Mentality of a beginning metalhead.

Should a person be proud of being a metal elitist? I sometimes find it annoying but then I have nothing against them. And when it comes to metal, almost every person I met and who was listening to some decent metal was kinda an elitist. Maybe we are just labeled as elitist from the beginning?
I think one reason that metalheads tend to loft metal as better than other genres is because of the strong reactions it provokes in people who don't like it. With most genres people will just ignore them if they don't like them, but metal can make people freak out because it's so intense. Harsh vocals and blast beats almost make regular people cry. So when you finally develop a taste for metal and others around you can't even listen to it for more than 5 seconds, you feel kinda special.

I'm a bit elitist about metal now days because it's by and large my favorite genre. 95% of what I listen to now. I used to listen to shitty pop and top 40s and then progressed into edm, indie, classical. Then I listened to jazz because I played saxophone for about 7 years. Used to love that genre, and still appreciate it, but don't enjoy it much anymore. Then basically moved into metal and been there ever since. I have to say of all those genres, I have never enjoyed one even close to as much as I enjoy metal, and I have never found the depth and variety that I have in metal ( except maybe in jazz). And what might be the most enjoyable part is the themes that metal deals with. Thematically it just blows everything else out of the water. Zombies, Death, Life, Sorrow, Sci-Fi, monsters, (anti) religion, anti-war, alternate worlds, space, philosophy, etc....
And then not a single other genre ever matches the energy and aggression that one gets from metal.

So I'm not saying necessarily that metal is the best genre (though it probably is or at least one of the best - I like jazz too. Classical, meh), but it certainly sets itself apart significantly from a lot of other genres.
Should a person be proud of being a metal elitist? I sometimes find it annoying but then I have nothing against them. And when it comes to metal, almost every person I met and who was listening to some decent metal was kinda an elitist. Maybe we are just labeled as elitist from the beginning?

Well the way I see it, is that being an elitist just means that you have a discerning taste. They have faced the fact that just because music sounds a certain way, doesnt mean that it should instantly be validated. Just like a kindergartner's finger painting doesnt have the same depth as an abstract art piece created by a professional, there is metal that just does not tow the mark when it comes to analyzing it with a higher standard for greatness. Of course, these judgments are made within a realm of subjectivity, but that does not mean they are entirely without merit. A medical prognosis from a doctor that has years of knowledge and intuition under his belt is much more valid than that of a nurse fresh out of school. Same with the judgment and analysis of someone who has far more experience and exposure to metal. Terms like 'elitist' are just labels that make it easier to explain that some people just have higher standards, either honed through exposure, or through actual practice. Some people become more absorbed in music than others, and arent content just listening to a mere handful of bands/artists that they originally grew up with. I know a lot of people who still only listen to the same stuff that they did in high school, and therefore I would say that their enjoyment of music is too casual to be labelled as anything like 'elitist'.

A beginning metalhead inherently has little to no exposure to metal, so therefore would be unable to make the type of judgment that a seasoned metalhead would make. So no, I wouldnt say that anybody who listens to metal is elitist. Making the step to exclusively only listen to a single genre (or just a select few) is merely the first step in identifying what your inclinations towards music are as a thinking individual. People who say "I listen to everything, im extremely open-minded" are usually those that have not identified with music on the same level as someone who has specialized interests. Saying, "I only listen to Megadeth and Metallica" is practically the same thing, because it is a comment based more on ignorance than it is of someone who is more learned and experienced with listening to music. I guess maybe the general public would view this person as an 'elitist metalhead', but from the perspective of someone who has been listening to metal for a long time, I think this would be an inaccurate label.

Really though, anybody who listens to music of any genre in depth would be an elitist of said genre. We are just looking at it though the lens of 'metal elitism' because mostly everyone on this forum would probably qualify. Most people I know only listen to about 5 or 10 bands at most, and a collective of popular hits that get lots of playtime at parties and social events. If you dont consider people like that as 'music people', you are probably an elitist.

Like many of you, I also listen to genres that lie outside of metal. But unlike metal, I havent explored most of them with the same tenacity and thoroughness as metal, so I doubt that my experience is refined enough to be elitist with them.
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Should a person be proud of being a metal elitist? I sometimes find it annoying but then I have nothing against them. And when it comes to metal, almost every person I met and who was listening to some decent metal was kinda an elitist. Maybe we are just labeled as elitist from the beginning?
I think that everyone should be an elitist about whatever it is they are passionate about. If you just lap up whatever you find, what's the fucking point?
True elitism is a pretty toxic mentality, so I disagree with you on that.

Oh, I also wanted to make the point that basically every person who only listens to metal and nothing else has shitty taste. There's no real way around that if you ask me.
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Well I don't see anything wrong with listening to only metal; I don't do it, myself, I enjoy many different genres ranging from classical, to ambient, to dubstep, to post-rock, etc etc.

But I could see how some would do so. Metal has such a wide range of styles, emotions, and aesthetics that I could see how it could satisfy some.
try telling any non metal person how great so and so band is and most likely they'll give you a strange look, not care one iota or think you're a child. Back when I was relatively young and had heaps of friends around constantly I was so keen on my music that I always put on my music and in the end drove people away. I think the older you get as a metal head then it becomes a kindve solitary existence and it becomes even stranger when you realise that worshipping some band is about the gayest thing one can do. As you get older it really does become a test of your fortitude and one day you find that you really are alone in the world but that is of your own doing.
Nothing compares to classical compositionally. Or jazz improvisationally. But aside from those metal is greater than the rest.

That's really the big 3 of masterful music. Music written by and for musicians. Classical, jazz and metal.

... Free improvisation? Might have connections to jazz, at least originally, but it's not jazz.

I really don't buy most metal being 'written by and for musicians' either. Metal is much closer to a genre like hip hop in that it's mostly made by people that are connected in varying degrees to a specific subculture and at at some point feel like trying their hand at playing/writing/producing music.

The route most metal guitarists take is usually something like: listen to metal --> get guitar --> learn some songs/try to get laid --> write some riffs/form band/improve ability to get laid. That doesn't resemble the route most people take towards becoming a jazz or classical musician for shit.
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Skrillex has a few okay songs. Never understood the aversion towards him other than the fact that it's hip to hate on him.
Depending on what kind of dubstep you're listening to. The stuff with the ultra-distorted, completely atonal bass wobbles, yes, but the decent stuff, the stuff that is actually semi-melodic even after the drops, could be described as pretty "metallic".
... Free improvisation? Might have connections to jazz, at least originally, but it's not jazz.

Seriously? Ever been to a jazz concert? Every solo is improvised. I've taken multiple jazz improv classes on guitar. etc...

I really don't buy most metal being 'written by and for musicians' either. Metal is much closer to a genre like hip hop in that it's mostly made by people that are connected in varying degrees to a specific subculture and at at some point feel like trying their hand at playing/writing/producing music.

Most of the metal I listen to is written by musicians. I like it technical and progressive.
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