I haven't attended a live In Flames show since 2008, with their old songs almost entirely dropping off the setlist there is no reason to go and be bored by a setlist comprising primarily of "the hits" + ASOP & SC. I'm not even interested in hearing the SOAPF songs live because Anders can't sing outside of the studio.
Of course, the irony is that with less older fans attending in protest of their new material there is even less incentive for the band to play their older stuff. But I can take solace in my memories of seeing them in the early and mid-00's when a lot of the older stuff was still on the setlist and they played it very well. Seeing Satellites & Astronauts live still ranks up there as one of my best memories of a live band.
What about R2R-STYE-CC? You dislike the latest 3 albums (maybe consider SOAPF OK, but OK is not good) while probably like the TJR-Whoracle-Colony era the best, but I did not seem to pick up comments from you about those 3 albums. Would you go to concerts if it was heavily based on those 3 albums, while the first and last 3 albums (Lunar Strain excluded) only get like one or two songs per setlist?
If you hated the R2R-STYE-CC era as well it would make me question why do you even have faith in IF to produce another record that is similiar to their pre-2000 sound, or at the very least a mix of both like Clayman. I always thought people who consider them IF fans (and not "once IF fans") are on message boards like this or Facebook because they at least enjoy their concerts. Like, NIN have a vast variety of songs, and while there are always debate which album or era was the best, there is little to no arguement that they put up amazing shows. (note: they play a lot of older songs though, haven't checked IF setlists lately)
I'm a newer fan myself but I had no problem with them playing a 50-50 setlist with newer/older songs having a balanced place. They have many great songs on their earlier records and Zombie Inc. has probably the most epic 30-40 seconds segment in the IF catalog and I'd be happy to eject some newer hit for it. Songs like that, or Colony, or Moonshield or Jotun or a whole lotta more would not alienate new fans at all.
But we have to keep in mind this:
"Old IF": 3 albums
"New IF": now 6 albums
Clayman is pretty much 0,5 for both sides, but OFTW is a staple and LS gives one whole song to the old IF category. Maybe it's my LS hate speaking from me, but if IF wanted to select some old goodies for their setlist I'd rather take anything from TJR-Whoracle-Colony than any of the LS songs. They are simply better quality songs and from an era that actually defined the sounding of IF.
Anyway, if I were IF I'd definetly do a club-tour after the SC tour where I played a lot of older songs (even STYE songs can be considered old ones today) while ejecting the "must play" songs or limiting them to 1/show. Not for the fans in particular, but for myself as well. Sure, my favourite album would always be the last one, I would be pretty stupid to release the album I don't consider my best (there are rare exceptions though, but bands tied to labels can't release such on-the-fly albums/eps), but I sure as hell would enjoy playing 1. older hits again, must feel rejuvenating 2. songs not- or rarely ever played. There's also the possibility of playing an album from start to finish in one or two shows(would definetly not do it more, you want to keep it as a super special thing), it must give everyone the chills.
I also think it would be easy money, because you don't need any production if you plan to do such a freestyle tour-leg. No needs for pyros and screens if you play Colony or Episode 666.
Btw, older fans not attending as a protest is just a sign that they are no longer interested in IF and they do not dig how they evolved over the years. It should not by any means encourage IF to return to their older styles. I'd be really disappointed if IF only played old fan-favourites just to lure the older fans in. And yes, I would say the same if R2R and STYE would've been the first IF albums while Whoracle and Colony were the new shit. I can respect an artist for wanting to improve, I can not howewer if they want to play cheap tricks on me. Live performance is really about how the band is enjoying themselves. Maybe Anders is a fucking terrible singer live, idk, will hear it soon, but if he will play songs he can get into (whether it's Moonshield or Paralyzed, to give you a contrast) I'd enjoy it for sure, rather than listening to him singing a song he finds "meh" and only doing it for moneyz.
First. The most of the people here, may they be haters or lovers, are listening to the album since it leaked, and I don't think anyone here is blinded by emotions, they're guided by their own tastes.
I repeat, Anders will "scream" (if you wanna call that scream) live because he sucks when live cleans, he just can't keep the tone, everybody knows, and Anders himself Knows.
And the point about the reviews is if the review itself have good points apart from its good or its the worst album ever. I don't like empty reviews, be them negative or positive. If they can't give arguments, them they're bullshit.
I won't be attending, some reason being the new album, that will be a good part of the show, but also dates and distance. It's not easy going for the shows from my city, unless travelling by plane, and I have mortal fear of planes, so I won't be doing a 8 to 14 hours travel car to see them.
If you have to suffer through so much for a concert which's quality you are unsure about then it's entirely understandable, here's hoping they come to play near you in 2015! Where do you live btw?
As for quality reviews, it's just as up to personal taste as our likings of the new album. Let's say someone says XY song on SC is so well written and beautiful. For you it might be empty words, while I might take it as a good review with good arguements (let's pretend he did say why he thinks it's beautiful and a masterpiece), while someone saying the whole album is utter shit and boring because of this and that makes you nod, while I think his arguement is BS and only valid if you view the record from a very specific perspective. Like, I'M pretty sure a site whose writers are hardcore MDM fans will give a pretty bad review to this album, which is a valuable review to people who want to know whether IF made Colony part 2 or not, but extremely unhelpful for a regular music listener, who can listen to everything if it has quality.
I don't really have any music reviewer sites that I trust, especially after fucking Pitchfork gave a 2.0 to NIN's The Fragile and has not retacted to review ever since. Disgusting and goes to show you can always find a review site you can point out saying "see? told you it's the worst thing ever hapened to humanity". Anyhow, I'll be interested how all-around music review sites like IGN, allmusic or even that fucking pitchfork will rate SC. Most of the people will look for those sites for reviews anyway.
Worth noting that without the fans In Flames would not have the lifestyle they have now. They'd be working normal, probably low paid 9-5 jobs like the majority of us. They wouldn't get to travel the world, play in front of thousands, meet their favourite bands or enjoy the facilities of top notch studios. They probably wouldn't have their own restaurants or record labels either. Their popularity started and was sustained by those people who picked up their older records and spread the word. Without those people In Flames would just be another failed upstart Swedish metal band.
The band do owe the fans something, and whilst I don't think they should be forced to play music they don't want to play, neither do I think the fans shouldn't matter when it comes to considering the musical direction for the In Flames brand (and yes, at this point it is a brand). At the very least they could acknowledge the grievances of the older fans and give them some consideration - even if it is giving the older songs some room on the setlist at live shows, rather than just playing "the hits" that drew in the scene kids once the real fans had helped make the band noticeable in the first place.
Your first paragraph is entirely right, if those metalheads did not attend those few hundred people big venues at the start of their career, or did not buy their albums, they would be nowhere. Five years old me would have a pretty hard time to do any of those things. But how can you think they owe you anything aside from playing old songs as well? You describe some fucked up relationship where you know you don't like the other person anymore as much as you used to, but man, you gave each other so much, you better keep suffering and/or limiting your life because you owe her/him.
Also, according to Anders they don't play as many old songs because at that time they did not think about how those songs would transfer to live shows, and most of them sounds shitty. Though I'm not sure why can't they rework 4-5 older songs to fit into the setlist more, it's not like they have to play the song the same way as it was on the album. And if someone would hate on Artifacts of the Black Rain for example because it got a new, electronic intro (like Cloud Connected) and some reworked guitar parts (solo would be the same ofc) to fit the live version better, than that guy is stucked in the past forever and he is hopeless for sure.
By the way, IF can pretty much please new fans with playing OFTW, Take This Life and maybe The Quiet Place while all the other songs could be older ones. The only exception would be festivals, where people are not deep into the IF catalog, so they pretty much have to play a best of show if they want to get invited again, but it's not like they can't throw some random stuff there too as well.
To be honest IF owes only one thing to old fans, but even so to themselves: do not discredit or deny their older material. Anders always emphasize how every one of their album was the best at that time and how crucial they were in their progress as a band. It would be really disgusting if his attitude was more like "yeah, you know, in hindsight they are pretty awful, I don't enjoy them anymore, they were just learning steps, nothing more".
This, or get rid of Anders, Engelin and all producers, then, hire Jesper and Stanne and get back to doing proper stuff.
Hmm, controversial opinion here - not sure how sarcastic you were, if at all -, but I think if it was not for Anders, the band would've died a long time ago. I see people praising Jesper and how he should've never left and IF should'Ve kicked that talentless asshole Anders instead of him. How can you praise an alcoholic so much? It's obvious from interviews that Jesper created a toxic environment to work in, and the only reason he was not kicked immidietly is because of his legacy. See, this is where owing someone gets you. Miss out entire tour legs for drinking? Being impossible to work with? Not caring about the music you try to do at all? Who cares, he's a founding member and he did amazing job on their earlier records so let's just wash his throne and suffer in silence.
We will never know how the leadership shifted in IF during the years, but I read so many stupid comments about how Anders derailed IF while Jesper did not agree with it at all. Just wow, you have to be the biggest pussy in the world if you let someone force you to do stuff you don't want to in your own band and you still stay with them for almost a decade! Hell, even Anders said in interviews how he had to redo his part if the band did not like it. Sure, he sounded salty about it, but if I were told "jeez man, this sucks, try again" after working on something passionately, I'd be pretty mad initially as well.
DE4life was spot on when he said IF is a brand, and it's a brand that would not exist today if Anders had not joined. First of all, no matter how terrible you find his voice, it's characteristic and unique. Unless it's your genre that is mainstream at the moment, you won't get far with a bland, "heard it a million times" voice, even if you can sing better than Anders.
It was also - most likely - Anders who did the most to encourage or fuel the shifting style of IF. On TJR Anders is nothing but an MDM tool, like it or not. I can't think of any TJR song which would suck if it was "random MDM singer #216172318" instead of him. Back to topic, if IF had not evolve, you'd be talking about it on some underground forum with the same people for years.
- Dude, The Jester Race part 4 was so fucking good!
- Yeah, but The Jester Race part 2 was still better imo.
- Who is their singer again?
- I don't know, but semi-decent growls as usual. Such talent!
Now, whether IF preserved their core integrity among all these changes is debateable, but there's not much point to it, because it's a debate that was settled the day Reroute To Remain has been released. If they did not according to hardcore fans, then fuck Anders (and the rest of the band, including Jesper for agreeing with him), erase IF from every social media's "your favourite bands" list. 12 years should be more than enough time to do it. Howewer, if you believe it's still IF, but at least now they are properly payed and praised for their talent, then be thankful to Anders (and the rest of the band, including Jesper for agreeing with him). No, this DOES NOT mean you have to like every record of theirs, just because you liked CC and Colony as well, doesn't mean you have to like ASOP or SC too.
I don't know which category you people are, most of you seem to radiate some positive thoughts about IF, so I would assume the number of "CLAYMAN IS THE LAST GOOD IF ALBUM, THE REST IS 0/10, DONT BUY NEW IF ALBUMS PLS AND KEEP SPAMMING THEIR FB PAGE!!!!"-people are low. Would be cool if everyone's signature contained to answers to such questions as what is your favourite/least favourite IF album, rate the 3 singers IF had from the best to the worst, would you/do you still go to IF concerts, favourite/least favourite IF songs, best/worst shift in IF's music between two albums, how old are you, do you think IF sold out or do you think you just simply don't like their new music, how cool are Anders' glasses on scale of 9 to 10.