Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Claudia and Anna: haha thanks, i sure will! not too much fun, though :p

Delirious said:
nah, I've been a bit :erk:-ish lately, and I tend to avoid this thread whan I am.. .seems like it might be goiing upwards now though, so I hope it'll continue in that directon.

nf_: well, drunk. after a not at all bad night out, and tomorrow seems liek it'll be nice as well. so it's good. :)
hehe i can totally relate to every word you posted :p ( i've been :erk:ish, avoiding this thread a bit, cheering up, a bit drunk, had a nice night out, tomorrow should be even nicer)
DJ: Väldigt bra :D

NF: :zzz:
Have been cleaning nearly all day, and now I finally have finished most of it, feeling bit dizzy. This most certainly isn't my job. But my parents are coming tomorrow here with a cake and few other guests perhaps, they probably don't want to sit on a pile of clothes and eat on dirty, mouldy dishes. I should eat, go to shower, make myself ready and start drinking a bit before TEH drinking, but I'm afraid after finished eating I will collapse on bed and wake up on doorbell tomorrow.
NF: So-and-so.

Witnessed a nasty stabbing while working on the street last night. Knew the guy that was stabbed (multiple times, to the back), but didn't know the attacker (although everyone else did - I've really fallen behind in what's going on on the streets nowadays; all those "bad" kids I worked with before are in prison or dead already, and there's a whole new generation that has replaced them). It was not too horrible - I've certainly seen much worse - and I'm pretty positive the guy will survive, for he was still conscious when the ambulance came (although he might lose a kidney, as it appears he was hit there).

It is not that I was too shocked about it, but the thing is, I had an 18-year old girl on her second night of volunteer-work as my pair - and I'm not sure if she was okay seeing it all. She froze at the spot and I had to pull her away and grab the phone from her hands to call 112 (the Finnish 911). And as we went back to see the victim soon after the culprit had run away, it all turned into a chaos with people running around, screaming for revenge and throwing bottles, and I kind of had to forget her completely there with the wounded guy and concentrate on calming down the people.

Of course, we had a lengthy discussion with all the volunteer-workers afterwards (as always after these kind of nights) and she was offered a possibility to come discuss it further (informally) next week with the professionals (as was I, but I tend to rely on people closer to me in these cases), but I'm still a bit worried, if she will cope with that...

I was supposed to work hard on my graduation-thesis this weekend (I kind of promised it would be ready next week), but I guess today's not a good day for that. I think I'll go see some friends, watch anime and chat about RPGs with them - that should clear my head of all bad thoughts. Tomorrow I'll deal with my thesis (you don't want to know how many times I've said this to myself).

...damn, I hope she's alright...

Vill: Bloody hell. I think we all take just how easy we have things for granted until we hear stories like this. It's good you're able to think so clear-headedly about it all, I'm sure I'd be more like the girl in that situation.
She has my best wishes, I hope it doesn't have too bad a negative effect on her. :(
NF: more excited than almost ever before. my friend's band is number 5 on finnish song chart :') their music is played on the radio <3 OMG i am so happy for them <3 soon everyone's gonna know them and love them and they're gonna be huge EEK
@Villain: Which anime are you watching? I'm currently watching Spriggan, as I love how the feel of the character physical movement is drawn...extra special while drunk ;)

@Ulla: ^_^

NF: The usual slight tinge of depression that comes late at night.
NF: I have a large pizza, a bottle of vodka, a glorious sunset, a batch of incredibly meaty-smelling farts being slowly yet steadily emitted, and a lot of doom metal. Life is temporarily corking.
NF: The pizza has been eaten, the sunset has finished, but the other three are still going on strong.
Dark_Jester said:
Interesting thread.
Thank you for that information.

This thread has just reached an all-time lolw.
Observation: people always damn straight, but dams in rivers are slightly curved.

@Hilj: the real question is not so much why they removed the original colon-dee smiley, but why they bothered to replace it with one that is identical in all but colour to colon-grin-colon.
nf: good. i am finally home, i cleaned my comp + stereo table thoroughly, and had decent food. now everything's very neat and i feel relaxed. still need to do my unpacking, but this will be done later or tomorrow. i'm thinking i'll have a beer now and then watch the spike lee movie clockers.
Dark_Jester January 2002 said:
Hey everyone, figured I'd announce my presence after lurking for the past two weeks...:D
Sooo....what about me? 18, living in sunny old England...outta curiousity, anyone else live here or does Dark Tranquillity have a fanbase of 1 over this side of the channel? Anyway, born in Australia, moved here three years ago, love DT and also In Flames (don't hit me!!!).
Anyway, just wanted to say hi, you'll be seein a lot more of me and my schizophrenic ramblings!

Was I ever so young? Or such a bad writer? Thank the gods for maturity. Got bored, figured I'd find my first post. :D
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