more right to tell than anyone else. I don't think the band should do music to please their fans, nor the old nor the new, but everibody should keep in mind that without their support IF would've never become the band that is now.
Wait, guys who keep badmouthing In Flames, calling everything they've done since Clayman utter shit, spending their days in front of facebook to be the first ones with some "witty" comment like how they should disband already are actually what keeps IF aive, while the ones who can appreciate some of the new material as well, have positive reviews about them, buying the new albums and give IF some nice words of appreciation when they think they really did something good are actually hurting IF?

My favourites are the """"""""IF fans"""""""" who rally others to not buy the new album and don't attend their concerts. Just how sad one can be?
Wait, guys who keep badmouthing In Flames, calling everything they've done since Clayman utter shit, spending their days in front of facebook to be the first ones with some "witty" comment like how they should disband already are actually what keeps IF aive, while the ones who can appreciate some of the new material as well, have positive reviews about them, buying the new albums and give IF some nice words of appreciation when they think they really did something good are actually hurting IF?

My favourites are the """"""""IF fans"""""""" who rally others to not buy the new album and don't attend their concerts. Just how sad one can be?

Or you din't carefully read my post or you didn't understand a single word. Haha.
Here's a little something I came up with while giving the album another listen:

Songs that start with a melodic/heavy intro followed by a slower/quieter verse and Anders singing: 9 out of 11
Exclusions: Through Oblivion, Filtered Truth

Songs that have a wah-wah wanky solo/instrumental part roughly 3/4 into the track: 9 out of 11
Exclusions: Through Oblivion, With Eyes Wide Open (appears half way through the song instead)

Songs with a sing-along pop chorus: 9 out of 11
Exclusions: Everything's Gone, When The World Explodes

Songs that end with the chorus: 11 out of 11
Exclusions: None


And people want to try and argue In Flames are still creative? I'm actually a little shocked by these results myself - this album is formula song-writing from beginning to end. The lack of originality is absolutely appalling. These are almost all pop-structure from start to finish.

Basically, the song that deviates most from the norm on Siren Charms is Through Oblivion :D

The song structures may basically be the same, but the sound of the songs are not. The album IS diverse soundwise. The length of all the songs aren't the same either.

I didn't really think of it before you looked all that up though, meaning it doesn't really mean anything to me. Personally, if there's a song by any band that has a awesome chorus, I'd love to hear it as many times as possible in the song. I hate when I hear 5min songs and there's only 1-2 choruses which might be the highlight of the song. A song with a good chorus should at least be heard 3 or 4 times IMO, but might just be me.

As far as The Chase, doesn't seem anyone have ripped a version of that yet, it is however available on Spotify (for scandinavians only I think), going to listen to it now.

EDIT: The Chase is also a very good song in my eyes. Really like the melodic riffing, especially in the chorus. Also one of the albums best solos. Very beautiful outro as well, sounds like despair.
It's easy to be vague and abstract about liking the album, calling it diverse without providing any proof that it is... but the song structures alone highlight an undeniable fact that this album is 100% formulated and lacking any true creative effort.
Thanks ciko_gfb, 75% interview though :p as for you de4life, I said the sound of the songs sound diverse. The song structures can still be same and sound diverse. I mean just compare Paralyzed, Through Oblivion, When the World Explodes, Siren Charms, Everything's Gone & Monsters in the Ballroom, none of the songs sound the same, they are all diverse from each other.
What, so because the songs have different riffs that makes them creative? :D I don't call using the same riff over and over again for verse, somewhat different riff repeatedly for chorus and the same meandering solo in the same place in every song especially creative. Not to mention they've essentially borrowed some of those riffs from their previous work anyway :D

There's a lot more to creativity as a musician than just making the songs sound different, if the structures on them are all the same then it's much harder for the listener to remember what makes them different - hence why pretty much everybody here who's had positive things to say about the album has needed 10+ spins to try and single out things they find interesting.

As an aside, With Eyes Wide Open is Anders' best vocal performance on the album imo. His singing is actually tolerable on this track.
Now following the path of Stone Sour. Soon we'll have a Wicked Game live version.

It's a shame they did not this before, by the time of CC when they have a bunch of songs (from that and the previous albums) that would've sound great acoustic.
Thanks ciko_gfb, 75% interview though :p as for you de4life, I said the sound of the songs sound diverse. The song structures can still be same and sound diverse. I mean just compare Paralyzed, Through Oblivion, When the World Explodes, Siren Charms, Everything's Gone & Monsters in the Ballroom, none of the songs sound the same, they are all diverse from each other.

Really dude, they are not diverse. Same stuff is repeating from song to song, and they all have the same vibe (except EG).

The only difference is between mellow and aggressive songs.

Basically every verse on SC follows the same formula. Almost every chorus follows the same formula (WtWE and EG being different). Every solo follows the same formula. Every riff behind solos follows the same formula. And as DE4life pointed out (and many of us noticed on first spin) almost every song has the same structure. Really, this must be the most formulaic album ever.

Take IPW and Paralyzed (maybe the best song on album) - they start in the same fucking way. Song 1 and 3 on album.

So much about progressing and exploring.
Actually it's not that diverse. Paralyzed, With Eyes Wide Open, Siren Charms and Dead Eyes have the same or a very similar structure. These would be the most alt rock songs of the album (I mean by vocals and music). Then you have In Plain View, Trough Oblivion, When the World Explodes, Rusted Nail, Monsters In the Ballromm and Filtered Truth, wich I'm gonna call alt metal (just for the guitars), this time they use distorted guitars bellow Anders verses instead of the semi acoustic or the keyboards and Samples. And there is Everythings gone which would be the most different (it's right said?) song of the album, a mix between (a few) dead metal riffs and Nu Metal.

Also, although the music can be slightly different, Anders vocals are basically the same in every song. Yeah, he can growl sometimes or be more melodic, but he is the one keeping the album as a unit.
What, so because the songs have different riffs that makes them creative? :D I don't call using the same riff over and over again for verse, somewhat different riff repeatedly for chorus and the same meandering solo in the same place in every song especially creative. Not to mention they've essentially borrowed some of those riffs from their previous work anyway :D

There's a lot more to creativity as a musician than just making the songs sound different, if the structures on them are all the same then it's much harder for the listener to remember what makes them different - hence why pretty much everybody here who's had positive things to say about the album has needed 10+ spins to try and single out things they find interesting.

As an aside, With Eyes Wide Open is Anders' best vocal performance on the album imo. His singing is actually tolerable on this track.

No I didn't say that. I just said they songs are diverse sounding, they don't all SOUND the same although the song structures on many of them might be the same. I think they did a really good job on the choruses, most of them doesn't sound that similar to my ears. And it's funny with music how opinions differ, like on Liberation that some of u seem to like and I don't. I think his voice sounds worse than the worst clean vocal parts on SC, and the lyrics ruin the song. I really like WEWO, but it's not the best vocal performance imo. I think it's Siren Charms. Although the first verse is like 30% mumble mixed with cleans. I really like after the first chorus when he sings ''I gave youuuuuuu'', never heard him sing like that.
It's not that the structures MIGHT be the same, they ARE the same :D

There is nothing outstanding or diverse about the majority of riffs on SC, if we're being honest. Really listen to the music behind Anders' vocals - it's so plain. It would not have taken much effort to put those verses together at all.

I do agree that the choruses are catchy, but then In Flames can write a catchy chorus in their sleep. It isn't that difficult - thousands of bands release albums yearly with catchy chorus lines. Weren't they supposed to be breaking away from that in this album? I see people calling this album "experimental" but it isn't - it's the very definition of unexperimental, it's completely formulaic in every respect. They have too much talent to be writing such bland, effortless music. They just seem to have either rushed the album this time around and not come up with enough good ideas in the six weeks they had (most likely scenario imo) or they planned to make a formulated, commercial album from the get-go (Anders did say in SOAPF he had a better plan...)
Not an experimental album? Maybe you mean it in a different way, but it definitely is experimental compared to all previous efforts.
So, now we should expect IF writing heavy, experimental, non-commercial album...

I mean, they are all for evolving and shit, not caring what the fans think, not caring what the label wants, doing the music in highest artistic standards and stuff. :D

Dream Theaters and Meshuggas of this world, tremble!

On more serious note... Why did Bjorn wrote album by himself? I'm Engelin is in band for how long now?

Also, it's quite astonishing that Peter and Daniel never come up with some songs.

More stuff is written by keyboard guy and Anders producer.

Not an experimental album? Maybe you mean it in a different way, but it definitely is experimental compared to all previous efforts.

Why? What is new?

Clean vocals? Nope.
Boring song structures? Nope.
Electronics? Nope.
Drumming? Devolving from SOAPF.
Bass? Unnoticeable.
Riffs? Standard stuff, even ripoffs from old material?
Solos? Copy-past from ASOP and SOAPF.
Choruses? Nope.

Now, that poorly written verses could count as experimental, as they've never done that too much...

So really, doing popish choruses and like 9 clean sung songs instead of 2 per album now count as experimental? Damn!
Not an experimental album? Maybe you mean it in a different way, but it definitely is experimental compared to all previous efforts.

Song structures are very similar to ASOP, and the ballads on the album are a lot less experimental than something like The Chosen Pessimist or Metaphor, so what about it is so hugely experimental?

They've done clean sung songs before. They've done big, catchy choruses before. They've had female vocalists in songs before. They've written ballads before.

What exactly is so experimental about Siren Charms? It just seems to have taken the most bland parts of their previous experiments and thrown them haphazardly together in the same basic pop formula.
So, now we should expect IF writing heavy, experimental, non-commercial album...

I mean, they are all for evolving and shit, not caring what the fans think, not caring what the label wants, doing the music in highest artistic standards and stuff. :D

Dream Theaters and Meshuggas of this world, tremble!

On more serious note... Why did Bjorn wrote album by himself? I'm Engelin is in band for how long now?

Also, it's quite astonishing that Peter and Daniel never come up with some songs.

More stuff is written by keyboard guy and Anders producer.
Well it's hard for Daniel to write songs unless he can play another instrument other than the drums decently. It would be hard to build a song after Daniel's drums. You gotta build the song from the riffs. Peter and Daniel does write their ''own parts'' on their instruments though, although Björn writes the ''songs'' if you understand. I know Peter fibbles with a guitar in his own time though, he just started a new band/project with 3 other guys that I think is going to be mellow/rocky stuff.

As for Niclas this time around, don't know. Maybe he did other stuff/projects, he did record the Engel record in the summer so he might've written bunch of stuff for that during the same time. Or maybe he doesn't want to interfere with the guys, he might think they do a good job alone and doesn't need his songwriting. I think there's a much bigger chance for him to be involved in the songwriting on the next album though.