In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

In plain view
There's nothing in the way
I see with clarity


great song:p
Wow, this forum really went crazy. Some says In Flames is nu metal, some claims that song bad because its "easy to play". I hate Jesterhead forums 'cause they like everything that In Flames released. But I started to hate this forum either, cause whenever IF did something new some people just trolling around. If you hate IF that much, why would you be on that new album topic anyway?
You know someone is clueless when he 1. Calls the song ''When the Future Repeats Today'' and 2. Tries to claim that Anders is rapping in the song.

Anders rapping, gotta be the most retarded thing I've heard in a long time regarding In Flames.
Perhaps When The Future Repeats Today is a rare, unheard sequel to ATFRT, secret South Korean bonus track featuring Anders rapping alongside the Slipknot disc-scratcher and guest vox by Jonathan Davis?
No really, whoever said Anders was rapping in As The Future Repeats Today has to have some type of mental illness.
I've never really understood the wankfest that seems to surround Paralyzed. The verse riff is slow and mundane, repeated over and over again. What about it is creative? The chorus is the only part of the song that's memorable, it's got some cool vocal lines and Anders' singing is tolerable. The verses in this track suffer from the same disease as pretty much all the others on the disc - insipid, dull and uninspired. There's nothing to praise there.
I'm just going to chime in and say my physical copy came yesterday, so I put all the songs on my iTunes to get album quality for my iPod. Well, I listened to it in my car and for some reason, the volume was so damn low. Normally, I listen to all my music right around level 10 (good and a little loud). I had to go up to 20 for this album. Oh, except for Siren Charms which was normal and I had to lower that to 10. What the hell? I'm going to have to try and re-rip it to my computer. As for the structures, they never really had complex ones (how can you in a 4 minute song?). There are a lot of simple structures on SOAPF but they varied from song to song. Fear is the weakness only had two verses and two choruses. Deliver Us I think was standard, but they changed the second verse to sound more like a bridge section or something. Even if they wanted to keep all the songs in unison with the same structures, they could at least do it like R2R where there were no boring choruses. I do like this album, but I will admit nothing is really special at all about it.
I'm just going to chime in and say my physical copy came yesterday, so I put all the songs on my iTunes to get album quality for my iPod. Well, I listened to it in my car and for some reason, the volume was so damn low. Normally, I listen to all my music right around level 10 (good and a little loud). I had to go up to 20 for this album. Oh, except for Siren Charms which was normal and I had to lower that to 10. What the hell? I'm going to have to try and re-rip it to my computer. As for the structures, they never really had complex ones (how can you in a 4 minute song?). There are a lot of simple structures on SOAPF but they varied from song to song. Fear is the weakness only had two verses and two choruses. Deliver Us I think was standard, but they changed the second verse to sound more like a bridge section or something. Even if they wanted to keep all the songs in unison with the same structures, they could at least do it like R2R where there were no boring choruses. I do like this album, but I will admit nothing is really special at all about it.

I usually listen to music with my headphones (with children home there's my only option), and I noticed for this album something lets call it strange. It's, I don't know if its a problem of mine or happened to someones else, as if there is some ambiece noise covering the whole music, so it never seems to fully cover the (i don't really know how to say this), as if music is lower than it could (or should) be. I also noticed that there are a lot of tunes, be it guitars, samples or Anders voice, in the mono channel. But, as I said, this could be only my sensations.
Perhaps the reason the leaks have all sounded a bit rubbish is because the album itself has unusual production?
Perhaps the reason the leaks have all sounded a bit rubbish is because the album itself has unusual production?

It's a posibility.

In the meanwhile, something I remembered when listening to "The Chase" chorus. Yeah, it's another comparison but, this time, from a band I really like, so I think it's not a negative comparison. Note: It's not the song what I like to compare but the band.
Hahahahaha :lol:

I really like The Chase. Fuckin' great chorus, good riffs and good (masculine-ish) cleans.

I just think if IF still want to sound solid (in most peoples' eyes) and just go with more simply constructed songs(The Chase, Delight and Angers, Where The Dead Ships Dwell, Fear is the Weakness etc), then they should continue with those type of structures. Get a good catchy/headbangable/groovy main riff like the ones I mentioned, mix in solid (non-whiny) cleans or screams in the verses then bang out an awesome catchy chorus.

^Where The Dead Ships Dwell & The Chase <---- These 2 are probably the best example of the kind of song structures I'm talking about...
Main riffs lead the song with solid verses moving into really catchy and big choruses while at the same time retaining meaning, feeling and power.

I'm just saying... These softer, vocal-driven songs(In Plain View, Siren Charms, Monsters in Ballroom) that solely exist to harbor an over-hyped chorus with nothing too memorable about the songs themselves(to myself and a lot of people) just aren't cutting it.

Eyes Wide Open is nice.

Dead Eyes is another nice ballad with a cool groovy main riff I can get into.

I like Paralyzed's riffs and I actually do like the verses a lot. I just(for me) feel like the chorus is way too um, dramatic. Not sure how to explain what I mean by that. I probably would've just put a more chill and catchier but still meaningful chorus instead of TO FIGGGGGURE OUT, CAAAST OUTTTT... PARALYYYYYZED. I just think a more stabled screamed-out or even sung chorus that fit the rhythmic guitar riffs and mellow feel of the song would mesh a little better.

Either way it's just my opinion about the song right now. I would give Paralyzed a 5/5 if the chorus (in my mind) fit the song's overall feel better.

Slowly coming around to the album eh? :D At least you like a couple more songs than 2 weeks ago. Told you it would grow at least to some extent.
Perhaps the reason the leaks have all sounded a bit rubbish is because the album itself has unusual production?

I mean, yeah, it has an unusual production. But, I can hear everything clean on the CD version I put onto my computer, but it's at half the volume of everything else. Really just weird. Worst case scenario, I just need to set a benchmark for the volume of this album.
You know someone is clueless when he 1. Calls the song ''When the Future Repeats Today'' and 2. Tries to claim that Anders is rapping in the song.

Anders rapping, gotta be the most retarded thing I've heard in a long time regarding In Flames.

oh my god, I made a mistake. As not When. can I still post here? And yes he is rapping.