Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@larocque: regardless of my fairness, i'd like to point out something. king chaos made that comment about you. it makes no sense to go and try to irritate gtranquillity for something she was no part of and had no power over. it is true that people bring this subject up because she mentioned it in the first place, but it was her right to express her feelings, back when you were sending her stuff. once you ceased from the activity she found disturbing, no further comments or mockery came from her.

personally, i think you shouldn't care at all about any kind of accusation. some are supposed to be jokes. others might be serious, but are innocuous. i myself think - sorry - that some of your messages are waaaay out there, but you don't live in my close proximities. we're not even acquaintances. we're not even e-friends. you're not failing at the internet if people get the wrong idea about something you've done.
and if you really, really cannot stand such posts without a reaction, at least target the real perpetrators.

it does not help what the other users think of you to know that you react aggressively against the most irritable party, where you're sure to score some hurt points. it makes you seem petty, and mean.

in other news, this server sucks.
La Rocque said:
@ Gtranquillity ... I want to be perfectly clear on this ... You don't remember asking me to go to Pinkpop'02 and then backing out and then after that. I said I don't want to be your friend any longer and Goodbye ... if you do not remember that you need professional help ... remember all the mails you sent after that 'swearing on your mothers life' ...
Yes, I do remember we were supposed to go see Rammstein at Pinkpop, and we would have had your mails not turned into an obsession by then. That (and that only) was why I told you I felt it wasn't such a good idea after all, and this was way before I said I didn't want to communicate any longer, and before you purchased the tickets. But really, this isn't where the discussion is about, now is it!? It's about the fact that after a year and a half you are still writing me, knowing that I don't want to hear from you ever again. You know that we'll never communicate again, no matter what you write to or about me, so just stop it and go on with your life. I said it many times, I don't hate you Dave, all I want is to be left alone, and let this be the end of it!
marduk1507 said:
@rahvin: nooooo, I mean the VENT YOURSELF THREAD! :hotjump: :hotjump:

you vent yourself, young man!

ok, i admit, i wasn't following you. yes, this is the wrong thread. i could split the last ten replies and put them in the feelings thread. i just might do it. but i like being mysterious.
@rahvin: for a second I thought I travelled in time, dont do this to me again! I started in the person above me and finished in not so good blah thread. WOW!! This site isnt that slow after all! :D
We are into reruns with this, once again I did not bring this here ... look at how this stared, G and rahv and their childish humor silverhaha ... that's why I wanted to make certain my answers to this were not deleted ... back in the day when all of this started ... I actually said goodbye to the DT forum and went away but G and rahv stalked me to SOT2 forum and kept it going so I came back @rahv remember my thread 'WTF ... again'? You deleted that badboy fast.
I could count all the negative names G directed at me in the last day.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me.
*So You ripped me off for some money, I think that's what this was all about*. I have plenty of that. Maybe you remember when you wanted your Golden Earring tattoo removed? I said as a friend at that time I'll send you the $1200 for that. Money talks and bullshit walks
for the Q&A thread what Golden Earring band member gave G her first kiss and how old was she at the time?
So today and in the past it was all the truth as you see, it was a pack of lies as I see it.
What we have here is a failure to communicate.

My friend Teri just got here with a movie and a pizza and in the morning I'm going fishing. Hey Life's a bitch.
And Your going to continue to bitch, so go for it, knock Yourself out but Your never going to be happy.

I'm going to close this with what You wrote that your father had told You
"I never forgot the first time my dad told me my life was, is, and always will be useless - a waste of peoples time. I tried all my life to proof he's wrong, but by now I'm slowly starting to realize it might be time to accept the facts instead of trying to proof he's wrong... "
Accept it ... Gerhard is a wise man. Have a nice day.
La Rocque said:
@I'm going to close this with what You wrote that your father had told You
"I never forgot the first time my dad told me my life was, is, and always will be useless - a waste of peoples time. I tried all my life to proof he's wrong, but by now I'm slowly starting to realize it might be time to accept the facts instead of trying to proof he's wrong... "
Accept it ... Gerhard is a wise man. Have a nice day.

oke this is none of my concern here but that last sentence just sucks and is not true at all, diana is not a waste of my time, she's a lovely person and I'm truly happy I met her... so whatever happened between u and her is ur thing but dont start to write stuff like how useless one is when it is not true at all for the obvious reason there are some people who love her and like her....

your rant = funny.

trying to delete a thread with 2000+ replies = unfunny.
i had to split your original post away from the rest of the replies to make sure you don't try it again.

next time something pisses you off, why don't you try deleting the whole site while you're at it?

La Rocque said:
G and rahv stalked me to SOT2 forum and kept it going

actually, i registered long before you did, and when you came there and specifically addressed me in one of your posts, i called you a stalker. it's still all there for everyone to read, so lying about it is only raising suspicion concerning all the other things you say, about g, that nobody can verify.

and yes, i did delete a thread about personal attacks against single forum members. do you see any of those "bad boys" around? if you don't, it's because there aren't. if you do, it's because you haven't taken your medication.
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