If you have to suffer through so much for a concert which's quality you are unsure about then it's entirely understandable, here's hoping they come to play near you in 2015! Where do you live btw?
Northwest of Spain. A country so hard to travel that you drive for more than 2 hours and a half just before leaving it, and I'm talking about 200 kms (don't know how much is in miles). And sure. If it was for the previous albums I would gladly "suffer" the travel to see them (and, of course by the weekend, during the regular week it's just imposible to even think about such a travel).
As for quality reviews, it's just as up to personal taste as our likings of the new album. Let's say someone says XY song on SC is so well written and beautiful. For you it might be empty words, while I might take it as a good review with good arguements (let's pretend he did say why he thinks it's beautiful and a masterpiece), while someone saying the whole album is utter shit and boring because of this and that makes you nod, while I think his arguement is BS and only valid if you view the record from a very specific perspective. Like, I'M pretty sure a site whose writers are hardcore MDM fans will give a pretty bad review to this album, which is a valuable review to people who want to know whether IF made Colony part 2 or not, but extremely unhelpful for a regular music listener, who can listen to everything if it has quality.
If the reviewers are reasoning why they like or not the album, then it's fine for me. If they give just general ideas then it's bullshit, be it favourable or negative review.
I don't know which category you people are, most of you seem to radiate some positive thoughts about IF, so I would assume the number of "CLAYMAN IS THE LAST GOOD IF ALBUM, THE REST IS 0/10, DONT BUY NEW IF ALBUMS PLS AND KEEP SPAMMING THEIR FB PAGE!!!!"-people are low. Would be cool if everyone's signature contained to answers to such questions as what is your favourite/least favourite IF album, rate the 3 singers IF had from the best to the worst, would you/do you still go to IF concerts, favourite/least favourite IF songs, best/worst shift in IF's music between two albums, how old are you, do you think IF sold out or do you think you just simply don't like their new music, how cool are Anders' glasses on scale of 9 to 10.
But there you have the fanboys saying "JUST TALK GOOD OF THE ALBUM OR LEAVE". Well, I think that anyone is free to talk and, as is my case, to express their frustration about the new albums. I don't like radicla positions, nor "You shouldn't listen to this shit" nor "Don't talk about IF anymore".
This was said in the rate the albums forum. But I'll do the effort.
1. Loved all albums until now (and I mean all). (for me )The worst IF album (except SC) is far better than many of the albums that are released every year.
2. Favourite albums: Clayman/Come Clarity. Least Favourite: Siren Charms.
3. Singers. Best Anders Friden From Clayman to Come Clarity. Second Best Anders Friden From The Jester Race to Colony. Worst Anders Friden in Siren Charms.
4. Favourite Songs Only For the Weak/Embody the Invisible/Crawl Through Knives. Least favourite song: name any from Siren Charms.
5. best/worst shift. I don't understand the meaning of this so I don't know.
At last. I'm 40, I think IF sold out and I don't like their new music and Anders glasses are as stupid that I can really rate them.