Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Someone's taking icehockey far too seriously. I was kind of rooting for Slovakia though, Rick Nash is such a cunt, even if a talented one.
Finland shouldn't have much of a chance against Russia, but could be that they'll pull their stuff together and Russia will have 22 individuals yet again. Could be, and most likely won't be.
NF: i'm so tired and sleepy :( and i have to finish smt by tonight and learn it and go rehearse it tomorrow at 9:30am :waah:
i've got a sore throat but i'm about to watch a movie i have wanted to see for a while so i'm not completely unhappy.
NF: Not bad. Registered for my university courses I will be taking in the fall so I'm glad that is out of the way.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Someone's taking icehockey far too seriously
Nah, that's just a sportsman's passion women hardly ever follow ;)
It looks good for the Finns so far though, Im looking forward to the rest of the game
Kov said:
NF: Tired and exhilerated. One last final at 11 (4 hours) and I'm done with junior year. Gleeeee.
It's done. Sound the airhorn. It's time to celebrate, madafaka!!
..regardless of how it went

DragonLady said:
tonight I just feel like a complete naive idiot.... going to bed now :(
What happened? if I may ask.

Northern Lights said:
Nf: giggling helplessly at a spam title: "We've got a powerful lawn tractor with your name on it."
Hey, you should've replied to them "Oh, thanks! I was wondering where it had gone. When can I come to pick it up?"

Siren said:
NF: i'm so tired and sleepy :( and i have to finish smt by tonight and learn it and go rehearse it tomorrow at 9:30am :waah:
Oh I'm sure it got done afterall.
In fact, you're probably having wonderful dreams right now while I remain awake in this vile world of 6pm in the evening :waah:

hyena said:
i've got a sore throat but i'm about to watch a movie i have wanted to see for a while so i'm not completely unhappy.
'The Terminator'!

..and try not to cheer so loud (remember your sore throat)

Incendiare said:
NF: Not bad. Registered for my university courses I will be taking in the fall so I'm glad that is out of the way.
Good for you. I remember I used to always wait until classes started to actually get my ass to register for courses :rolleyes:
And welcome back, Incendy.

Taliesin said:
Nah, that's just a sportsman's passion women hardly ever follow ;)
I know a certain Finn woman in UM that's a more passionate hockey fan than you, Marduk, and your daddies combined.
MagSec4 said:
I know a certain Finn woman in UM that's a more passionate hockey fan than you, Marduk, and your daddies combined.
She will be crying bitter crocodile's tears now as the Finns got kicked out pretty tragically again..
MagSec4 said:
Oh I'm sure it got done afterall.
In fact, you're probably having wonderful dreams right now while I remain awake in this vile world of 6pm in the evening :waah:
As a matter of fact, it did get done. Unfortunatelly, not on its own.
Now, in this vile world of 1:30am i'm still awake trying to learn the bullshit i wrote and to find information on the net about it.
I AM SO F*** IMPRESSED!!!! I just came home from the Testament gig here, original lineup, it was AMAZING! I took lots of pics and stood right in front of guitar god ALEX SKOLNICK while he was doing his solos, I couldnt believe, I am really really really deeply impressed I have to tell... just wish I could have gone to the aftershowparty but I'm sure it would have endet up in a drunken mess again and I have to work tomorrow and wanna be fit for the Rockhard festival

going to sleep now, dreaming about guitar solos lol
NF: Shit. A female friend of mine might just have destroyed our relationship. :yell: I haven't behaved as if I was interested in her as all (because I'm not) and still she asks me if I want to make out with her. Why oh why? :cry: It might be possible to sort out, but why did she have to ask me that?
same here, I'm leaving in half an hour with train and I'm just soo excited, I think its cause I waited so long for this festival and it will be so great to see so many friends from last year again... how I love festivals! :) see u there :)
Child of Time said:
Why oh why? :cry: It might be possible to sort out, but why did she have to ask me that?
Maybe she wanted to make out?

NF: Ok. I'm finally almost done with this project we've been preparing for so long. The prof saw and heard it today and he made some minor corrections. He also said we should remove the bullshit part i was writing last night, and that makes me happy. :grin: He even said he might try to be there for the final presentation, while at first he had said he will be abroad in a vain effort to avoid the whole thing. :p So now i'm just relaxing a bit, and will do some more things i have left later.
CoT: Where've you been, bro?
And what exactly does 'make out' mean to you? (I know of someone in Europe who thought it meant something different than it is; maybe it does mean something else there)

Siren: There, you see? It turned out fine.
Child of Time said:
NF: Shit. A female friend of mine might just have destroyed our relationship. :yell: I haven't behaved as if I was interested in her as all (because I'm not) and still she asks me if I want to make out with her. Why oh why? :cry: It might be possible to sort out, but why did she have to ask me that?

because you're irresistible? :p
Have fun at Rockhard you guys!

NF: ANRGY! I just wrote a post and the damn browser gave me the "cannot find server" page... *buhuhu*
Well, I had an exam today and it didn't went too well, I'm a afraid. Too many WEIRD questions that I didn't expect. And too many details...too many stupid questions too. I can't believe that I HAVE to know all that *crap* Ah, well... I guess I'll just have to study harder next time =/
Oh and... to make things better, my roommates bike got stolen today! In broad daylight, for crying out loud!! I mean, what does a man have to do.. sleep with the bike to prevent those impertinent bastards from stealing it??! Aaaargh..*sigh*

@Siren: I was glad to hear your presentation went well :) Way to go, girl!

@Marduk: You'll nail the mf :D Fingers crossed for as much nerves and patience as possible to come your way :)
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