In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

Truth be told, IF is the first "power metal with growls" MDM band. Hence why they were the most successful one. You get all the melody and WOW element, without the gay vocals, boring drums and weak ass riffing.

I wouldn't say this, I'd say Children Of Bodom is the one who pushed the power metal with growls envelope. I personally think they kinda ruined MDM for me. Too many bands sounding like that, not enough Death Metal + Iron Maiden style bands anymore.

And that's what I thought In Flames was, but taking the Iron Maiden part further than the Death Metal part, ergo being more melodic than the other MDM bands out there.
What some of you guys are failing to realise is that it isn't just that the structures are the same, but that the TYPE of structure is the same. It's the same type of intro, the same type of verse, the same type of chorus and the same type of solo in almost every song. Such lack of creativity is inexcusable for a band that has proven themselves to have so much talent.

It's sad to see fans viciously defending this effortless drivel, because in order for the band to improve themselves the fans have to demand the best from them. Like any creative medium, the artist thrives on the reaction of the audience they are presenting their work to. If they get a positive reaction it assures them they've tried their hardest and produced something to the best of their abilities, if the reaction is poor then they work harder to release better material next time.

When the In Flames fanboys blindly clap like seals for everything they do it's not only embarrassing but detrimental to the band itself. We all know they are capable of much better than Siren Charms, so why would anyone accept that this is a great album and laud it as something special when it simply isn't?
What some of you guys are failing to realise is that it isn't just that the structures are the same, but that the TYPE of structure is the same. It's the same type of intro, the same type of verse, the same type of chorus and the same type of solo in almost every song. Such lack of creativity is inexcusable for a band that has proven themselves to have so much talent.

It's sad to see fans viciously defending this effortless drivel, because in order for the band to improve themselves the fans have to demand the best from them. Like any creative medium, the artist thrives on the reaction of the audience they are presenting their work to. If they get a positive reaction it assures them they've tried their hardest and produced something to the best of their abilities, if the reaction is poor then they work harder to release better material next time.

When the In Flames fanboys blindly clap like seals for everything they do it's not only embarrassing but detrimental to the band itself. We all know they are capable of much better than Siren Charms, so why would anyone accept that this is a great album and laud it as something special when it simply isn't?

^Indisputable. 100% correct.

^New metal injection review
But it means structurally they sound alike (you admit this), which gets boring very fast. The formula is the same> Numetal jump up'n down riff, verse and then chorus/hook.

"we shifted the melody from the guitars to the vocals" - anders friden.

So awful.

Many bands from all genres apart from maybe prog follow the same verse/chorus/verse/bridge/chorus structure. Using this as an excuse to criticize IF just dont make sense as IF have used this structure in the majority of their songs over their career. IF used the same structure in ASOP for the majority of the songs, but most of those songs (maybe apart from Alias, TCP and Mirrors Truth) sounded the same after I listened to it once. For SC i could easily identify each song separately after one listen.
Many bands from all genres apart from maybe prog follow the same verse/chorus/verse/bridge/chorus structure. Using this as an excuse to criticize IF just dont make sense as IF have used this structure in the majority of their songs over their career. IF used the same structure in ASOP for the majority of the songs, but most of those songs (maybe apart from Alias, TCP and Mirrors Truth) sounded the same after I listened to it once. For SC i could easily identify each song separately after one listen.

Shots fired. I completely agree. They've been using the basic rock formula for a lot of their stuff, and yet ASOP songs sound the same, while Siren Charms sounds different between each track to keep it fresh.

"100% indisputable"
^Indisputable. 100% correct.

Get off DE's dick. Lol. I get what he's saying but I don't really agree that they are the same type of structural elements in each song. Yeah, a lot of songs start with a nice riff and then Anders comes in and messes with their typical verse melody from all their past albums, but to me, it works here. I like that it's different from their other stuff. I don't really think this album is all too experimental, but it is pretty different for them. TCP, Metaphor, Bedtime Story, The Attic, those are experimental tracks. For the most part (if at all), there are no songs like those on SC. I agree with DE that only positive praise will inflate an ego to a dangerous level, I just don't think that's happening here (here as in the whole world of IF fans). I don't think it will be different from any other time they released an album. Personally, I like the album a good amount, but still have some critiques. A little more variety in the song structures, more dual guitar (nothing crazy, just a rhythm with some lead over it more often), and a heavier production (I enjoy the guitar and drum sound on the last 3 albums but it is my least favorite, it's the least heavy, too clean). All in all, it's probably my 10th favorite IF album, but I still like it a good amount.
Shots fired. I completely agree. They've been using the basic rock formula for a lot of their stuff, and yet ASOP songs sound the same, while Siren Charms sounds different between each track to keep it fresh.

"100% indisputable"

Really true. I think SOAPF might have the most variety of structures than any of their albums. Possibly Clayman? I'll add that probably the song Colony has my favorite structure with there not actually being a true chorus. There is only a chorus riff and vocal melody as the lyrics are different.
Well sorry, but critics have also been viciously criticizing this "effortless drivel" so I don't understand what's the problem

The difference is that the band's critics aren't letting them get away with producing music without any real effort being put in. Those giving them praise for this album are enabling their belief that they can do the same thing in three years time and the same idiots will fawn over them and say how great it is.

The critics are also a lot more on the ball when it comes to analysing the album itself. A lot of the positive reviews use vague terms and descriptions without ever applying them to specific parts of songs or indeed any songs at all. But at least the reviewers have an excuse - they want more free shit to review from Sony's labels. I'm not sure what the fans have to gain from it, as accepting Siren Charms is essentially admitting you don't care if the band waste their talent on producing mediocre pop-metal for the rest of their days. In which case why not go and find bands that do this music, but much better?

I'm pleased to see there is a noticeable backlash on their facebook and youtube pages regarding their latest songs and hope it continues. It may help them realise they can be much more than this, if they really want to. They responded to the notable criticism of ASOP by producing an incredible album in SOAPF. I hope that the criticism of Siren Charms has the same impact.
So, albums released by "big" melodeath (or "melodeath") bands in 2013 and 2014:

1. Carcass - Surgical Steel (2013)
2. Insomnium - Shadows of the Dying Sun (2014)
3. Dark Tranquillity - Construct (2013)
4. Amon Amarth - Deciever of the Goods (2013)
5. Arch Enemy - War Eternal (2014)
6. Soilwork - The Living Infinite (2013)
7. Children of Bodom - Halo of Blood (2013)
8. In Flames - Siren Charms (2014)

And I expect new ATG to rank somewhere above AE and AA.

In reality, Carcass was a fine return to form, Insomnium quite good by the same stuff as always, DT challenging and good but not great, AA same ol' same ol', AE better then the last one but mediocre, Soilwork decent but mediocre, CoB passable but mediocre, In Flames mediocre bordering terrible.

Bad times for melodeath.
So, albums released by "big" melodeath (or "melodeath") bands in 2013 and 2014:

1. Carcass - Surgical Steel (2013)
2. Insomnium - Shadows of the Dying Sun (2014)
3. Dark Tranquillity - Construct (2013)
4. Amon Amarth - Deciever of the Goods (2013)
5. Arch Enemy - War Eternal (2014)
6. Soilwork - The Living Infinite (2013)
7. Children of Bodom - Halo of Blood (2013)
8. In Flames - Siren Charms (2014)

And I expect new ATG to rank somewhere above AE and AA.

In reality, Carcass was a fine return to form, Insomnium quite good by the same stuff as always, DT challenging and good but not great, AA same ol' same ol', AE better then the last one but mediocre, Soilwork decent but mediocre, CoB passable but mediocre, In Flames mediocre bordering terrible.

Bad times for melodeath.
My take on those releases:
Carcass - Surgical Steel, not even melodeath, regardless, I don't really like the band but objectively they did a good job with the album.
InsomniumI don't really like Insomnium to much. They've done their melancholic melodeath for so long now and it's boring me out, and I mostly don't really like the vocalist that much either. Also too much acoustic passages for my taste. It's a solid band, but not for me.
Dark Tranquillity - Construct Huge disappointment for me. I only like very few songs off of it. The bonus track Immemorial is fucking awesome though. Last two albums haven't been that good IMO.
Amon Amarth - Deceiver of the Gods Another awesome album by AA, one of my favorite bands. They know what to do and they do it well. One might call it boring but for me their trademark tremolos never get old and no one can match Johan's growls.
Arch Enemy - War Eternal Honestly only have heard 3-4 tracks off of the new album and I guess it's pretty good, I don't really listen to AE though, but I like Wages of Sin a bit.
Soilwork - The Living InfiniteI LOVE this album, easily their best album ever to me. I'm a huge Soilwork fan as well. I don't understand how you can not like this album unless you only like Steelbath Suicide and Chainheart Machine.
Children of Bodom - Halo of Blood Also a super good ''comeback album''. RRF was average, production ruined what could be some great songs. Halo of Blood is a return to form, there are some of CoB's best songs in a long time. I especially love ''Damaged Through Repair''.
In Flames - Siren Charms Still way to fresh to give a good opinion, but it's another good album in my eyes, we'll see in 2 years how well it holds, but I still love SoAPF and listen to many songs from there regularly.

2015 will be a good metal year as well. Maybe not your guys cup of tea, but Ensiferum is coming out with a new one and hopefully this one doesn't suck like the last one. Also Gojira is coming with a new one and I'm super stoked for that one. ATG in 7 weeks I won't mind either. Maybe even Wintersun will release Time II next year, that would be a pleasant surprise. Probably some other band I forget now but there's good stuff coming.
I have to agree, Carcass hearkens back to when melodic death metal was actually melodic death metal.

I'm sorry but I can't stand bands like Amon Amarth and Children of Bodom
I tried listening to Everytime I Die again and I couldn't even get into it.
I have to agree, Carcass hearkens back to when melodic death metal was actually melodic death metal.

Yep... Growls, real riffs and good melody. Plus, Carcass has that cynical black humor edge I really like, and weird lyrics. None of this emo shit.
Since In Flames was such a massive letdown, I'd say that while Cannibal Corpse isn't exactly melo-death... A Skeletal Domain is now the album with the most expectations for me.

Hear this out if you're into some really heavy stuff. - Also, fun side-note, Cannibal Corpse toured with In Flames just a year ago.

Anyone seen anything about the Instrumental LP rips yet? I have the LP:s, and the instrumentals are... well, great.
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I really dont understand that people who like Insomnium and AA. Yes they have few good songs but every album sounds same. It's really boring, for me atleast.

But seriously, why didnt The Chase leaked?
I'm happy the album is receiving positive reviews from many fans; in the case of R2R and ASOP I could (or could've, haven't been around for R2R) understand the initial 9-1 hate/like ratio, but when I read comments here like "this is not an In Flames album/this is not In Flames anymore" I can't find enough hands to facepalm with.

I like how Anders and co. managed to produce the softest IF album without breaking the big picture of In Flames. Most of the songs still "rock", you won't hold torches to the air during Everything's Gone, Paralyzed, Siren Chams, In Plain View, Filtered Truth. etc., some of these are just more delicate. I'm not afraid at all from the live experience in this september, because they have enough screaming-madness songs in their catalog, and Anders said that while he deliberately avoided screaming on this album, he will definetly do it live; it just did not fit the album's concept.

You're happy because you like the album. I don't like the album and I'm not happy nor disapointed about those who give negative reviews because, first, it's their personal opinion and, second, I don't listen to music just to be with the masses.

Anders will scream live because his cleans sucks (althought nowadays his live screams also sucks), and he is well aware of this.