Metal Chicks

D-KOM said:
What the f. is hot on a girl without fingers and a look like a contergan victim? OK, this are not the primary organs you need.... :D

What is contergan?? And DeathsSweetEmbrace, your picture just says tripod. I'm guessing it was a Powerpuff girl.

Oh you people. I actually had a dream this morning that I was on a class trip to Europe and in this small town they had a yearly ritual of putting the students in a huge amphitheatre type building with the World Serpent. Don't know if any of you study Norse mythology but basically a snake as big as a city. They put the students inside, fill it up with water, and then the snake comes in from the bottom up until it's entirely inside and everyones pressed up to the ceiling with this enormous snake underneath them, crushing everyone. Anyway, The Greys was there and I just remember thinking "hey that must be the kid from UM" when I saw him right before the snake started crushing me and biting me. Gross, I still feel the warm, slippery snake skin.

Hmm and to make this music related, umm, well... There's always Viking Metal.
Susperia said:
What is contergan?? And DeathsSweetEmbrace, your picture just says tripod. I'm guessing it was a Powerpuff girl.

Oh you people. I actually had a dream this morning that I was on a class trip to Europe and in this small town they had a yearly ritual of putting the students in a huge amphitheatre type building with the World Serpent. Don't know if any of you study Norse mythology but basically a snake as big as a city. They put the students inside, fill it up with water, and then the snake comes in from the bottom up until it's entirely inside and everyones pressed up to the ceiling with this enormous snake underneath them, crushing everyone. Anyway, The Greys was there and I just remember thinking "hey that must be the kid from UM" when I saw him right before the snake started crushing me and biting me. Gross, I still feel the warm, slippery snake skin.

Hmm and to make this music related, umm, well... There's always Viking Metal.

Do you have night terrors ?
I have nightmares almost every night, but I have had one night terror that i can remember. Scariest thing, ever.

D-KOM: that's really horrible...and interesting.
Frostangelstorm said:
Personally Idon't consider long hair to be a sign of femininity, and neither do I believe long hair is a metal trait, although that's the popular belief.

Personally I have long hair and you should have guessed that I relate myself to metal as well, but when people say "hey you've got long hair, are you a metallist?", I usually cringe or get embarrassed, as answering "yes" would make unwanted stereotypes about me instantly, while a "no" would lead to me saying that I like "some of it" and the person I'm talking to would begin to talk about mainstream metal all of a sudden. I don't get dressed in leather, drunk, stoned and am not aggressive, but being stereotyped as a person "who is just the same as all other people who listen to "that type of music"" is something I hate.

Back to femininity, since when has long hair been a female only trait? The only reason why I can see this even being even taken into account scientifically is that females get bald much less often than males, yet this still makes shit sense. Sure, yeah, it is a tradition that women are long-haired usually and men are usually short-haired, but why should follow this tradition? However, something tells me that this is what I think simply because I *am* one of the long-haired men, and that's fucking it. The whole point is that long hair suits me better than short, I like being long-haired and that's the only fucking thing that matters! Of course, if I were bald, I'd look more manly, but then why would I want that?

as a skinhead, is short hair more masculine?

yes, yes it is

are people with long hair useally pansies, yes they are!

however the draw back to short "maculine" hair is that sick gay fetish types crawl out of the woodwork and ruin everything with their flaboyant stupidity
Susperia said:
What is contergan?? And DeathsSweetEmbrace, your picture just says tripod. I'm guessing it was a Powerpuff girl.

Oh you people. I actually had a dream this morning that I was on a class trip to Europe and in this small town they had a yearly ritual of putting the students in a huge amphitheatre type building with the World Serpent. Don't know if any of you study Norse mythology but basically a snake as big as a city. They put the students inside, fill it up with water, and then the snake comes in from the bottom up until it's entirely inside and everyones pressed up to the ceiling with this enormous snake underneath them, crushing everyone. Anyway, The Greys was there and I just remember thinking "hey that must be the kid from UM" when I saw him right before the snake started crushing me and biting me. Gross, I still feel the warm, slippery snake skin.

Hmm and to make this music related, umm, well... There's always Viking Metal.

that's an awesome dream. i used to have dreams like that, now it's all mundane shit from real life like "man, work sure does suck today, i wonder if it's almost to time to clock out". :(
I dont have dreams or at least I dont remember them...I wish I could have cool dreams like that...though I do sometimes have those weird dreams when you are trying to fall asleep and you are falling off of a building in the dream...then you all of a sudden wake up screaming and flailing your arms, resulting in you falling off of the bed...
I love dreaming. In high school I was so good at it and could become lucid all the time... Unfortunately I don't have time for that anymore, in college.
Oi said:
as a skinhead, is short hair more masculine?

yes, yes it is

are people with long hair useally pansies, yes they are!

however the draw back to short "maculine" hair is that sick gay fetish types crawl out of the woodwork and ruin everything with their flaboyant stupidity

Susperia said:
I love dreaming. In high school I was so good at it and could become lucid all the time... Unfortunately I don't have time for that anymore, in college.

I love dreaming. I can dream crazy things good or bad every night. very interesting. I'm more fascinated with dreaming than actual life.

A lot of dreams are things that could happen if you really tried. You wake up in your own reality thinking imagine if that real. I'm sure anyone could make a dream reality if trying hard enough but i'm far from optimistic. Dreams to tell you something but I just have not acted upon any.

You can either live your dreams or you can be a dreamer. Most people probably go through their entire life dreaming. Regardless there is a significant connection with dreaming & waking life.
I have had a few dreams where I dive down to ship wrecks... But I don't need scuba gear or anything. It's beautiful. Everything's so blue, and then out of nothing this ship appears, like out of mist and bubbles. I love ship wrecks.

Could we get banned for this??
I save people's lives in my dreams a lot, or watch people die. I've saved the world a couple times as well. My dreams are always very ominous and on an overwhelming scale. I almost never have any kind of sex dreams unless they're extremely cryptic.
Hahahaha Almost always my sex dreams suck. It's either I'm trying to masturbate and I can't because there's people, or some big creepy guy is chasing me, trying to have sex with me. That's probably why i don't have them very often.