Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@TNB&DL1: I once had this weird depressed spell after watching se7en. The thing he says at the end, something like "Hemmingway once wrote that 'the world is a beautiful place; and worth fighting for' - I agree with the second part". Then I took a walk and got litterally chased by these little shit chav bastards. I got home and broke down cos I couldn't stop thinking 'THE WORLD COULD BE A BEAUTIFUL PLACE!!!'... So I kind of know how you two (DL and TNB) feel about the dirty reality. It got better for me though, I realised the idiots shouldn't be able to ruin my perceptions of life with their ignorance. so I rose up above it. Of cause the stimulus for our depressions are probably entirely different, so that last bit of advice is probably irrelevant... but if it is something you could rise up above, just try thinking of it that way, and I bet you'll feel at least an ickle bit better :p.

Nf: I slept in late so I'm a bit groggy. I don't know what I'm gonna do today :(
Thank you once again KC! I just have to, as DL1 said, get my feet back on the ground and face reality, though now it seems utterly impossible. I somehow always run into dreams with too much enthusiasm not thinking about important facts. Being home alone, without my roommate does not really help. I like solitude, cos I can mourn in my depressive little way, but at the same time I'd like to cry out for help...I'd like a hug and the corniest phrase on earth "Everything will be fine". Your words make sense and I know it SHOULD be like that, but right now I can't feel all that. All I feel is my sadness and how I can't escape it.
Hemmingway also said that there is no problem on earth that cant be solved with a double Scotch.
He shot himself right afterwards
Taliesin said:
Hemmingway also said that there is no problem on earth that cant be solved with a double Scotch.
He shot himself right afterwards

What a legend :p

Nf: Just saw a spider so Im a bit :ill: . It was 6 inches diameter, absolutely. crazy size. now every little thing I catch out of the corner of my eye I think is some evil arachnid. Bah!
:ill: yuck spiders..

friday night i was coming home and suddenly saw an evil shape slowly falling from the ehm top of the car near my left ear :yuk: managed to smear its body on the glass with a pack of kleenex without losing the control of the car too much :p
i'm studying spiders right now, carefully covering all the huge images on the book..grr i feel them everywhere on my legs. i'm crazy :yell:
Yeah, I was just looking at pictures of the camel spider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (<Satan)

(A young camel spider, captured by the marine corps - that's right, they have to set the marines out on these things)

(Two Camel Spiders getting their groove on - The marines in this picture are now dead for interfering and killing the sexy evil mood)

they grow to be 20 inches in diameter and can run at 30 mph. They jump 6 feet high. They are called camel spiders because they eat camels alive. Camel spider is satan!

Nf: Like a good person. I just hooked my bro up in a Deathmetal band that is already gigging and stuff. How nice am I. He will be well chuffed. He's a vocalist who has never had chance to play live, poor guy. He likes Pig Destroyer and stuff like that... so he's a bit nuts.
My feet are tickleing form thinking about cammel spiders :yuk:
@king chaos : whats that species?(I like spiders ) these things seem to escaped from Alien
I never heard of such spiders. must ask ungle google about this monsters

after asking uncle google damn these beasts exist .how cool

NF:excited after a a hard tour with my bike
Damn, those spiders are reaaaally ugly *goes away and covers herself with blanket*

NF: Much better. After talking to a friend who studies psychology, I feel such a relief. I didn't even know I needed this, but it turened out to be really helpful.
@siren: happy easter to you and all the other members of your church. :)

@kc: i'm not looking at these pics. i already have spider-themed nightmares if i happen to see a little one in my bedroom, wouldn't want to lose sleep for the next fifteen years.

@taliesin: i'm not sure that football goes with beer only. i've never experimented otherwise, but i have a growing suspicion that most things go better with wine than beer. for example, i'm the living proof that writing on this forum goes well with wine.

@hilj: you are not to accept any 18 in your life, that's all i have to say to you. :p ah, and beware of flying arachnides.

nf: i'm drinking as stated and i'm waiting for a friend of mine to get here so we can have dinner. i had a birthday party last night, was rather annoyed by the fact that a colleague of mine i'm not attracted to seemed bent on kissing me whenever possible, but overall the party was alright. these days i'm drinking too much, thinking too much, and not working enough.
@hyena: oh, in other stuff no, but in physics yesyesyes :p it's already a miracle i got some points in the tests, reaching 18 would be a blessing

NF: good :) and in a while i'm going from my friend to see Ris's dvds, the italians here should watch it, it's completely hilarious
I'm back from zurich now and the whole hours in the train I just felt so miserable, I thought about all this again, I just saw it seems all lost, at least my hopes are lost for the moment and as I came home I just cryied my soul out like I never done since my ex left me, and still cant stop it... I wanna shoot me for being such an emotional dreamer sometimes really... it can make u so high but bring u so back to the deepest darks as well... I wish I just couldnt care but I do :( sorry just had to let it out...
Just talked to my ex-woman. It was nasty. She told me I used to own her, when I really didnt. I was very loose with things, she more or less owned me. I told her that and she called me a twat and wrote some impossible to understand sentence. I feel worse than ever now, and I'm gonna clear my head by going for a jog. First things first, Im gonna breath deeply and make fists while thinking about crushing things. She's a bint. I can't stand what she is going to become. I know it's not my buissiness, but FUCKCUNTCUFKDTGSJ.
Keyboard mashing is one way you stressed out depressives could vent your stressed out depression - although it doesn't work. grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Hyena: I was only speaking for myself of course.. and I dont like wine very much so :p
Feel free to send me a selection of good wines though to convince me otherwise :D

My cold is getting better and overall Im not too bad. Ive been feeling good lately about the change of my master, away from Economic Engineering to just Engineering :p
Ive also felt melancolic sometimes.. at its worst I was thinking that maybe Im still depressed. But I think Ive learned to deal with my feelings pretty well lately, Ive learned to release what bothers me so I can move on.

I just realized it's been over half a year that I moved out now.. well, counting the time I spent at home during holidays with the "moved out" time.. aaaaanyway, Im off to bed. Nite :wave:
@TNB: I study business information systems (IT and economics) but currently I'm also learning some swedish (the language) because I'll study in Sweden from July to December. F**king looking forward to that! (BTW, anyone going to the Gates Of Metal festival, I might...)

@KC: Bad to hear what she told you. But maybe this helps to forget her. My Ex rang me up one week ago and told me she wanted to come to RockHard Festival, too, and she wanted to drive with me and some friends because she didn't know with whom to go there. I told her that I won't accept her being the whole weekend by my side. Then she told me that I'm niot fair... *g* I asked her who of us both isn't fair (fu**ing with someone else and not splitting up...). So she understood. ;) But was angry :)

NF: Have to cook for my family now before I leave my hometown to get back to Trier... This means, I'm feeling quite good, but don't want to sit in my car the whole afternoon...
Schwedentod said:
@TNB: I study business information systems (IT and economics) but currently I'm also learning some swedish (the language) because I'll study in Sweden from July to December. F**king looking forward to that! (BTW, anyone going to the Gates Of Metal festival, I might...)

Ah, okay... cool! I also study Swedish :) Not a course, but as a B-subject on university. Love it!
Oh, so you'll be in Sweden for 6 months? Awesome! I'm a bit jealous :)
Where exactly will you be studying?

@KC: Sorry to hear that too. I think that it's so awful when two ppl break up and manage not to have a decent relation afterwards. You have shared 2 years, you've learned so much about eachother and now when there's no particular reason (such as cheating), you break up and end up saying nasty facts and words to eachother. That kinda sucks. I'm really sorry to hear about all that... :(
But, you're a tough one, you'll be fine :)

NF: Got home from school. I planned to print out a seminar I wanted to hand in today, but the damn computers on university are always busy (alaways someone watching some porn, "look-how-I-broke-a-leg-jumping-from-a-speeding-truck" kinda sites or just chatting). The only available computer was _the_ slowest one. Gosh, I could calculate all the bytes and bits with an abacus before the processor. And then after waiting for ever to open a document, the computer started to use turkish yabba-dabba letters and some undefined forms... My seminar looked cool, but hey, not what I wanted. I was pretty angry..I was SO looking forward to handing in the seminar =/
Otherwise, I'm fine. One of the worst weekends is behind me and I like this Monday :) My roommate is coming home today and I feel like studying. :)
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