Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Quite well really! I am about to finish the project Ive mentioned elsewhere. And, what is more, two tickets for the Paradise Lost and Orphaned Land gig in Prague are one the way! Today we made arrangements with my wife for our 4-day stay in Prague (we decided not just to go for a gig, but to make the best of it), made a reservation in a hostel, etc. We are going to see the Giger exhibition in the New Technical Museum, too! :hotjump:
I have a little headache, but Im watching the World Cup Finale, Canada vs Czech Rep. and soon I'll have tea, too, so the night is saved already :p
Ive been playing CSS again with my brother and a friend, it's been really great :grin:
It's really moving to see my brothers grow up, I mean, about half a year ago he was terribly immature and now with 16,5 he's changed quite a bit, which is really cool. It's a nice feeling to have two younger brothers you can treat as your equals in every way :)
@marduk: tonight must be memory lane night. :p i hadn't heard the name 'giger' for about 13 years.

nf: i'm annoyed that i still have to wash the dishes and change my bedsheets, but otherwise okay. today i've slept, read an interesting book, watched an interesting movie, and i'm about to engage in more reading. life could be worse, all things considered.
I'm pretty far behind with this thread, but erm... Congrats Mags with the C.E.M Degree (yeah so Im like 5 pages late, but whatever). Im glad people are feeling generally better around here, a couple of weeks ago the world was falling apart in here. It's nice to hear you have a connection with your siblings Taliesin. Im the youngest in my family so I don't know what it's like to have younger bros or sisters. And also @tal: That catholic biath needs running over. I really can see how pissed off that must make you, and fair enough. 'tis oldish news now, but just thought I'd... you know...



NF: Well pretty bad because I had loads of homework but I didn't find out what it was so I didn't do it. Now I will be shouted at. Meh. Pretty good because last week I did my 20 minute guitar recital and got a standing ovasion (not literally, but the ending was quite funny... can I be arsed to tell the little story? alright - ) there's like a big cadenza at the end of the last piece I played, but there's a silence before it, and everyone Assumed I'd finished, so they began to applaud, the backing track kicked back in and everyone looked semi confused, so I just encouraged them to keep applauding, so they did, and I just threw the written material out of the window and started doing stupid rock'n'roll neil youngesque bends over the top of their cheers of adoration lol.
'Twent well 'tmust be said.
Im still absolutely fucked up over splitting with my girlfriend. I think she's shacking up with that one guy (you know how there's always one guy, that you really wish she wouldn't choose to shack up with). I think this cos I got a call form my Half Brother telling me he saw them "getting friendly". So I spent a morning curled up in a ball getting ready to puke. The puke never came, and I made myself feel better by sending her an email, which I now entirely regret sending. I just want out. It's truly pathetic how I've let a woman destroy me like this, and I am a pitiful sight for sure. I had alot of hate for humans bottled up in me and Im starting to turn that hate on myself. It's not all that productive. Anyway, listening to When Day Descends has helped me through this alot.
King Chaos said:
Anyway, listening to When Day Descends has helped me through this alot.
I'm glad i can help in some way :) It honours me that someone would turn to my music like that..
@KC: You're better than her...try to forget who's she sleeping with and what she's doing and concentrate on your well being.. that's all that matters!
Oh, and... congrats for your outstanding success ;)

NF: Nervouuuuuuuus =/ I had some plans and I though I arranged everything, but now it seems like I have to find a new arrangement... I mean, plans are still doable and very much there, but it's just gonna be so bloody difficult to arrange a new solution... Aaargh! Too many ifs in my head.
Plus that it's awfully hot here.. I can't stand it! I want winter A.S.A.P.!!!!!!
marduk1507 said:
Too bad she didnt see the recital, or did she? That would maybe do something. And quit sending her e-mails goddamnit! :) Sorry.

Ha, no she didn't see it. Me being a guitarist never did anything for her anyway, so it wouldn't have changed a thing. I wish I could stop emailing her :erk:, but it's the only way we really communicate, and it's easy. I can plan what I say and there's no feeling of confrontation. I don't want her back; but I just can't block her out of my life entirely; and for the moment I can't drop the monogamy that kept me assured me the past 2 and a half years. yadayadayada

YaYo said:
I'm glad i can help in some way :) It honours me that someone would turn to my music like that...
Well the music is so very very good :p. I don't know what it is, but 'when day descends' really does hit all the right notes for me. I'm glad you feel honoured, and you definately deserve to and more. You've done me a great favour by sharing your project.

TheNewBuild said:
@KC: You're better than her...try to forget who's she sleeping with and what she's doing and concentrate on your well being.. that's all that matters!
Oh, and... congrats for your outstanding success ;)
Yeah, my well being is being more of a distraction recently. You're entirely right, it's just when I find things out, there's still a sensitive spot there, and it's damaging, if only momentarily. But I am getting past is alright... it's better now than it was. Once again, your words are kind. Thanks very much :).
P.S. Hope the weather gets worse for you :p (wetter that is) .

Taliesin said:
KC: Remember, it's ok to feel bad now. If it makes you feel better to write her, why not do it? If it helps you get through it, it's definitely the right thing to do. It takes some time to get over events like that, the important thing is not to despair and not to lose focus on what's important in life. And you're doing really well from what I can see, so Im sure you'll be alright
It makes me feel better to write to her, but I now it's not very constructive. In a way I'm making her suffer, which I don't know if I want to do or not. I can see now how time is a good healer, and as I said to TNB, I've been doing quite a bit better recently. There's light at the end of the tunnel [/cliche'] :lol:. Thank you valiant viking, your guidance is, as always, appreciated. :p

Nf: Not bad not good. Boring day at school, had a laugh with my mates though. Im quite energetic today, I think I might have a workout or something.
Im being lazy again :erk: Well, I think I'll do my weekly maths exercise sheet later, so.. :)

KC: Remember, it's ok to feel bad now. If it makes you feel better to write her, why not do it? If it helps you get through it, it's definitely the right thing to do. It takes some time to get over events like that, the important thing is not to despair and not to lose focus on what's important in life. And you're doing really well from what I can see, so Im sure you'll be alright :)
King Chaos said:
Yeah, my well being is being more of a distraction recently. You're entirely right, it's just when I find things out, there's still a sensitive spot there, and it's damaging, if only momentarily. But I am getting past is alright... it's better now than it was. Once again, your words are kind. Thanks very much :).
P.S. Hope the weather gets worse for you :p (wetter that is) .

Of course.. and that's the way it goes. A sensitive spots we all do have, for various things and reasons.. No wonder you have one after sharing 2 yrs of your life with one "reason". The time will show you that that particular spot doesn't have to hurt that much... it's hard to get there, but you're doing fine :) I am afraid that all this sounds so corny and not helpful, but still.. I know that sometimes even words that seem to have no greater meaning can mean a world :) Just concentrate on other things.. you know the trick ;)

Hehe, thanks mate! I hope a rain or a cloud of somekind will postpone the hell (summer) I'm about to face soon.
Ha! Summer is coming at last!!! :p
NF: Today Im gonna finish and send the damn EU discrimination access to justice blah blah bullshit that Im still working on, so Im quite content with myself. And hey, Tina, come to Trencin on friday, Depresy are playing here with Ador Dorath and Galadriel!!! :p :p :p
yeaah back home too and tired... daniel I was looking for u around and the first day my phone broke down cause no more batteries and the second day I was already sleeping when u called, so sad we couldnt meet for some more beers but I'm sure there will be more festivals to get drunk haha.
was a great time there anyway, so much fun, met loooots of people and took even more pics ;) very tired now
marduk1507 said:
Ha! Summer is coming at last!!! :p
NF: And hey, Tina, come to Trencin on friday, Depresy are playing here with Ador Dorath and Galadriel!!! :p :p :p

Damn summer *grumpy*

Yeah, sure... I'll be there since it's just around the corner :p

P.S. Say hi to Depresy ;)
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