Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Feeling fine, I guess. I went to the gym 2 days in a row, so I'm tired, but at the same time so full of energy. I have to study now..exam on Wednesday :( And I'm pretty happy cuz tonight some friends and me are having a binge in a park :) That's always nice... I love parks :D
@Caro: Wait a moment, I'll come to Austria and we'll watch it together... ;)

It was a good film which really connects Epi II and Epi IV quite well. Anakins way and his reasons are shown very good. But it's a dark film with too much story. Some things should have been told before because lots and lots of things happen in less then 2 1/2 hours...

NF: Don't know... mentally confused. Old fears rising up again. My body feels tired. So, maybe, "good" would be a lie here, right?
@Solefald: You had 3 beers and you were drunk?? I challenge you then cos I had 3 beers last night and nothing.. piiif, sober as one can be!

NF: Don't know! I have SO much work to do for school and I don't know where to start :( Ah, well... it's my own fault mostly.
TheNewBuild said:
@Solefald: You had 3 beers and you were drunk?? I challenge you then cos I had 3 beers last night and nothing.. piiif, sober as one can be!

hey 3 big german weissbier, this is really hard to drink and not being drunk.
Im not a big drinker so I m happy after 3 Beer(1,5L!!!).
and its cheaper for me :p
i've gone mad. i am positive i heard a voice whispering something over the track i'm listening to. it's something without vocals, so it doesn't make any sense. didn't catch what was said, went back to the exact point, it's no longer there. moreover, hearing rahvin talk about falling asleep impromptu made me fall asleep while reading a book on the plane - and no, the book wasn't boring. i'm a bit off-kilter.
hyena said:
i've gone mad. i am positive i heard a voice whispering something over the track i'm listening to. it's something without vocals, so it doesn't make any sense. didn't catch what was said, went back to the exact point, it's no longer there. i'm a bit off-kilter.
Welcome to my world...

Some pretty paranormal shit is going on around my house too. My cat (Negro in skin colour) has started a war with the white cats on my street. I have changed his name from Eric to Malcolm X, and my new name is Samuel L Jackson according to my local pizzeria.
MagSec4 said:
Mmm.. I don't buy it.
Shave your cat and take a picture.
do ya have to be so pedantic? :rolleyes:

Well I shaved him and he looks like Michael Jackson. I leave you to guess what era ;) *grabs crotch*

Nf: Had a great day at school. In my last english lesson we all drank wine and were merry while playing this awesome mafia game. Im gonna miss mrs Ramdasharsia. She was cool. I told My Gf to take up smoking and then die of cancer... oh and to rot in hell. I'm through with her, and unless you want to validate my actions in telling her where to put the last two years (the rectum) I don't particularly wanna talk about it. Good days are to come.
Now there's a blue tit staring at me (the bird, not the painted nipple)... it's cool (both of the above).
I'm REALLY glad to hear that KC!
NF: Feeling shit.. same reasons, fears and dilemmas coming back like a bumerang. Well, I'll get through it...
You do right to stay possitive TNB, You can always throw the boomerang again once it comes back, and try not to use the proper technique.

Nf: Disturbed.
I got a pic of my shaven cat :ill:

It's worse than I thought.
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