Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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i'm as emo as it gets, really.

major depression looms all the time because of my father's health and the dire perspectives (what am i going to do about my mom afterwards? should i move her here? how? could i live knowing that she's on her own 700km from here?).

dreams: i win. some days ago i dreamt i was at a pub where i used to go when i was a student, and where i've solved many of life's dilemmas with a friend of mine. the topic of the conversation in my dream was 'how important should be the ability of resisting in extremely stressful situations when choosing a partner?', which of course is a spinoff of the depression above... and i was discussing it with president putin of russia. i'm sure he gave me great advice, but i forgot upon waking up.
nf: teh win.
i was on the verge of buying a shiny new digital cam (eos350 for those who care), but then i rummaged through a few cupboards at home and found an old analogue camera along with 2 standard and one tele-zoom optics. i guess i'll try them out before tossing out that much money...

@caro: are you ever on msn, or icq even? ;)
hm better try the 20D, I think its a better camera to be honest ;)
but the old ones are great too

ehm not that much, sometimes I am... did I add u? I have something like 100 ppl on my list and dont remember who is who since they all have different nicknames on icq :lol:
well, it's also a thought about money - i'm not much of a photographer, and a 20d would honestly be too oversized for what i would do with it.
yeah i guess last year or so, when we tried to meet on summer breeze ;)
The higher end Canon digital SLR cameras definitely rules. I have a friend who bought the Canon 20D after he got out of jail. The quality is superb. Unfortunately, he's back in jail. :-D
what about donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftsschiffführerscheinsumschlagsetikettenadressaufkleber?
no its not, um fucks it up because it thinks its spam... um is actually discriminating german language!
I bought 2 Cargopants today.. I desperately needed new trousers but I hate buying clothes, mainly because I hardly ever find what Im looking for. Well, today it came to a succesful end :p
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