Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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oh hope it will be better, I hate those fears coming back, but I cover some broken heart stories with a positive view on summer and festivals and try to be away as much as possible... what mostly works... I dont want to be sad anymore because of being left again, I dunno why but I feel quite dead concerning love for the moment so I try to look on other things, I wont find happiness in love as I saw clearly, so I give up there for the moment... its oke to be on myself, I can be happy without someone in my life too... oke enough blabla now hahaha
NF: Tired. Worked all weekend, and till 10-11pm every night for the past 5 days, with more to come. A bit nervous about the outcomes of all this hard work tomorrow, really should go get some sleep now but i kind of want to clear my mind by watching some tv or something.

I've been listening to the 99% complete mix of my album too, and liking what i hear. It's weird that it's getting so close to done, though the last steps will no doubt take forever.
@KC: Good to hear that! It seems that you really did a good job with your situation and - as I said - the colors will get back to your life. Seems like they already did...

@Caro: Reads like you'd like to run away which is a bad thing IMHO. Being left is a torturing situation and really can kill your inner self, but you should always be sure that there will be a tomorrow, every day. And being alone (which means without love) can be good, too, for a while. I got the feeling that I changed my view on relationships in the last 2 months quite much. Right now, I even think that Andrea and me were dead already 1 year ago, it definitely lasted too long. So, enjoy your single-life, there can be so much beauty in it!

NF: Still ill. Will go to the doc in 1 hour... :(
King Chaos said:
You do right to stay possitive TNB, You can always throw the boomerang again once it comes back, and try not to use the proper technique.

Hah, and look how I spelled boomerang... I spelled it as we write it in Croatia..silly me *confused*

Thank you, KC! The way you handled your situation is encouraging for sure... speaking in general. I just have to learn to accept some things, but I'm too emotional... blah blah... same old shit... rewind...

And thank you, Caro for sharing and helping in your way.
daniel, oh whats wrong, still sick? :(

hm not really running away, just enjoying my single life... I'm sure I cant do all this so intensly in a relationship, so I just enjoy the good sides of being alone and free, its oke, sometimes its hard and I see there were moments in the near past when I really felt so good close to someone but still, cant change the way it is now, so just trying to be strong and see the bright sides :)
DragonLady1 said:
daniel, oh whats wrong, still sick? :(

Yes, still pain in my throat, the doc gave me antibiotics. That's shit because there's the uni-summer-fest this wednesday with lots of people on the whole area ("open air") and inside some buildings... I think I'll take the pills today and tomorrow and then stop the day after tomorrow. Starting again thursday...

DragonLady1 said:
sometimes its hard and I see there were moments in the near past when I really felt so good close to someone but still, cant change the way it is now, so just trying to be strong and see the bright sides :)

Yes, I understand all too well. I missed the feeling of being close to someone within the last week a lot. But what are good friends for? To talk about everything, right?
I made the mistake that Andrea wasn't only my girlfriend but my best friend as well. But there are/ were other people with which I share my happiness and sadness/ fears now.
Just yesterday I found out that Andrea has a new relationship since 1 week. I think this is quite funny because to my mind it's just because of the feeling that she's alone now. The bad thing is that the guy gets used by her - once again only my opinion.
Schwedentod said:
I think I'll take the pills today and tomorrow and then stop the day after tomorrow. Starting again thursday...
I don't think that's a wise thing to do.. but what do i know ;)
Well, i'm serious. ;)
You should take the pills as your doctor suggested, and you should absolutely NOT drink.
Come on, it's just a day, you can drink as much as you want when you're fine.
drinking while taking antibiotics is a cheap way to get really wasted, though... 2 wheat beers did it for me, back then :)
I dont wanna try.... didnt drink for 10 days now and dunno, dont feel like it for the moment, there will be enough festivals to come ;)
actually feel really good for the moment cause I got a very nice invitation and great surprise today *happy* cant wait for thursday :)
Malaclypse said:
drinking while taking antibiotics is a cheap way to get really wasted
it can also be very dangerous.

NF: relaxed and rested. the last week was hectic, there was a lot going on. but i've managed to rest the last couple of days, and now i should get hard on studying.
nf: bu. i have a hell of a week in front of me. i have hell on earth in week form behind me. i am tired and rundown. i'm drinking too much. and so on and so forth.
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