Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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It's the lawyer training, no doubt ;) And no, we wouldn't want you to reach real maturity, would we? We wouldn't want the pirate we all know and love to turn into a man who, well, isn't a pirate anymore
Dark_Jester said:
I meant my writing technique has matured slightly. Heaven forbid I gain real maturity. ;)

I was shocked the other week too when someone bumped the first thread (and post) I made on UM, and the Opeth board. It's just...weird.
Ethereal Sage said:
@Villain: Which anime are you watching? I'm currently watching Spriggan, as I love how the feel of the character physical movement is drawn...extra special while drunk ;)
Well, let's see...

As of late, I've been watching (in some cases re-watching):

- Monster (the best anime of 2004 this far, based on the manga-masterpiece by Naoki Urasawa)
- Gasaraki (a "realistic" mecha-series, if such a thing exists, re-watching the DVDs)
- His and Her Circumstances (a stupid romance-comedy, but the magnificent direction by Hideaki Anno makes it surprisingly enjoyable)
- Last Exile (have seen it already fansubbed, but am watchin the DVDs now)
- Burn Up Excess (mindless fan-service)
- Please Save My Earth (a bit too shoujo for my taste)
- Kiddy Grade (just started on it, not really of my taste, but people have been telling me that it gets better in the end - I really hope so)
- Wings of Honneamise (re-watched this great old movie to write a review of it for an anime-site)
- Planetes (haven't yet quite got "into" this series, will probably put it "on hold" until I have more time)

There must be a few more, but those are some of the most recent. Is it a wonder my graduation-thesis doesn't seem to come together?

About Spriggan, is there any intelligent content in this movie? I've seen a few short clips that amazed me with the wonderful 3-D "camera-movement" and I've been thinking about buying this on DVD, but my friends keep telling me the story is stupid and almost non-existent.

i'm feeling better today. it seems that the fog is lifting, i see a future i like and i'm doing things i like. i need some time to ponder about this, put it into perspective. but this is definitely the best dawn i've seen in months, possibly the best dawn i've seen in all of the year 2004.
NF: like mondays suck big time, nothing seems to work :bah:
Tuesdays sucks even more since I'll have to go to the stupid Swedish classes for no reason.. I don't really like Swedish much but my boss said I must attend to it. :mad:
rahvin said:
i'm feeling better today. it seems that the fog is lifting, i see a future i like and i'm doing things i like. i need some time to ponder about this, put it into perspective. but this is definitely the best dawn i've seen in months, possibly the best dawn i've seen in all of the year 2004.

:hotjump: Good to hear senor! Keep it upbeat!

-Haven't heard of 'Monster', hopefully it will be coming out soon.
-Heard good things about Gasaraki, just haven't got around to watching it.
-Seen His and Her Circumstances...I almost went insane with the romantic bit, but something kept me watching...maybe it was the direction.
-Love last a whole lot bunch of anime DVDs in a recent order, including vol 4, but vol 5 just came out...
-Haven't heard much about Burn Up Excess or Please Save My Earth.
-I started collecting Kiddy Grade...I got vols 2 and 4 in my order, vol 3 was out of stock at the time. It's pretty average from the first vol I've seen.
-Seen Wings Of Honneamise on's great...a similar drawing style to Spriggan if I remember.
-Haven't heard of Planetes.

I can see how your thesis may have been neglected lately :p

The story to Spriggan is nothing overly taxing on the brain, it is mainly action with a sci-fi/bible/apocalypse undertone. I enjoyed it for what it is...when I rewatched it, had a few drinks for extra effect ;)
The charater and background/foreground movement is quite good, fluid as well.

I recently watched Figure 17. It starts ok, but by about half-way through, you start to get sick of the cuteness overload of the two main characters (young girls). The quality of drawing is good, the story is just another 'aliens-crash-on-earth-need-someone-to-help-save-the-world' spin, but is still ok non-the-less. Watched subbed version.

Another recent one I watched part of is Full Metal Alchemist. It's great. Good quality drawing and a good story. Can't wait to get more.

For something different anime-wise, I'd recommend Licensed By Royalty. Interesting to hear the two main characters with charismatic British accents.

Now to the point of the thread :p
NF: Happy to be able to play indoor soccer tonight for the first time in a couple of weeks.
@Mags: No, I merely got drunk off my arse and then had to get up early today to do a fair bit of difficult (for me) maths homework to be handed in this afternoon.
NF: sort of out of the world, bah..
i found out that i have both red wine and vodka again, this house is an alcohol source.

i found out also that busses are free for uni students in pavia, and this is good since the places where i have to go are quite far from the train station, this way i can take all the bus(es?) i need without worrying about tickets and stuff.

edit: thanks to TheFourthHorseman :p
Is this another one of those UK/US differences? Even though this is the wrong thread, I really dislike the fact that I've mostly learned my English by American English, especially spelling, to which I've then maybe added some British English characteristics.
I'm not sure what America uses, but I always use just one S. Looking on, it doesn't mention specifically any English/American differences.
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