In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

Krofius you have to be the biggest fan boy I have ever seen for any band ever. Even more than the Metallica fan boys. Why you can't just accept the fact that the new album sucks instead of getting your jollies off whenever people post that they like a certain song or chorus. Wow positive reinforcement. The album SUCKS!

Go listen to the new Cannibal Corpse or Xerath. They both destroy SC.
oh my god, I made a mistake. As not When. can I still post here? And yes he is rapping.

"Oh he's growling like he always does, somehow this is rapping now!"

Krofius you have to be the biggest fan boy I have ever seen for any band ever. Even more than the Metallica fan boys. Why you can't just accept the fact that the new album sucks instead of getting your jollies off whenever people post that they like a certain song or chorus. Wow positive reinforcement. The album SUCKS!

Go listen to the new Cannibal Corpse or Xerath. They both destroy SC.
I love how IF had nothing to do with CC even in their old days, so what a marvelous comparison.

IF howewer totally destroyed the newest Justin Timberlake album, I mean, it's clearly heavier. IF > pop idol Justin Timberlake and Everything's Gone > that song with Justin Timberlake and Michael legendary Jackson, so IF >>> JT+MJ so IF = best band ever.

Keep comparing apples and oranges mate; is there an option to subscribe to your posts? I'm running out of comedy shows, though you are getting pretty boring yourself. Try to be witty!
Krofius you have to be the biggest fan boy I have ever seen for any band ever. Even more than the Metallica fan boys. Why you can't just accept the fact that the new album sucks instead of getting your jollies off whenever people post that they like a certain song or chorus. Wow positive reinforcement. The album SUCKS!

Go listen to the new Cannibal Corpse or Xerath. They both destroy SC.

Lol, have you even read the forum in the last weeks? Seems not. I'm only stating the obvious, and I'll do it again, if you say that Anders is rapping in As The Future Repeats Today, then you are clueless. It really is that simple.

You might just be trollbaiting for replies, at least one would hope so...But sadly I don't think so.

And good job comparing Cannibal Corpse to In Flames, another Uneasy Conscience highlight.

I don't care if people don't like SC, there's several bands that those people like that I might not like, for example Sanctuary that you just linked, bored me out immediately. I do like some Nevermore though.
Such a nice discussion full of good feelings.

I don't care if people don't like SC.

Of course you wont, and nobody should tell you what to like or dislike, because that's a matter of tastes. Discusin an album in terms of being right or wrong about liking it is just stupid.
Krofius you have to be the biggest fan boy I have ever seen for any band ever. Even more than the Metallica fan boys. Why you can't just accept the fact that the new album sucks instead of getting your jollies off whenever people post that they like a certain song or chorus. Wow positive reinforcement. The album SUCKS!

Go listen to the new Cannibal Corpse or Xerath. They both destroy SC.

Why you can't just accept the fact that your opinion is not fact and that people like different things?

Also, if Anders raps, please, why don't you tell us what lyrics? You seem to only respond with, "he raps" as proof. I'd love to see you defend yourself in court.
Of course you can compare them you dumb shit. One is good (CC) the other is bad (IF). Shit was that really difficult?

When you compare bands to other bands, you almost exlusively compare them to similar sounding stuff. You don't compare Slayer with Celine Dion because it makes no sense, you compare slayer with other thrash metal.

You don't compare Golf with Tennis just because both are sports do you? ''You should play Golf instead it's much better than tennis, tennis sucks.''
This is why I love this place during album release time. Just when you think you've heard it all... someone starts an argument about Anders rapping on the Clayman album :D incredible scenes.

Btw, just as many of us are allowed to have the opinion SC is not a very good album, Krofius is entitled to his opinion that it's a good one too. We have our disagreements and I joke (well, half joke) about him being the undisputed king of all fanboys, but quite frankly if Krofius started bashing the album I'd lose all hope and my love of metal would probably die right there :D
Difference is I don't bash albums I don't like. If I wouldn't enjoy almost entire SC I would say so, but there's no reason to bash music just because you don't like it.
haha you guys aren't getting it. You're not allowed to have opinions. At least not if they don't agree with my facts.

No but seriously, whoever (Krofius I think) tried to make the point about band comparisons...

You can very, very easily compare In Flames to Cannibal Corpse. One band has stuck to their roots and not changed their style for greener pastures and still plays their instruments while the other band has not stuck to their roots, has changed their style and alienated their fan base and does not play their instruments any longer. On the basis of what we can just call integrity, you quite definitely can compare them as I just have.
They alienated an asshole like you, what a demise!!

And no, you are fucking comparing a death metal band to a band which was originally created so they can be DIFFERENT than regular death metal, so you have to be mental to compare them even with the old IF. "Oh look, a death metal band is doing hevaier stuff than [insert any other genre here]", wow Einstein, did you come up with it on your own or you got help from the drawings in your ancient cave?

There are a million and one example for bands who changed their music style and are still going healthy, so there you go, apples and oranges. CC remained "true to their roots?"? Good for them. IF wanted to change? Good for them. Your anus can't stucked in 2000? Sorry, but newsflash: even their next album won't sound like Colony. Newflash 2: even their album after the next one won't sound like it. There, I spared you 5 years of spilling bs here. :D

But don't stop, you are an amusing specimen; I'm not even surprised you like CC. Tell me more, please!
Uhm. Even if he's the one who started insulting, you shouldn't follow this way. There are better ways to argue with someone.
haha you guys aren't getting it. You're not allowed to have opinions. At least not if they don't agree with my facts.

No but seriously, whoever (Krofius I think) tried to make the point about band comparisons...

You can very, very easily compare In Flames to Cannibal Corpse. One band has stuck to their roots and not changed their style for greener pastures and still plays their instruments while the other band has not stuck to their roots, has changed their style and alienated their fan base and does not play their instruments any longer. On the basis of what we can just call integrity, you quite definitely can compare them as I just have.

>stating opinions as facts
>comparing In Flames & Cannibal Corpse
>trying to argue that Anders is a rapper