In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

Bruce Lee has something to say about styles.

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Even though I don't really listen to nu metal now, I have a lot of respect for it and I don't understand why "true" metalheads criticise it so much.
It provided an access point into metal for so many people. I know loads of people who grew up with numetal and then moved into thrash, death, prog etc. including me. I first heard of Limp Bizkit on the radio in 2001 and in 2003 I found my self listening to old IF, Carcass, Opeth, Eternal Tears of Sorrow etc.

If it weren't for bands like Linkin Park, Korn etc, then a lot of people wouldn't have been listening to metal now and thus loads of thrash, death, prog, heavy metal bands would be less popular.

Having said that, back in 2003 when I was only 15 I got caught up by the "true" metalhead trend and threw my Limp Bizkit cd's in the bin hahaha, which is quite sad now that I think of it :p

It's not like nu metal its bad, nut there are some nu metal bands, LB or LP as example, that sold a lot of albums thanks to the media support. Also, those bands were not a product for the metalheads, but for the mtv viewers. This is why I've never seen those two bands like real metal bands. And I don't know what they have to do with Deftones, Slipknot or Il Nino, for example.

As for me saying that EIG is nu metal, its not that I criticise the song for this, but for being first, not something original, second, not something IF is fit for.
Dude, you're crazy. The only thing in Everything's Gone that might be nu-metal is the opening riff. The verse and chorus are not at all. I don't know what you're listening to.
Dude, you're crazy. The only thing in Everything's Gone that might be nu-metal is the opening riff. The verse and chorus are not at all. I don't know what you're listening to.

You're right. I was totally wrong, thank you for "opening" my ears.
If I understand you correctly, I agree. There might be some elements with regards to the riffs that IF writes, but just because there are some traces doesn't make it completely nu-metal.
Yeah, borrowing elements is completely fine. It's just like video games. I don't care if a feature has been in another game, if it's awesome and makes the game so much smoother or enjoyable I WANT them to copy it. Imagine if Diablo 3 had not included auto pickup of gold because Torchlight did it earlier. Same with other features.

I don't mind Cloud Connected starting and ending with a synth that could be in any nu metal song, it adds colour to the song (something old IF lacks) and in between it's just a great ol' IF stuff.

Nu metal was pretty much a bunch of teens breaking the barriers of music, once again. Every generation has them and they usually remembered as legends. Hate it or like it, Linkin Park will be what Deep Purple or The Beatles is today, and they started out just like them (well, I dunno how DP started): being looked down. "Oh, hip-hop and metal? How cute kidos, good luck selling 50 copies of your albums then stop disrespecting those music genres, ty. It will never work" Then BAM, get fucked, it even made MTV to play Slipknot songs because everyone wanted the nu metal. It was fresh, easily digestable and it spoke to our generation; everyday teen problems. Abusive parents? Break-ups with your girl-/boyfriend? The hardhip of friendships? Being looked down by the elders? Or are you just fucked up for no particular reason? No problemo, just pop in your [insert nu metal band]'s disk and shout the chorus with them and make sure you will put their lyrics on your MSN signature, because it's fucking important to quote In The End.
It's funny, because most of these songs or albums hold real value, even 10+ years later. Shad0w said it perfectly, most of us had moved on to different genres (hey, I told you, if I had not ask my friend to write a copy of Slipknot discs to me, I might've not been listening to IF now), but we don't look back to those days as "wow, how silly we were for liking that!".

And to draw an IF analogy, those bands - who were goddamn famous - eventually switched from nu metal, so it's even funnier to read all the hate for IF abandoning (not even entirely) a style that was appreciated by some MDM fan. Wow, such career, I bet the guys in IF wanted to die as "the folks who were a pretty damn good MDM band in Sweden, thanks guys - official certificate of the MDM fan club". I'm not surprised the nu metal explosion inspired them, it was a big fuck you to every band playing the same shit over and over again. Pretty much one nu metal song had more versatility than some band's entire discography, and Slipknot was a good example to show that you can even make THAT work (and be popular at the same time) in the nu metal scene.
Now, there are obviously exceptions; like you can't just switch from power- or death metal, but IF was in a lucky position that MDM contained the word "melodic". Some might listened to them for the death metal elements but others dug the melodic part. If you want to drop one of them it's a pretty easy choice if you ask me, especially since the whole band was created to not have to apply for death metal rules so it's not hard to imagine the guys were getting closer to creating cool melodies instead of ruturning to what they've been trying to get away from. How much seeing that you can even make good money from being bold in music, not letting outsiders tell you, THE ARTIST what to create and how much Anders' having troubles with the growls affected the way of their evolution, we will never know, but we are much more who are happy for the change (especially if you count those here who liked the old IF better but can appreciate the new one as well) than those who got alianated forever.


This review linking is getting funny by the way, there's a 10/10 for every 1/10, so it makes no sense to point them out. "Look, this guy thinks it shit as well, so it's shit", welp, another guy thinks it's great just like I do, so there we go, back to the starting line. Also, you people forget how much hate-wave can affect people's judgement. When I read everyone shitting on Becoming The Sky here I went on to listen to it, and 2 mins into the song I was ready to judge the song as shit with a nice guitar melody. Then the phenomenon of the hate-train wore off, listened to it a few times and it's actually a pretty decent track. It's extremely easy to to snowball things out of control. People wanted to hate Siren Charms long before it was even conceptualized because they are bitter about IF in general for not returning to their old sound, and people are easily influenced. Seriously, some of the hate reviews says WWEO is the only track which holds quality, while others bash it to the ground for being shit. WHICH ONE IS IT? Comedy.
People wanted to hate Siren Charms long before it was even conceptualized because they are bitter about IF in general for not returning to their old sound

Sure, as there are people who loved SC before they could listen to a single riff, so there's a tie when we talk about extremes.

, and people are easily influenced.

I wouldn't generalize so easily. There's people that can be influenced and people who won't. An example. If I was to be influenced and then, enter the IF facebook and see the comments, I would love SC and talk all day about haters and IF not going back to their roots. If you were to be influenced and come to this thread and the most of the comments where done by A88 or DE4life you would be hating the album. But, fortunately, there is a lot of people that cannot be influenced, and this is why there's so much argument in here.

Seriously, some of the hate reviews says WWEO is the only track which holds quality, while others bash it to the ground for being shit. WHICH ONE IS IT? Comedy.

Sure, as many of the guys who give ratings over 8/9 are giving empty reasons to why they love the album. Comedy too. As I said before, be it hatred or love, I like a good explanation when seeing a review.

But the same can be aplied for you. Because you refer only to (extreme hate) reasonings/reviews that favour your position (or your point of view), while forgetting ( conveniently) that there exists the oposite (extreme love) reaction. I don't know if I explained myself right.
You're right. I was totally wrong, thank you for "opening" my ears.

It's way too heavy for nu metal not to mention the solo. When nu metal goes heavy it sounds like these:

Eat You Alive:
Hit The Floor:
Blind (very early nu metal from '94; without the intro, outro, with heavier drums with a solo without the "I can't see, I can't see, I'm going blind" part and with Davis not sounding like a total pussy at some parts [and not trying to semi-rap] this song would almost be the same as Everything's Gone )
Y'all Want A Single (to reference a fleshed out nu metal angry song from Korn):
Start A War:
Only One (how could I forget this when we were tlaking about whether Slipknot rapped on their songs):
Eyeless (I was being unfair with Only One, so here's one without not so obvious rapping):

Dial 595-Escape, Bottled, Leeches, Scream, Alias are much closer to the genre, but from a nu metal perspective all of them are ruined by one thing or another, mainly by Anders' vocals. If passenger was good for anything, it must be the fact that Anders showed that he can sound nu metal if he wants. He does not, howewer.
It's way too heavy for nu metal not to mention the solo. When nu metal goes heavy it sounds like these:

Eat You Alive:
Hit The Floor:
Blind (very early nu metal from '94; without the intro, outro, with heavier drums with a solo without the "I can't see, I can't see, I'm going blind" part and with Davis not sounding like a total pussy at some parts [and not trying to semi-rap] this song would almost be the same as Everything's Gone )
Y'all Want A Single (to reference a fleshed out nu metal angry song from Korn):
Start A War:
Only One (how could I forget this when we were tlaking about whether Slipknot rapped on their songs):
Eyeless (I was being unfair with Only One, so here's one without not so obvious rapping):

Dial 595-Escape, Bottled, Leeches, Scream, Alias are much closer to the genre, but from a nu metal perspective all of them are ruined by one thing or another, mainly by Anders' vocals. If passenger was good for anything, it must be the fact that Anders showed that he can sound nu metal if he wants. He does not, howewer.

That's the last time I'm gonna talk about fucking nu metal. Tell me that you listen to the intro riff, or the the riff previous to the chorus, or to the riff ending the chorus and then say that it's not nu metal. I don't care anymore. Everyone has it's own opinion and it's a waste of time arguing about something we will never agree.

Also, you're purposely forgetting about old Slipknot or Il Nino or Deftones when talking about Nu Metal. Don't come with Limp (MTV crap) Bizkit.
Sure, as there are people who loved SC before they could listen to a single riff, so there's a tie when we talk about extremes.

I wouldn't generalize so easily. There's people that can be influenced and people who won't. An example. If I was to be influenced and then, enter the IF facebook and see the comments, I would love SC and talk all day about haters and IF not going back to their roots. If you were to be influenced and come to this thread and the most of the comments where done by A88 or DE4life you would be hating the album. But, fortunately, there is a lot of people that cannot be influenced, and this is why there's so much argument in here.

Sure, as many of the guys who give ratings over 8/9 are giving empty reasons to why they love the album. Comedy too. As I said before, be it hatred or love, I like a good explanation when seeing a review.

But the same can be aplied for you. Because you refer only to (extreme hate) reasonings/reviews that favour your position (or your point of view), while forgetting ( conveniently) that there exists the oposite (extreme love) reaction. I don't know if I explained myself right.

You explained yourself right, I just did not want to repeat that I don't care about 10/10 guys either, but I told that many times. I'm just more angry at the butthurt guys than the ones who just got way too mezmerized by the album.

And I doubt many people could like SC before it came out, because IF is always switching things up. I liked ASOP, but even after thorough listening to SOAPF (which I only did because you guys linked some nice songs I did not even know was on the album) I still have to give it a thumbs down with gems like "And I don't care what you think/Or maybe I do?" or "Do you question me?/I question you!", yeah fuck you Anders, if you are going to write such lyrics at least do it Alias style with the catchiest stuff ever so I can look past them.

Anyway, I had low expectations after Rusted Nail and Through Oblivion was just a tiny light shining at the end of the road. Listening to In Plain View for the first time felt like IF pulled an April 1 on me, haha.
And I doubt many people could like SC before it came out, because IF is always switching things up. I liked ASOP, but even after thorough listening to SOAPF (which I only did because you guys linked some nice songs I did not even know was on the album) I still have to give it a thumbs down with gems like "And I don't care what you think/Or maybe I do?" or "Do you question me?/I question you!", yeah fuck you Anders, if you are going to write such lyrics at least do it Alias style with the catchiest stuff ever so I can look past them.

Believe me, love is as stupid as hate. And a lot of people said the album was going to be great before listening to a single note. You just need to go to their facebook page to see. That's the IFWT effect, people stop thinking for themselves and then can only hate or love whatever they release. As I said before, it's stupid.
That's the last time I'm gonna talk about fucking nu metal. Tell me that you listen to the intro riff, or the the riff previous to the chorus, or to the riff ending the chorus and then say that it's not nu metal. I don't care anymore. Everyone has it's own opinion and it's a waste of time arguing about something we will never agree.

Also, you're purposely forgetting about old Slipknot or Il Nino or Deftones when talking about Nu Metal. Don't come with Limp (MTV crap) Bizkit.
Wtf, the two Slipknot songs are from their debut album.

And in case some people didn't know it, here's Spit It Out, which is old Slipknot summed in one song:

To be honest I could link the entire album and you wouldn't find any song that sounds like Everything's Gone. I went back 1994 with Blind when nu metal was in baby shoes and even then it did not sound like EG, and it only get lighter after that. Sure, Corey is shouting and screaming, but having a hip-hop crew behind him and doing straight-up rap verses does not help your case.
As for Ill Nino, this is the only song I'm familiar with: nu metal songmaking 101 from their second album

It's not tastes, whether we like the song or not; we are talking about genres. and blue won't become red. If you are saying EG has some nu metal elements then who knows, maybe you are right, there were a million and one nu metal bands out there, maybe one of them had such an intro, but the song itself is very far from nu metal. Unless my version did not contain the parts where Anders signs "hooooow can I liiiiveeee withooouuuuutt youuuu" or the part where the DJ starts putting in some work, or the part where he starts rapping or the part where the solo is switched up by a generic extra verse before the final chorus nu metal style.

Edit: or are you talking about the Slipknot with Anders Colsefini (or who the hell)? Because yes, they were very different, but if that formation could pull itself through we did not know who they are today because they would living off playing in underground Iowa metal clubs ever since.
"Fuck you" - hahaha :D

Dead Eyes sounded awesome, TO was meh, I liked the ending though. I wish when people are telling me that I have a shitty voice they mean it's the same as Anders'. :(

Come on, just listening to dead eyes and he's so off pitch that makes me laugh. Also, the song seems really hard to play.:lol:
Edit: i just didn't laugh this much since St. Anger.
Re-edit: Come on dude. First verse from Through Oblivion and he is againf off pitch.

Re.reedit: the good thing is that Anders has a great future in Saturday Nights Live.
Anders is no singer and he never claimed he was lol, he said in the clip as well we're all out of tune. Regardless, didn't think it sounded THAT bad for basically being acapella.

Dead Eyes acoustically music wise, sounded awesome. Some parts of it reminded me of ''New Beginnings'' by Björn.
Anders is no singer and he never claimed he was lol, he said in the clip as well we're all out of tune. Regardless, didn't think it sounded THAT bad for basically being acapella.

Dead Eyes acoustically music wise, sounded awesome. Some parts of it reminded me of ''New Beginnings'' by Björn.

No, you're right. He sounds as bad as usual when he's out of the studio.

Definition of A CAPPELLA
without instrumental accompaniment.
That's the last time I'm gonna talk about fucking nu metal. Tell me that you listen to the intro riff, or the the riff previous to the chorus, or to the riff ending the chorus and then say that it's not nu metal. I don't care anymore. Everyone has it's own opinion and it's a waste of time arguing about something we will never agree.

Also, you're purposely forgetting about old Slipknot or Il Nino or Deftones when talking about Nu Metal. Don't come with Limp (MTV crap) Bizkit.

I wasn't disagreeing that some riffs might be nu-metal. I was saying that just because a riff might be nu-metal, doesn't make the whole song nu-metal. There are a few funny parts in The Dark Knight but that doesn't mean it's a comedy.
I wasn't disagreeing that some riffs might be nu-metal. I was saying that just because a riff might be nu-metal, doesn't make the whole song nu-metal. There are a few funny parts in The Dark Knight but that doesn't mean it's a comedy.

Ok. On this I agree with you.