In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

Uhm. Even if he's the one who started insulting, you shouldn't follow this way. There are better ways to argue with someone.
What? Keep bringing up valid arguements when he's clearly just trolling? We better enjoy the ride with him! He likes the attention, we like to laugh at the stupid, win-win.

Yo guys.


There's a huge difference between stating opinions...

And then spouting stupid shit that's not true as if it was fact.

By the way, Uneasy, you're a fucking retard still. You think he's rapping because of that stutter effect when the lyrics kick in. It's just that, a time effect, nothing else. He's not rapping. You have no clue what you're talking about. Just a time effect over a rhythmic guitar doesn't mean he's rapping. Sorry.
I have to say, if it was up to me I would have chosen With Eyes Wide Open as the second single, rather than Through Oblivion. The reason TO got such a negative reaction was due to the lack of guitars and silly vocals. WEWO is a much superior song imo, and is perfect for a single release.
Also Uneasy, you're still a fucking retard. Just read your "stick to your roots" post.

"stick to your roots"

This bullshit.

There's no such thing as roots. FUCK people like you who make these LAME FAKE rules about music. "UHHHHHGHHHHH DURRR THEY SHUD STIK 2 R00tz" Really?

What the fuck does that mean besides regurgitating out the same shit over and over again until it becomes less than special?

Don't you people get the first rule of life? No matter how much you like something, having the same shit, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, will eventually get old, no matter how much you love it.

Here. Let's say you love pizza. Mmm pizza. My favorite dish. Oh I had pizza today, awesome! I had pizza again the next day, woo! Yay pizza again the next day.. After a while you're gonna get fucking sick of it, especially if you're getting the same fucking toppings. I don't give a shit how much you like pizza, it's human to having a point where you say "enough is enough" because it's getting redundant.

That's all that is. Redundant. Cannibal Corpse is shit because they're redundant. Why the FUCK would you compare them to In Flames by using the fact that Cannibal Corpse is still making the same boring shit still and they should basically not make anymore new albums if they can't create something original?

Yeah? How many times can you listen to some fat douchebag screaming about people dying with low tuned guitar riffs that sound the same from one another? I sure can't. I listen to other music when I get bored of what I'm listening to.
But guess what, according to your shitty rules of "STEEKING2RUTZ" you can't play something different then what you started out with. Holy shit, really? You know how boring that would get? You get the privilege to listen to whatever music you want, but I can't fucking MAKE whatever music I want?

Music listeners are such entitled pieces of shit, SO FUCKING ENTITLED. You people act like you own the band, like you own their lives. What the hell is wrong with you people? Jesus Christ.

Look, I get hearing something that really interests you, and wanting more like that, but give it a fucking rest. There's a point when if you keep making songs sound similar, they start to loose their value because they all sound the same. This. THIS is fact, not opinion. It's just the truth, what isn't the truth, is all these opinions about what you think of the band though.
I personally can't stand Cannibal Corpse, I saw them live a few years back and couldn't work out why they were popular. I still don't really know. It's hard to make a case for metal when bands like CC are so popular, because there isn't really anything positive to say about them. They fucking suck.

Their vocalist has a melodic death metal side project called Paths of Possession which is much, much better.
I bet Uneasy Conscience is literally having an orgasm from reading all the replies to his posts. I was thinking he's a 100% troll but I mean if you check his post history it's doubtful he's actually trolling.

There's nothing wrong with liking Cannibal Corpse but it is indeed a FACT that they are not really doing anything original, just same album after album, not really changing up anything or trying something new. That's also why they are mostly getting 3-3.5/5 reviews because of the fact that they are doing a really good job making the same album again and again.

It would be so fun hypothetically, if In Flames didn't progress anything at all, literally. Imagine 10 TJR-sounding albums, no Whoracle, Colony or Clayman. Would be so boring, and the albums wouldn't be as special.
I bet Uneasy Conscience is literally having an orgasm from reading all the replies to his posts. I was thinking he's a 100% troll but I mean if you check his post history it's doubtful he's actually trolling.

If he is trolling then he's one of the most dedicated trolls I've ever seen... he's been bashing In Flames on here since 2006 or so :D surprised you haven't hunted him down and made him pay for his blasphemy tbh.
I personally can't stand Cannibal Corpse, I saw them live a few years back and couldn't work out why they were popular. I still don't really know. It's hard to make a case for metal when bands like CC are so popular, because there isn't really anything positive to say about them. They fucking suck.

Their vocalist has a melodic death metal side project called Paths of Possession which is much, much better.

I can imagine. A friend of mine is fan of everyting under ethiquetes like brutal death, carnivore brutal ultra violent death metal and all this kind of really extreme metal. Those bands are popular first by their covers (this friend of mine always hid from his familly the covers from the cds he was buying), and I know that what he enjoys is the extreme of the sound from this bands, nothing else. I never had any interest in this kind of metal, since I always thought is music for "children".
I can imagine. A friend of mine is fan of everyting under ethiquetes like brutal death, carnivore brutal ultra violent death metal and all this kind of really extreme metal. Those bands are popular first by their covers (this friend of mine always hid from his familly the covers from the cds he was buying), and I know that what he enjoys is the extreme of the sound from this bands, nothing else. I never had any interest in this kind of metal, since I always thought is music for "children".

CC and such extreme music does seem quite juvenile, but then, it's just not my type of music. My tastes are very different. I don't really like death metal at all - melodic death is the closest I've really gotten to the genre. Even with Carcass, for example, I only like Heartwork and Swansong.

I need gay melodies in my music :D
CC and such extreme music does seem quite juvenile, but then, it's just not my type of music. My tastes are very different. I don't really like death metal at all - melodic death is the closest I've really gotten to the genre. Even with Carcass, for example, I only like Heartwork and Swansong.

I need gay melodies in my music :D

Well, that's the same for me. I like music with good melodies, that's why I never could stand the more extreme genres of metal. I oly hear guitars trying to sound fast and dark and singers tryung to be unintelligible (like someone vomiting in the toilet). This and the stupid repetitive lyrics are things I just cannot stand.

Edit: Going further. If I had to choose between Siren Charms and any Brutal Death music, I would choose Siren Charms for sure.
I like music played by this kind of guys:

Some of the extreme metal works quite well live. Cannibal Corpse sounded shit, but when I saw Carcass live they were fantastic the whole way through. I still wouldn't listen to any of their death metal albums, but the songs definitely worked well in a live setting.


If I went to this show I'd have no need to ever go to a show for the rest of my life. No other performance could come anywhere near as epic.

Jim should be their frontman and do vocals full-time.
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It would be so fun hypothetically, if In Flames didn't progress anything at all, literally. Imagine 10 TJR-sounding albums, no Whoracle, Colony or Clayman. Would be so boring, and the albums wouldn't be as special.

Yes, so why the fuck are people whining about having another Jester Race when it's clearly not possible because of so many factors, especially, I don't know, 2 people who wrote that album are gone?