In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

You know what would really challenge the fans?

Album without pop formula song structures revolving around catchy chorus. After 10+ years of that shit.

Or God forbid, proper songs longer then 4-5 minutes. Blasphemy!

Or such unimaginable things as changing the tempo and time signature? Woooow!

Writing melodies and solos longer then few seconds. Writing complex riffs that actually carry the song...

I guess half of the fanbase would end up with their brains all over the wall from such a unspoken complexity and challenge. :lol:

As someone claimed before that many people were hating the album before hearing it, I saw many (IFWT) comments saying that the album would be great just before listening to it, and this kind of people will blindly buy and accept everything they do, but I don't think they would buy the album under a different band name.

Yes there are some people who would do that but noadays its probably a very small minority due to the fact that you have streaming and torrents etc.
Yes there are some people who would do that but noadays its probably a very small minority due to the fact that you have streaming and torrents etc.

Oh, but the fact is that I saw many people on their facebook saying that the new album was going to be great and also saying that they only heard the two first singles. And that was before the leaks and streamings.
Oh, but the fact is that I saw many people on their facebook saying that the new album was going to be great and also saying that they only heard the two first singles. And that was before the leaks and streamings.

But most of you guys said it's going to be really bad after hearing the first two singles. So this makes you and them equal I guess.
Does anybody remember all the pics of people getting the new Jester Head/Harry Potter logo as a tattoo BEFORE any piece of song from SC was released? I really hope some of them absolutely hate this album.
But most of you guys said it's going to be really bad after hearing the first two singles. So this makes you and them equal I guess.

I remember talking about the songs as they were being released, then talking about the preview and then talking about the album.
That's so petty, really. New fans sustain them, and if the old ones refuse to like anything new, then geez, it's their loss, no one cares to be honest. I mean sure, live off the idea that the only reason they are famous now is because you bought The Jester Race as a teen. Did you like it? Yes, you did. You have nothing to complain; if you don't like them anymore, just break ties, no one's stopping you, and you listen to the old material as many times as you want.

You're narrowing what I wrote down to absurd levels. It's something you do in all your posts to paint this "old fans who only like TJR" vs "new loyal fans" picture. Problem for you is that many of the older fans still buy and listen to their stuff. I bought and very much enjoyed CC and SOAPF. So what then? Am I still unimportant to the band despite being an older fan, or is there more to this than you're attempting to think about?

Truth is, you were just as an important asset to their progress as the new fans

Thank you, agreed. Even more so considering I was buying their albums up until this one, wouldn't you say?

I understand the elitist mentality

You exhibit it enough in reverse so I imagine you do indeed understand that mentality.

If we want to continue your analogy, it was actually your mother and father who helped IF, because if you had not been born, then you couldn't have supported them in the early days.

This is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read. Extrapolation to the most absurd point possible.

Should they play more old tracks? Sure, nor the newer nor the older fans wants the opposite.

A lot of the newer fans don't like the older stuff or have never heard it, so this is nonsense.

Should they constantly do tributes to the guys who helped their first 8 years, which is like 40% of their career now? Hell no.

Not sure what you mean by 'tributes'. Difficult to understand where this argument is going now, beyond arguing for the sake of it.

Fans. Are. Not. Part. Of. Your. Music.

Another hilarious quote. Who are they playing in front of during their tours? Of course they're part of the music. The band has admitted they write their tracks with live performance in mind... who do you think they are considering, the security guards at the front of the stage? The roadies? The guys at the bar? Stop and think before you post, in your desperate attempts to furiously defend the band you're making some incredibly dense statements.
Does anybody remember all the pics of people getting the new Jester Head/Harry Potter logo as a tattoo BEFORE any piece of song from SC was released?

That's a good example of fanboyism. I'm always sceptic about new releases (from any band) until I listen to them.
Does anybody remember all the pics of people getting the new Jester Head/Harry Potter logo as a tattoo BEFORE any piece of song from SC was released? I really hope some of them absolutely hate this album.

Yeah I remember at least 1 or 2 that did that.

Also, just saw that Anders did Engineering on Sacrilege second album Fifth Season (Daniels own band before he joined In Flames). That's cool. But not a shocker since he worked in the Fredman studio for like 4 years or something during that time.

And if anyone of you actually don't know about Sacrilege 2 masterful albums, you better look it up. Daniel is doing vocals and drums (and keyboards on the second album) and his vocals are simply put, beastly.
Yeah I remember at least 1 or 2 that did that.

Also, just saw that Anders did Engineering on Sacrilege second album Fifth Season (Daniels own band before he joined In Flames). That's cool. But not a shocker since he worked in the Fredman studio for like 4 years or something during that time.

And if anyone of you actually don't know about Sacrilege 2 masterful albums, you better look it up. Daniel is doing vocals and drums (and keyboards on the second album) and his vocals are simply put, beastly.

Well, actually, Anders produced Caliban's The Awakening and Dimensions Zero's This is Hell, and he was part of the production of some of the IF albums of that time.
He produced Dimension Zero's Silent Night Fever as well as mixing it. Just check his Misc. Staff session on metal archives, he's done lots of guest vocals most of you probably haven't even heard.
He produced Dimension Zero's Silent Night Fever as well as mixing it. Just check his Misc. Staff session on metal archives, he's done lots of guest vocals most of you probably haven't even heard.

I just have to go to wikipedia to see. There's nothing special about it. And I was not arguing with you, just saying the same as you were.

Such a great band DZ. I wish Jesper went back with them instead of forming The Resistance.
DZ were pretty awesome. Although I preferred the demo version of Through the Virgin Sky to the album version.

Krofius, ask and you shall receive... - As The Future Repeats Today, live. As I said, sound quality is terrible :D I would guess it's on their 2000 tour of the US. Anders mentions at the start that they're going to Mexico the next day so I guess you could work out the exact gig from that. - Worlds Within the Margin, live in 2006.

And also, I guess this is sort of rare... - Watch Them Feed, live in Italy, 2002.
I did not say fans don't care about genres, bands don't. They make music they like, easy as that.

The Beatles. Rolling Stones. Michael Jackson. Deep Purple. Elvis Presley. Metallica. There you go, some mainstream bands and singers. If it was up to you, they've never seen the light of day, because how dare they make fotunes with their music as recognized as world class by many! Yes, that mentality is sad, but I doubt you could help it. I'm glad you moved on though and found some bands with 200 listeners on, if that's your thing.

I was getting at that you openly admitted here, that every time a new IF album comes out you and your pals come here (and to other boards) and spread the world what a fucking sellouts they are and how this album sucks major balls. Meanwhile you act so proud that you inspired their early music. Good Lord, if you want to be productive tell them which songs did you almost like if it had this and that, which songs you could like if it did not had this and that, what could they do musically to compromise between your needs and their vision, etc. You see, I have no problem with people bashing SC, because now I know they can appreciate new IF as well, so their reviews are actually meaningful, even for IFs. I could visit Coldplay forums and keep spamming how fucking bad they are, I don't think it would help anyone.

No-no, I never said no1 has the right to complain, feel free to vent your anger (but don't be surprised if I find it hard not to ridicule it), but you have no right to tell anyone or anything what to do. No, not even newer fans, I just said they would have more right (I repeat, they don't have any either, so chill) to order IF around since they are following longer.

And how do you know if IF liked R2R more than their previous work? It's so much less FOR YOU dude. And yes, people and bands change, at least if you are not a sheep but an actual individual. Anders has family, kids, you can't fucking expect him to be the same person as 20 years ago and you have 0 (ZERO) right to tell him that if this is the case, then make a new band. Even R2R was 6 yeas after TJR, a lot of shit happens during 6 years. You want to shackle his hands because in 1996 the dude and the other band members were totally digging what they did on TJR (as some early 20 years old kids, mind you), so how dare they think differently 6 years later! Do you hear yourself? Are you the same person as 8/12/20 years ago? No, you are constantly affected by the outside, people, events, etc challange you, your morals your beliefs your everything. You can find new things to like everyday and you can get bored with stuff you used to do or like everyday. A band consists of living, breathing human beings who experience this, thus the whole band is an entity, like it or not. They might have a brand to appeal to, they can't suddenly make a country album, but the way you wanted to limit them is abusive, yes. Like it or not. And I happily take my stance on this as the pathetic one for not acting as the 21th century Inquisition.
You're narrowing what I wrote down to absurd levels. It's something you do in all your posts to paint this "old fans who only like TJR" vs "new loyal fans" picture. Problem for you is that many of the older fans still buy and listen to their stuff. I bought and very much enjoyed CC and SOAPF. So what then? Am I still unimportant to the band despite being an older fan, or is there more to this than you're attempting to think about?

Thank you, agreed. Even more so considering I was buying their albums up until this one, wouldn't you say?

You exhibit it enough in reverse so I imagine you do indeed understand that mentality.

This is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read. Extrapolation to the most absurd point possible.

A lot of the newer fans don't like the older stuff or have never heard it, so this is nonsense.

Not sure what you mean by 'tributes'. Difficult to understand where this argument is going now, beyond arguing for the sake of it.

Another hilarious quote. Who are they playing in front of during their tours? Of course they're part of the music. The band has admitted they write their tracks with live performance in mind... who do you think they are considering, the security guards at the front of the stage? The roadies? The guys at the bar? Stop and think before you post, in your desperate attempts to furiously defend the band you're making some incredibly dense statements.
Well if you are still with IF then my post is clearly not meant for you.

Yes, it's more ridiculous than acting as they owe you more for being there earlier. Not much more, just more.

So a lot of the newer fans never even heard the old stuf therefore they would hate it. Okay, then let me tell you they would like many of them live, but keep it as a secret between us.

What I meant by tribute is t be FORCED to play stuff, or call you people out in every concert and whatnot, like constantly reminding you, that yes, indeed, you helped us a lot! Here, we kicked out 5 staple songs from our setlist for 5 TJR tracks, fuck the new guys, you are the real fans, you deserve it! - that would be pretty funny, right? I think you yourself did the math that even without being biased, IF has so many albums now that it's hard to make room for older stuff aside from 2-3 tracks max.

Please, don't tell me you are another cavemen, so let's make it simple, maybe I expressed myself in the wrong way and that's why you misunderstood me.
If you think any band or singer should consider changing their music because they think "oh man, but I remember reading DE4life's forum posts, and he said he doesn't dig songs with too heavy bass(*). Fuck, we just did one like that and we totally liked it... ahh, okay, redo. Does anybody remember what he likes?"
*just wanted to make an example, doesn't matter if you actually like heavy bass or not:D You see, fans should never ever influence a decent band's music this way.

The Jester thing is totally okay. Or listen to Slipknot's Pulse Of The Maggots. That's a tribute song for the fans and it's perfectly fine, but they did not invite any maggot (slipknot term for jester) into the studio to tell them if the song is fine for them or they want some parts to be reworked for their tastes. The lyrics are for the fans, the song itself is for the fans, but the music? That's 8 people doing what they like, hoping people will still dig it.
Ok. Best shift Whoracle/Colony. Worst Come Clarity/A Sense of Purpose.
You know, this just made me think:
Clayman-R2R-STYE-CC-ASOP are all pretty different compared to the album preceeding or following them (ASOP is the expection, SOAPF is not that different compared to it). Some more than another, sure, but still, TJR-Whoracle-Colony and ASOP-SOAPF-CC are/were much safer progressions.

R2R will always be the one getting the bat, but the ones who totally loved R2R could actually be just as disappointed hearing STYE as those who loved Clayman but hated R2R.

Don't ask me why I pointed it out, I just found it interesting:p
DZ were pretty awesome. Although I preferred the demo version of Through the Virgin Sky to the album version.

Krofius, ask and you shall receive... - As The Future Repeats Today, live. As I said, sound quality is terrible :D I would guess it's on their 2000 tour of the US. Anders mentions at the start that they're going to Mexico the next day so I guess you could work out the exact gig from that. - Worlds Within the Margin, live in 2006.

And also, I guess this is sort of rare... - Watch Them Feed, live in Italy, 2002.

You mind if I upload the Worlds Within The Margin one? And do you know where it is? Must be USA right?