In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

I really dont understand that people who like Insomnium and AA. Yes they have few good songs but every album sounds same. It's really boring, for me atleast.

But seriously, why didnt The Chase leaked?

Imsomnium, they play good but yes, they're terribly boring.
I really dont understand that people who like Insomnium and AA. Yes they have few good songs but every album sounds same. It's really boring, for me atleast.

But seriously, why didnt The Chase leaked?

If the albums sound the same, then you have gotten 2 of the same album. Here's 3 songs from 3 different albums. 1 is taken from Versus The World. 1 is taken from With Oden On Our Side, and 1 from Deceiver of the Gods.




A little more than 1 year ago, about 2 weeks before the release of Deceiver Of The Gods, I had no idea of who they were. I am glad I do now.
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Dark Tranquillity - Construct Huge disappointment for me. I only like very few songs off of it. The bonus track Immemorial is fucking awesome though. Last two albums haven't been that good IMO.

I agree with you on this. I thought We Are The Void was an appropriate title for such a boring release, and Construct continues in that industrial-metal vein. I don't really like Stanne's voice so much any more, he's lost a lot of his power and sounds kind of robotic these days. It's a shame but with the type of screaming he and Anders were doing back in the day it was probably inevitable that the pair of them would need to change their styles or risk blowing out their voiceboxes. I still love DT's lyrics and there are a couple of good tracks on both albums, but ultimately they feel quite stale nowadays.

Amon Amarth are a band I've never been able to get into. Vocals have never sounded good to me, though I have seen them live and thought they were solid in a live setting if nothing else. AA and Opeth are the two bands everybody around me is/was into that I could never appreciate.
If the albums sound the same, then you have gotten 2 of the same album. Here's 3 songs from 3 different albums. 1 is taken from Versus The World. 1 is taken from With Oden On Our Side, and 1 from Deceiver of the Gods.




A little more than 1 year ago, about 2 weeks before the release of Deceiver Of The Gods, I had no idea of who they were. I am glad I do now.

I discovered AA in 2007ish, but back then I couldn't stand the vocals but they slowly grew on me. It's the perfect music for the gym, always listen to them. Nothing beats the 1min intro of The Last With Pagan Blood, it's the best intro ever created.
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I'm sorry but I can't stand bands like Amon Amarth and Children of Bodom
I tried listening to Everytime I Die again and I couldn't even get into it.

I like COB up until Hate Crew Deathroll, after that album they just seemed to be going through the motions. I love Every Time I Die, but then I'm also a fan of power metal so it's maybe not a surprise that when PM and MDM is fused I enjoy the end product :D
I like COB up until Hate Crew Deathroll, after that album they just seemed to be going through the motions. I love Every Time I Die, but then I'm also a fan of power metal so it's maybe not a surprise that when PM and MDM is fused I enjoy the end product :D

I never really got into Power Metal so that might be why.

I don't like AA because they sound kinda generic and the lyrics are a bit too dungeons and dragons for me.
I like COB up until Hate Crew Deathroll, after that album they just seemed to be going through the motions. I love Every Time I Die, but then I'm also a fan of power metal so it's maybe not a surprise that when PM and MDM is fused I enjoy the end product :D

Don't you like Halo of Blood then? It has a bunch of similarities to Follow the Reaper.
As much as I hate it, I kind of agree about Dark Tranquillity. As much as I love them, their past 4 albums sounds way too dangerously similar. I think there was a dip in guitar work when their old guitarist was fired. Maybe I'm full of shit. I just haven't heard guitar work as inspiring and melodic as from Gallery - Projector, I'm not sure how much guitar Niklas did on this albums. Not that Henrikson isn't a good guitarist, but there's been a shitload more chugging with small melodic bursts over when the riffs were just straight up melodic.
You're happy because you like the album. I don't like the album and I'm not happy nor disapointed about those who give negative reviews because, first, it's their personal opinion and, second, I don't listen to music just to be with the masses.

Anders will scream live because his cleans sucks (althought nowadays his live screams also sucks), and he is well aware of this.
You do realise much more people hate on every new IF/don't listen to new IF just to be with the masses, right? Some of you guys only heard the entire record yesterday but already made abyssal conclusions. I'm listening to it since it was leaked, so for ~a week, and I still don't really want to give a final verdict. Yes, I like it very much, but will I listen to it next week? Next month? Will some songs start to bore me to death? Or the quite opposite, will I listen to WWE, a song I gave up on after 2 listens? You don't like it, I do, fine, but those who say thisi s the best or worst IF album and then proceed to explain how IF could do so much more and talk about music as an art... you can't judge a new album in such way so fast, unless you are the biggest IF fanboy or biggest IF hater. Both blinded by emotions.

Or, Anders will scream live because he still loves to scream, he just did not want to do it in this album, because he had a clear vision what he wanted to do, and it did not involve screaming? It does not exclude what you are saying either, but even if he couldn't scream now (doubt it, but unless Anders walk into our home and prove it, we won't know for sure), he could've done it in a studio environment.

I really like the review war here though. SC got a positive review? ASSKISSERS. SC got a negative review? Good job, a true and honest reviewer. Sums op the toxic mindset here quite well.

Will you attend to one (or more) of their upcoming show or did the album made you not want to listen to them live either? I mean, most of their songs will be from SC I imagine, and with Rusted Nails and Through Oblivion being the promotional songs, they will be staples for sure - which is kinda bad news for me too, because they are not the best songs on the record by far, but RN should work live better imo.
Don't you like Halo of Blood then? It has a bunch of similarities to Follow the Reaper.

It's a good album, their best since Hatecrew Deathroll imo, but in the same way I don't want In Flames making TJR Part 2 I don't need Follow the Reaper Part 2 either. There are some good songs on there, but a year later I don't really remember many of them and I didn't listen to the CD for too long. I'm probably just not a big fan of MDM like I used to be. The major MDM releases between 1994-2002 I still listen to regularly, but it's been a long time since any new MDM really interested me. Maybe I got all I needed from the older period.

As much as I hate it, I kind of agree about Dark Tranquillity. As much as I love them, their past 4 albums sounds way too dangerously similar. I think there was a dip in guitar work when their old guitarist was fired. Maybe I'm full of shit. I just haven't heard guitar work as inspiring and melodic as from Gallery - Projector, I'm not sure how much guitar Niklas did on this albums. Not that Henrikson isn't a good guitarist, but there's been a shitload more chugging with small melodic bursts over when the riffs were just straight up melodic.

Damage Done was the last DT album I really loved. Character and Fiction were good but few of the songs stood the test of time. DT has become consistently more generic over time and the last two albums haven't resonated with me at all. Again, it might just be because I don't need or want any more MDM from a band that did so much between 1993-2002 anyway. DT moved from being melodic to being... well, I don't really know. Industrial, I suppose, which isn't a metal style I care much for. I appreciate what they're doing but it isn't really my type of music. Perhaps if I had never heard The Gallery or Damage Done I would like these albums more.
Will you attend to one (or more) of their upcoming show or did the album made you not want to listen to them live either? I mean, most of their songs will be from SC I imagine, and with Rusted Nails and Through Oblivion being the promotional songs, they will be staples for sure - which is kinda bad news for me too, because they are not the best songs on the record by far, but RN should work live better imo.

I haven't attended a live In Flames show since 2008, with their old songs almost entirely dropping off the setlist there is no reason to go and be bored by a setlist comprising primarily of "the hits" + ASOP & SC. I'm not even interested in hearing the SOAPF songs live because Anders can't sing outside of the studio.

Of course, the irony is that with less older fans attending in protest of their new material there is even less incentive for the band to play their older stuff. But I can take solace in my memories of seeing them in the early and mid-00's when a lot of the older stuff was still on the setlist and they played it very well. Seeing Satellites & Astronauts live still ranks up there as one of my best memories of a live band.
Never been a big CoB fan. Too powerish and screamy for my taste. But they do have some great songs. I just can't sit through their whole albums.

Amon Amarth has became a bit stale, but I guess they enjoy doing their thing. Some really powerful stuff, but I like older albums more.

The Chase -

- electro stuff intro - big "surprise"
- random ASOP riffing
- modern nu/alt metal chugging with more traditional screams
- annoying emo cleans
- lively guitar, decent chorus
- ASOP reborn again
- chorus again
- solo, same formula as any other on SC (melody and riff behind it)
- chorus (LOL)
- very non-IF sounding outro. I like it. Why can't they write more stuff like this.

So, another intro-verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-chorus (+ piano thingy) song. DE4life was soooo right about their songwriting.

No interesting riffs, no interesting solos, no interesting singing. Decent chorus and nice piano section.

Song is as average as it gets, but at least it's not abomination like some stuff on SC. More like 6,5/10.

Well, at least I understand why these two bonus songs didn't end up on album. 1) They don't fit, 2) They seem half-done.
I never stated that all the songs were killer. Some are mediocre. Haven't listen to Through Oblivion in a good while. Rusted Nail hasn't popped up in my player either for a while, a few times when I felt like it. Filtered Truth, haven't listened too much.

You realize one of the reasons I'm not shitting on them is because I respect them from a point of view of a musician?

I've been playing guitar for years, over a decade, and I've learned that I don't want to play just metal, and then I didn't want to play just rock, I didn't want to play just guitar.

I've realized these rules about music and bands, they're all fucking made up. The music is ultimately for the musician first, fans second. We form bands to make music for ourselves first, we get fans who appreciate it second.

Once you get fans does not obligate you to play the same shit that those fans appreciated. Music genres are merely there to get a hint of what we're listening to, not to tell a band that that's what they are and that's what they must play.

I've listened to bands like Thrice, and Radiohead, and they made the most amazing music when they decided to change their sound.

I want to do that, I want to make music without having to worry about wanting to change what I'm doing without some people bossing me around like it's their fucking band.
As much as I hate it, I kind of agree about Dark Tranquillity. As much as I love them, their past 4 albums sounds way too dangerously similar. I think there was a dip in guitar work when their old guitarist was fired. Maybe I'm full of shit. I just haven't heard guitar work as inspiring and melodic as from Gallery - Projector, I'm not sure how much guitar Niklas did on this albums. Not that Henrikson isn't a good guitarist, but there's been a shitload more chugging with small melodic bursts over when the riffs were just straight up melodic.

I think Fiction is one of their best albums.

And while I'm not all that into this new industrial style they've been doing for last few years, Construct is quite good and interesting (in contrast to confusing and boring We are the Void).
You do realise much more people hate on every new IF/don't listen to new IF just to be with the masses, right? Some of you guys only heard the entire record yesterday but already made abyssal conclusions. I'm listening to it since it was leaked, so for ~a week, and I still don't really want to give a final verdict. Yes, I like it very much, but will I listen to it next week? Next month? Will some songs start to bore me to death? Or the quite opposite, will I listen to WWE, a song I gave up on after 2 listens? You don't like it, I do, fine, but those who say thisi s the best or worst IF album and then proceed to explain how IF could do so much more and talk about music as an art... you can't judge a new album in such way so fast, unless you are the biggest IF fanboy or biggest IF hater. Both blinded by emotions.

Or, Anders will scream live because he still loves to scream, he just did not want to do it in this album, because he had a clear vision what he wanted to do, and it did not involve screaming? It does not exclude what you are saying either, but even if he couldn't scream now (doubt it, but unless Anders walk into our home and prove it, we won't know for sure), he could've done it in a studio environment.

I really like the review war here though. SC got a positive review? ASSKISSERS. SC got a negative review? Good job, a true and honest reviewer. Sums op the toxic mindset here quite well.

Will you attend to one (or more) of their upcoming show or did the album made you not want to listen to them live either? I mean, most of their songs will be from SC I imagine, and with Rusted Nails and Through Oblivion being the promotional songs, they will be staples for sure - which is kinda bad news for me too, because they are not the best songs on the record by far, but RN should work live better imo.

First. The most of the people here, may they be haters or lovers, are listening to the album since it leaked, and I don't think anyone here is blinded by emotions, they're guided by their own tastes.

I repeat, Anders will "scream" (if you wanna call that scream) live because he sucks when live cleans, he just can't keep the tone, everybody knows, and Anders himself Knows.

And the point about the reviews is if the review itself have good points apart from its good or its the worst album ever. I don't like empty reviews, be them negative or positive. If they can't give arguments, them they're bullshit.

I won't be attending, some reason being the new album, that will be a good part of the show, but also dates and distance. It's not easy going for the shows from my city, unless travelling by plane, and I have mortal fear of planes, so I won't be doing a 8 to 14 hours travel car to see them.
I never stated that all the songs were killer. Some are mediocre. Haven't listen to Through Oblivion in a good while. Rusted Nail hasn't popped up in my player either for a while, a few times when I felt like it. Filtered Truth, haven't listened too much.

You realize one of the reasons I'm not shitting on them is because I respect them from a point of view of a musician?

I've been playing guitar for years, over a decade, and I've learned that I don't want to play just metal, and then I didn't want to play just rock, I didn't want to play just guitar.

I've realized these rules about music and bands, they're all fucking made up. The music is ultimately for the musician first, fans second. We form bands to make music for ourselves first, we get fans who appreciate it second.

Once you get fans does not obligate you to play the same shit that those fans appreciated. Music genres are merely there to get a hint of what we're listening to, not to tell a band that that's what they are and that's what they must play.

I've listened to bands like Thrice, and Radiohead, and they made the most amazing music when they decided to change their sound.

I want to do that, I want to make music without having to worry about wanting to change what I'm doing without some people bossing me around like it's their fucking band.

Worth noting that without the fans In Flames would not have the lifestyle they have now. They'd be working normal, probably low paid 9-5 jobs like the majority of us. They wouldn't get to travel the world, play in front of thousands, meet their favourite bands or enjoy the facilities of top notch studios. They probably wouldn't have their own restaurants or record labels either. Their popularity started and was sustained by those people who picked up their older records and spread the word. Without those people In Flames would just be another failed upstart Swedish metal band.

The band do owe the fans something, and whilst I don't think they should be forced to play music they don't want to play, neither do I think the fans shouldn't matter when it comes to considering the musical direction for the In Flames brand (and yes, at this point it is a brand). At the very least they could acknowledge the grievances of the older fans and give them some consideration - even if it is giving the older songs some room on the setlist at live shows, rather than just playing "the hits" that drew in the scene kids once the real fans had helped make the band noticeable in the first place.
I think Fiction is one of their best albums.

And while I'm not all that into this new industrial style they've been doing for last few years, Construct is quite good and interesting (in contrast to confusing and boring We are the Void).

I like some of those new albums, but there's no denying there's been a dip in their music, and it doesn't help that their past 4 albums sound very similar.
The last album had enough change to be fresh though, but it didn't hit me as much as the other albums previous to we are the void.

I think that's why I don't like Whoracle too much, because I honestly feel like it really is Jester Race 2.

Sure I'd like to see more of stuff that I love, but not if it's done poorly and done to death.
Never been a big CoB fan. Too powerish and screamy for my taste. But they do have some great songs. I just can't sit through their whole albums.

Amon Amarth has became a bit stale, but I guess they enjoy doing their thing. Some really powerful stuff, but I like older albums more.

The Chase -

- electro stuff intro - big "surprise"
- random ASOP riffing
- modern nu/alt metal chugging with more traditional screams
- annoying emo cleans
- lively guitar, decent chorus
- ASOP reborn again
- chorus again
- solo, same formula as any other on SC (melody and riff behind it)
- chorus (LOL)
- very non-IF sounding outro. I like it. Why can't they write more stuff like this.

So, another intro-verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-chorus (+ piano thingy) song. DE4life was soooo right about their songwriting.

No interesting riffs, no interesting solos, no interesting singing. Decent chorus and nice piano section.

Song is as average as it gets, but at least it's not abomination like some stuff on SC. More like 6,5/10.

Well, at least I understand why these two bonus songs didn't end up on album. 1) They don't fit, 2) They seem half-done.

Random ASOP similar to Drenched in Fear.
I like Bodom, but I think ultimately all their albums are pretty much the same. I'm not saying if you like one, you have to like all. But for the most part, they're not too different. Same with AA from what I know. But that's not necessarily a bad thing if the band does it well. I don't really enjoy AA's vocals that much, but I like Bodom a lot and I think Insomnium are phenomenal. Yes, they don't change much on each album, but to me, they don't have one boring song. As for Dark Tranquillity, I can understand how someone might not like one of their recent albums, but to say the last 4 all sound the same?? That's crazy. I think Character is more like Damage Done, Fiction is a little more heavy, We are the Void is more dark and eerie, and then Construct more on the industrial side. I personally think they are all really good albums. I'm going to crank Character in my car right now.
The Chase: A good call on the Drenched In Fear comparison by eochaid, I can definitely hear that at certain parts of the song. There's a lot on SC that reminds me of ASOP, probably part of the reason I don't like it much.

It's amazing that they manage to meet all four of the template criteria AGAIN :D (actually, three out of four, the song doesn't end with the chorus for once - the only song on the entire album that doesn't!). What gets me is how the solo is always in the exact same place in the song. I much preferred when the band used solos sparingly - they're as predictable as Dragonforce when it comes to using them now.

The ending is the best thing about the song. Seems all of In Flames' creativity in this album was spent on the opening and closing riffs/melodies.