Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: blissful cause i just remembered something i read in the newspaper: that the government will finally give very cheap adsl access to uni-students, starting from the next academic year. it was about time someone in this country did something about it! :)
but i'm also a bit annoyed from a conversation i had. some people.... argh!
NF: Interesting few days. Finally a few days off work, a chance to hang out with a few friends and have a bit of a drink and such. Got to hear recordings of one mates project which i was really impressed with, folky gypsy music. Received the final mix of my album, which im happy with. Also got a few more samples of vocals being put down for my next album. Got a nice stereo put into my car as well, and an alarm too. Also got my new pickup for my guitar finally, which is being installed at the moment. And found a nice expensive bit of music gear my work can buy me for all the overtime. A bunch of other stuff happened too, busy few days i guess.
@yayo, curious how it will sound like at the end, post some samples then :)
@idari, yeah I know I didnt seem very happy in the last times but its oke, I accepted a few things and try to look to the good summertimes now, I guess it has also to do with summer ;)
NF: Awfully. I should have been asleep at least an hour and a half ago, but it's absolutely impossible to sleep in the oven my town has turned into in the last 3 days. This might have a chance to be a decent summer, but if this is the starting point, it might turn into a high-temperature nightmare before mid-June gets reached. Someone send tons of snow over Italy, please.

Alfred (emptiness dead-smooth and choking the air)

one word: handkerchief. :p

@Alfred: nice to see you around! hope you stay this time. :)
Hi hyena :) Yeah, I'd love it, but a) the idea of contributing to increase the warmth around the poor people who aren't lucky enough to be inside a house with air conditioning and have to stay outside for one reason or the other wouldn't make me feel at ease while using it and b) anyways I have no such device in my home, and I doubt any family member of mine has intentions to buy it... I imagine that there the situation must be even worse, am I right?

Hi Siren :) I won't be a regular poster anyways for some time yet, but thanks for the welcome, I'll do what I can :)

Alfred (thermodynamics isn't easy to get rid of)
@Alfred: darn. :( this board misses wacky posters like you. :p

NF: like i shouldn't have eaten this pizza at 1:30am. i should have eaten cookies instead. :D
@ Idari: You should really try to eat something. You'd probably actually feel quite a bit better with some grub in you.

Nf: There's loads to tell of, but I really can't be bothered with details. Had my last week at school and the last day, which was supposed to be one big party, just sucked. Now I'm on stand down and I'm fucking bored. Everytime I leave my house I see my girlfriend hanging around with my ex-friends (the friends which all stopped hanging around with me because they all fancied my woman and couldn't stand the fact that she was mine (so they all started plotting to kill me) ). So she twists the knife further and further Lol Haha! What's worse is they all laugh smugley when they see me. So I'm just trying to be a pacifist, but I come so close to stomping them everytime I see them it's unbelievable. I practiced combat and went for a jog yesterday, to clear my head. I started reading A Scanner Darkly... which fogged me up even more than before the jog. Take care everyone.
@idari: i agree with KC, you should really try to eat something. what good will you be to your cat (and the rest of your cats, not to mention the ppl around you) if you harm yourself?

NF: teary-eyed. i'm not kidding, my eyes want to shed tears and sleep, for some unknown reason. :p
i haven't been out for days, which has started affecting me really badly. so today i went to do some shopping and (except for the aforementioned side-effects) now i feel a bit better. :)
nf: really, really between the hammer and the anvil. imagine you just got to know you're shortlisted for a dream job at the international monetary fund that you've coveted for about 8 years. we're talking very big stuff, professionally and money-wise. imagine you also have a very sick father you care deeply about and don't want to leave for two years.

i hope they pick someone else, and i know i would have never believed i would eventually utter this phrase.
@KC: Dont get me wrong, man, but youre heading towards some serious trouble. This kind of shit can suck a mans soul pretty fucking dry. If she does what you said, feeling strengthened by a group of assholes, then shes really a stupid fucking bitch. However, that doesnt help you a bit, does it? Just watch it and dont let them drill into your head. Believe me, I had also such a group of shitheads shouting at me everytime they saw me around. I was lucky enough to marry and move to another place, where I dont meet them at all, but otherwise I wouldve either done something really bad to them or gone mad.
marduk1507 said:
If she does what you said, feeling strengthened by a group of assholes, then shes really a stupid fucking bitch. However, that doesnt help you a bit, does it?
It does actually help quite alot. Trying to see myself as 'more' than them (and her) makes me feel a bit better... It's just hard when Im sat at a computer strumming a guitar thinking about how much they've collectively fucked me over loL, and they're all out having serious fun (the kind I can not bare to imagine).LoL

Thanks for the concern Marduk, I'm trying not to go insane, at least not until my exams are over ;)

Nf: Really tired, I just boughta punch bag this afternoon and had to carry it 2 miles home (it is huge). Then I had to reap the award so I beat the shit out of it, tiring myself out even more.

@Claudia: wow that's intense. :( Is there no way you could take the job and still have time to be with your father? - I mean, like weekends and holidays? My gran is ill (recovering though) and we spend as much time as we can, and she appreciates that more than one could expect from her. I'm sure your father wouldn't want to hold you back...
:( It's not a nice situation to imagine oneself in at all. Good luck with whatever decision you can make.
@gav: cheers. actually, i've thought of holidays - weekends, not really since it's a long flight. my dad said i should go for it. i'm drunk, couldn't really handle the pressure.
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