Mentality of a beginning metalhead.

So, Justin Bieber is objectively more artistically valuable than Angel Witch?
A good and often used retort, but professional musicians would be a better source to guide one through what those standards would be, not the general public. If populism was used, then the new Star Wars movie would be the greatest movie of all time, given its gross revenue. However, we know this to be absurd. Here is an interesting clip explaining why there are standards in art, and that those standards are important:

Note the Jakob Rosenburg quote there in the middle of this. This is also where I got the Pollock idea.
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This is a totally subjective argument. You offered no actual evidence beyond preferences.
A good and often used retort, but professional musicians would be a better source to guide one through what those standards would be, not the general public. If populism was used, then the new Star Wars movie would be the greatest movie of all time, given its gross revenue. However, we know this to be absurd. Here is an interesting clip explaining why there are standards in art, and that those standards are important:

Note the Jakob Rosenburg quote there in the middle of this. It is also where I got the Pollock idea.

I've watched this before and I agree with him pretty much 100% but it's still just an opinion. Art is and always was and will be fundamentally subjective.

In my opinion the closest I could get to defining some kind of objective standard to art would be how much labour was put into the piece whatever it may be. I think art should always be a labour of something and should be born from a personal source.

But even that I would admit must have exceptions.
This is a totally subjective argument. You offered no actual evidence beyond preferences.
Actually, if you had bothered to read, you would have seen I had used logical deduction, and there was nothing subjective about that.
There is no evidence in your argument. Stop trying to act like you're some kind of super sleuth, Sherlock.
i posted this in a thread on this same subject 8 years ago, and although i wrote like garbage back then it's still a helpful springboard for trying to reconfigure alex's position into something workable. the whole thread is pretty interesting though, dodens and einherjer in particular go a lot deeper into the debate than yall have done here. that said, i'll understand if you'd rather headbutt a wall for 20 minutes than read through it.

edit: the final three pages of that thread are particularly interesting IMO, but then i would say that 'cause i start participating again. also lmao at this convo about dodens.
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