Metal Chicks

Is it too late to mention the doom band Mourn, who had one album (self titled), and the singer was a woman ?

Thought so.

Still, fucking great album. It is (was?) on the Rise Above label, and is a bit of a gem. The drummer loves his cow bell in a semi-fetishistic fashion.
5thSeason said:
yes, I am aware of this. In fact there are several, none of which have angela in the band. You would think with the popularity arch enemy has right now that there would be a demand (even if it was a small demand) for angelas old material. As far as I know nobody has been able to find any actual proof that she ever recorded a song prior to joining arch enemy. Metal Archives has a mistress listed with angela on vocals, however the rest of the band members arent even given last names, and there are only 2 demos listed. She claimed she was in the band for years prior to joining AE. Even if they only recorded 2 demos, and angela did in fact do the vocals on them you would be able to find that material somewhere online... but nope... nothing
What about the other two bands Metal Archives says she was in, Devil In the Details and Asmodina?
Intoxicator said:
What about the other two bands Metal Archives says she was in, Devil In the Details and Asmodina?

Well, if you look around on the net then nothing comes up about Devils in the Details, and as for Asmodina they lasted 7 years and Angela is the only band member listed and it quotes that they have "several tapes and two CD's" There should be a hell of a lot more for a band that lasted seven years!

But apart from all this I still end up obsessed with their music, just goes to show it doesn't matter on the people that make the music, just the music itself.
sykosami said:
There should be a hell of a lot more for a band that lasted seven years!
Actually, not necessarily. I've found bands on Metal Archives that didn't release anything until ten years after they formed. But yeah, you would think so.

I thought M-A didn't add bands unless they had proof of existing releases by that band?
this thing about angela gossow reminds me of a day I wasn't in the city and a friend called me to say she had eventually got a date with angela for an interview, as the band was touring in spain.

please don't kill me but i had absolutely nothing against arch enemy, in fact i liked some songs and especially the image of a woman being the leading vocalist, and not singing that kind of opera thing.. !

so that day i was pretty upset. the fact is that it seemed that angela wasn't in the mood to do an interview that evening, so she just didn't show up. nobody knew what happened, she just told someone of the crew that she wopuldn¡t do the interview...
aha... what a superstar.

and talking about other metal chicks.. i prefer a male vocalist rather than a female one (except if the woman goes yelling around like a man, hahaha!) but i can name some bands i think nobody mentioned before such as Girlschool, Holy Moses, GWAR (hihi ^_^), skyclad... actually we have listed about 350 bands (those friends i talked about before have) but it makes no sense naming them all, as i haven't listened to them all..

(sorry for my english is getting worse each day)
A pretty heavy all girl band that i know of is Mythic,released on relapse records.these girls could grind<ouch>

another old school band that had a female singer...remember Hellion?
I noticed a strange thing: many of youbased youropinions about Angela on her behavior, character... I don't think it's enough. This is music discussion and you should talk about her voice (which I don't like, btw).
EO1 said:
another old school band that had a female singer...remember Hellion?
Ann Boleyn's Hellion are infact still active, their last release "will not go quietly" was in 2003.