Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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He just had the flu but it was supposed to get better. But now he can't even get out of bed and he can barely open his eyes :cry: Every time i look at him i feel like someone's ripping my heart out. gkkldjfg i'm shaking so much that i can't type.
@idari: i feel sorry for the kitten as well. i feel sorry for you too, because you really deserved a long, happy time with your new pet. however, i don't think fireangel meant anything disrespectful with her comment, it's just that she doesn't like stories of cat vomit. but that wasn't meant to deprecate your choice to report about it. what i did find funny was how the ending sounded (so solemn and childlike at the same time), and i wasn't bitching about your post either.
rahvin said:
it's just that she doesn't like stories of cat vomit.
oh, my. this is taking a completely absurd turn. you make this sound as it is somehow weird. :lol:

@idari: sorry for being all stupid when you're so sad. hiljainen is right though: what is the vet saying?
idari said:
You suck.
I think you just connected the sorrow concerning the well-being of your ill kitten with this more general comment.

I think I am not exaggerating that during the last time there was an enourmous amount of your kitten pics and kitten stories, including every little detail, and I just don´t want that to take over the whole forum. (and yeah, rahvin was right). Please take into account that not everything here only circles around you and your kittens.

Besides, I don´t think that the style of my comment should be replied by an answer on a whole different level. I was still respectful to you, also all the time before, so the fact that you didn´t take that into account shows a lot about how you think.
oh shit Santtuuuu i'm truly sorry for you and your kitten. i hate to see this happen to you again. :( Leevi has been very sick, but he's always got better, so maybe your kitten will too.. *hugs*

luckily Limppu, Jore, Jalle and Omppu are healthy and alive, and hopefully will be for a long time. <3

@ Anja: i like your thread idea, but i'm amazed that pictures and stories of cute cats can really bother someone. you have all the right to get annoyed by Santtu and her kitten, but try not to take her comment so seriously. i know she posts about her cats quite a lot, but i sure don't think she thinks everything in this forum circles around them. in fact, if someone told me (s)he didn't like animals i wouldn't be offended, but just like Santtu, i'd probably reply something like "you suck", cause i'd feel sorry for them a bit.
this reminds me that i once made my friend's nose bleed cause he said Amorphis sucks. i didn't mean to, though. people can get really defensive of the things they love.
fireangel said:
I think you just connected the sorrow concerning the well-being of your ill kitten with this more general comment.

I think I am not exaggerating that during the last time there was an enourmous amount of your kitten pics and kitten stories, including every little detail, and I just don´t want that to take over the whole forum. (and yeah, rahvin was right). Please take into account that not everything here only circles around you and your kittens.

Besides, I don´t think that the style of my comment should be replied by an answer on a whole different level. I was still respectful to you, also all the time before, so the fact that you didn´t take that into account shows a lot about how you think.

Preaching to the choir.
*hugs Ulla and Lili back* thanks. omg Ulla 4:16am <3

Ulla said:
i know she posts about her cats quite a lot, but i sure don't think she thinks everything in this forum circles around them.
This is true. I post about my cats for myself, not for anyone else. I don't care if no one gives a fuck, i do it to entertain myself.

rahvin said:
i don't think fireangel meant anything disrespectful with her comment, it's just that she doesn't like stories of cat vomit. but that wasn't meant to deprecate your choice to report about it. what i did find funny was how the ending sounded (so solemn and childlike at the same time), and i wasn't bitching about your post either.
I know..Obviously I was really upset at the time, so that was just my first reaction after reading her post.

Anja said:
Besides, I don´t think that the style of my comment should be replied by an answer on a whole different level. I was still respectful to you, also all the time before, so the fact that you didn´t take that into account shows a lot about how you think.
Yeah, like i said i was too upset to think at the time, sorry.

Hiljainen said:
But what does the vet say?
Well, dad took him to the vet yesterday and the vet put him on more medication (he already had antibiotics and eye drops for the flu). He's got high fever and runny eyes and he keeps sneezing. The vet thinks that it's just a really bad flu, but the illness is exactly like my previous kitten's, who died. Mom called me last night and said that the kitty has cheerd up a little, which was a relief, but i'm still scared and freaked out.
Anyway, i ran away from home because i couldn't stand watching him die like i watched Olli die a year ago :/ Though now i feel guilty for not being there with him :(
idari said:
Well, dad took him to the vet yesterday and the vet put him on more medication (he already had antibiotics and eye drops for the flu). He's got high fever and runny eyes and he keeps sneezing. The vet thinks that it's just a really bad flu, but the illness is exactly like my previous kitten's, who died. Mom called me last night and said that the kitty has cheerd up a little, which was a relief, but i'm still scared and freaked out.
Anyway, i ran away from home because i couldn't stand watching him die like i watched Olli die a year ago :/ Though now i feel guilty for not being there with him :(
I hope it passes soon, kittens get ill very easily, also a flu can be dangerous, all depends by how the kitten's body reacts. Keep him warm, give him his medication and don't forget to cuddle him, they need to know that you're there (my cat almost stopped eating for a week that i was on vacation :eek: )

nf: shitty, to describe i'd have to re-post the pff post of some time ago. (and it's not for the hangover). plus i just had a dream so good, so good that after waking up i just want to swallow my head.
@hilj: good dreams are tricky, aren't they? when my dad fell sick the first time and they had to remove his vocal chords i just kept on dreaming that he could talk again with a normal voice etc. - when i woke up i wanted to swallow my head too.

nf: well, doesn't good stuff happen unexpectedly. over lunch, i've had a very good talk with a polish girl i barely know about my career's future. notwithstanding the fact that she's only seen me a handful of time, she was genuinely interested and she gave me brilliant advice. wow.
NF: nervous. :eek: it suddenly hit me that i'm gonna move in another country to live with a bunch of strangers, and stay with them for half a year. and this is gonna happen in less than a week. i'm not gonna see my family, my cat, my friends, my guitars, my cd player, my home for a long time. all the people, things and places i'm gonna see are new. this all scares me a bit. yet excites me very much. wheee

@ulla: last night i was talking with a colleague about au pairs... she's got three kids and she decided to have a live-in maid instead of an au pair because, in her words, "an au pair normally is a teenaged girl who goes out every night". sounds a good prospect, have loads of fun. :D
ouaga: Have lots of fun! :) I think it'll be a great experience for you.
In fact, if I liked kids even at´all (or rather, if they just liked me, which they don't) I might have done some au pair thing, too...
fireangel said:
Delirious: :)
Actually you haven´t said yourself how you been doing lately, since you re-appeared at this thread?

nah, I've been a bit :erk:-ish lately, and I tend to avoid this thread whan I am.. .seems like it might be goiing upwards now though, so I hope it'll continue in that directon.

nf_: well, drunk. after a not at all bad night out, and tomorrow seems liek it'll be nice as well. so it's good. :)
Today i met someone who's going to school with me this year even if i doubt we're going to be in the same class, it depends on how they chose to divide us students, if it's by last name(and this is the most probable thing) then no, anyway it's nice.
I'm also feeling a bit hungry, today i forgot about lunch, and i had little time for dinner, and my attempt to get used to go to bed earlier than usual is failing miserably (also the one about not writing imaginary words apparently).
A short talk with a person this evening smothered the little ok-feeling i had during and after today, and i didn't even talk about how i felt, i almost didn't talk at all, sometimes(always) it just feels so useless to express how i feel, since it's really all starting from myself and ending again on myself in shape of hammer (so manowar) and so i just don't say it.

edit: i realized i'm using this thread to talk to myself, someday i'll write about stuff i have to buy or do, and i'll go to the store with the computer and um. i'm writing everything that pops into my mind, someone stop me.
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