Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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DragonLady1 said:
aaww, so sorry to hear that u feel like this... what happened? :( I had times like that too where I just felt so bad that I gave my heart away and knew it would turn out in a chaos, but as said all the happiness I had in this last story was worth the tears and pain later so I tried to see it from this point of view... it always hurts so much at a point but if u wouldnt open ur heart u wouldnt even feel the good things no? I wish u lots of strenght to get through this

Thank you, Caro! And it means a lot coming from you since you've gone through the same situations not so long ago... As you assumed it's about giving my heart away and letting myself go with all these emotions. I'm a type of person who gets too easily attached to people and then I can't accept the fact that I cannot establish such a close and deep relations as I'd really like. It's hard to accept that after something totally different and after all the words and hopes... it's so darn diffucult to land and face the opposite. That's something I have to learn, still I haven't had success when it comes to that.

On the other hand I'm so glad you feel much stronger and that you see things the way you see then now, because it obviously helps and makes you tougher. Even though I'm really sad I'm also glad for you!

As for you, Daniel.. I can only tell that I sympathize with you. This year on university craved so many boring theoretical subjects to be learned and that's a real frustration. They want us to know so many useless data that I can with no problems find in books. I see no sense in our educational system sometimes... I'm so sick and tired of university. I wish I could quit and sometimes I wish that so badly. I wish I could move from this fucking country and don't think about school..ever! Sorry if I didn't really help and encourage you, I just don't feel like liking school and studies today..
hm yes I understand... the thing was a bit strange at my side cause at first I really saw it easy going but there was a point where I crossed the line my fears did draw and I couldnt even control it but I really started to have deeper feelings for this person, hopes, dreams... In the corner of my mind I knew it wouldnt be reasonable and that there would be a chance it could turn out bad and specially when I came home from that great weekend I had a lot of confusion inside but with time I just accepted things as they are and see it as a great time with so much warmth and good memories that I cant even be so sad anymore about it...
Just found out that I replied to the last post on the previous site without reading this page... Sorry for that and sorry if I caused any confusion! So, my "spit it out here" sentence was adressed to DragonLady. It could also be connected to TNB, but I wouldn't react to problems with these words!

NF: Back from the Mosel, once again sat there on a foot-bridge (in German: Steg) about 10 meters from the shore so more or less in the middle of the river. And learned. Got quite much done, that's why I'm really happy now. Some more to do now (write down some of the things) and after that I'm going to have a beer with some friends. Need some alcohol now... ;) :)
Careful with those smilies Schwedentod, or youll have the smilie police on your back soon! :grin:

nf: just disappointed, but ok. Looking forward to going to Prague again for 4 days and seeing QOTSA and Eagles of Death Metal and then when I return Ill go to see Napalm Death and then go bowling with my colleagues, a kind if job-leaving party for me and the bucks night for one of my colleagues, itll be fun. Everything goes well with the company were starting, got the pcs, furniture, step by step we are coming to july 1st when its gonna start. My life is really swell now, if thisll work out fine, Ill be one completely happy motherfucker. :grin:
Good luck with your company man :) It must be so cool to be your own boss and all.. especially if you get paid well :grin:

NF: Pretty good, even though Im being a lazy git once more.. pfff
TheNewBuild said:
Thank you, Caro! And it means a lot coming from you since you've gone through the same situations not so long ago... As you assumed it's about giving my heart away and letting myself go with all these emotions. I'm a type of person who gets too easily attached to people and then I can't accept the fact that I cannot establish such a close and deep relations as I'd really like. It's hard to accept that after something totally different and after all the words and hopes... it's so darn diffucult to land and face the opposite. That's something I have to learn, still I haven't had success when it comes to that.

On the other hand I'm so glad you feel much stronger and that you see things the way you see then now, because it obviously helps and makes you tougher. Even though I'm really sad I'm also glad for you!
I hear ya dude. It's like an endless cycle. Something bad happens and we say, i'm not going to let that happen again, so we toughen up. But then something comes along, and we're like oh... what's this? So we let our guard down and go along for the emotional ride. Than it blows up in our face again or maybe it doesn't. So I've kind of just decided to always keep an eye open to what's actually happening and whether or not I'm just diving head first into things. It's good for me to always keep a guard up so I don't let my emotions get carried away. Then I can focus more on the rest of the great things around me too. But that's just my approach, and it maybe works 40% of the time.

But I apologize if you weren't referring to this type of thing, I am making some assumptions here.

nf: Pretty good. Had a decent night out to dinner and driving through nice places and listening to tunes.
Tebus said:
I hear ya dude. It's like an endless cycle. Something bad happens and we say, i'm not going to let that happen again, so we toughen up. But then something comes along, and we're like oh... what's this? So we let our guard down and go along for the emotional ride. Than it blows up in our face again or maybe it doesn't. So I've kind of just decided to always keep an eye open to what's actually happening and whether or not I'm just diving head first into things. It's good for me to always keep a guard up so I don't let my emotions get carried away. Then I can focus more on the rest of the great things around me too. But that's just my approach, and it maybe works 40% of the time.

But I apologize if you weren't referring to this type of thing, I am making some assumptions here.

First off, I'm female.. not that I got offended by you calling me "dude", it's just informative.

No need to apologize! This was exactly what I was thinking of. It's about how careful we must be to avoid the hurting. I was avoiding it pretty well during the past 4 years, but then BAM and my guard took a vacation. It took me 2 years to get better the last time I got carried away.
Still, once the guard took vacation and discovered that it's quite a nice experience the "get-the-guard-back" part becomes harder.
Thank you for sharing your point of view... I really mean that!

NF: I feel like I'll never get over this feeling... I know I will just like all the others did sometimes and just like I did before, but this is killing me now.
Mornings and nights are the most difficult to bear.. Especially when I have to go to bed and cover myself with blanket.. Then I start to feel sooo alone, like there's a void beneath me and I'm heading towards it.
Fuck... I'm so pathetic, one more reason to be sad about.
I really know this feeling well, it was very strong after I lived these great times, not that I regret a single minute of it but it was really something to get used to, being alone again and see it will stay like this.... as said I got used to in the end but sometimes I'm still afraid I can be weak, this story isnt so old that I can just skip it without a thought... I can be strong about it and try to distract myself with other things, I can accept the way it is, I know it works but there are moments I am weak too...
DragonLady1 said:
I really know this feeling well, it was very strong after I lived these great times, not that I regret a single minute of it but it was really something to get used to, being alone again and see it will stay like this.... as said I got used to in the end but sometimes I'm still afraid I can be weak, this story isnt so old that I can just skip it without a thought... I can be strong about it and try to distract myself with other things, I can accept the way it is, I know it works but there are moments I am weak too...

Of course, weak moments are somewhere out there..sometimes they're just more frequent.
As I aleady said I'm really glad you can see things the way you see them now. To be more precise, you're not regreting what happened (that's my case too) but you found something nice and positive in all that. You're happy you got the chance to be happy back then. And life is about that. About trying to find happiness and enjoy it no matter how long/short it lasts.
I can't say I'm not happy something nice passed my way, it's just that I don't want to lose it, I don't want it to be something that passed my way, I want it to last..
I know that feeling but I know it cant last so I accepted it the way it is and try to get the positive things out of this... what happened this year touched me more I admitted it did and it inspired me soooo much and also made me see that I can open my heart again so I am thankful for this even if I know its over now. this is what makes me strong now, to see how many good things and happy moments I got from that story, see that I discovered so many things inside and lived a few dreams thanx to this person. yeah maybe I am pathetic now but its just the way I feel it.
hi folks 2 days not ehre and the board overflootes...
just came back from my parents , havent seen them since christmass. I just wanted to ask my father to check some papers for my forthcoming studies and now I have troublw with the bank(bafög ole!!) and must return next week again there to solve much problems...oh no 700km driving I hate stressed
NF: Somehow tired, didn't get enough sleep the last days/ weeks... Thought about having a beer at the Mosel, but too many people are already at home or have other things to do.
Looking forward to seeing Dew-Scented tomorrow, together with Napalm Death, Behemoth, Caliban, Walls Of Jericho and most precious blood. This will be really cool I think!
what i sometimes try to do if i am in trouble is writing it all down and to try to sort ones thoughts. it's not easy, of course, but if you read all of it an hour later, you can probably discard some of the worst issues you have, just because you had a sober thought about them. try it, it might help in these times.
TheNewBuild said:
First off, I'm female.. not that I got offended by you calling me "dude", it's just informative.

No need to apologize! This was exactly what I was thinking of. It's about how careful we must be to avoid the hurting. I was avoiding it pretty well during the past 4 years, but then BAM and my guard took a vacation. It took me 2 years to get better the last time I got carried away.
Still, once the guard took vacation and discovered that it's quite a nice experience the "get-the-guard-back" part becomes harder.
Thank you for sharing your point of view... I really mean that!

NF: I feel like I'll never get over this feeling... I know I will just like all the others did sometimes and just like I did before, but this is killing me now.
Mornings and nights are the most difficult to bear.. Especially when I have to go to bed and cover myself with blanket.. Then I start to feel sooo alone, like there's a void beneath me and I'm heading towards it.
Fuck... I'm so pathetic, one more reason to be sad about.
Well now I'm going to have to apologize again for calling you dude. :)

But yeah I've sort of been in a whirl wind this year as well, with instinctively wishing that something more will develope with a girl i just met a couple months ago. However she has a bf of about 4 months that, I believe, has been long distance the entire time, and doesn't seem too promising oo others that are aware of the situation. However I keep scolding myself for wanting anything to happen at all, because it just isn't cool to mess with another's relationship, so I am keeping my distance. And I really do hope that their relationship works.

I went through a lot of garbage with this type of thing last year, and in the process had a friend tell me in so many words to never talk to him again (he got the girl, and I must have been perceived as a threat.) So that was a little rough, since I have never had anyone despise me before, let alone my best friend in the area. But that's a long story, and the thing I kind of got out of the whole situation was, when those kinds of emotions come into play and people accept them as a justification for action, things get ROYALLY effed up. So now in retrospect, I'm much better at being aware of what's really going on (I think) and sort of acting outside of the emotion. But in those situations, it makes you feel very alone, because a certain part of you becomes very dependent on anothers presence, so that person's absence exponentiates the feeling of loneliness.

In your situation though from what I sense about the way your feeling from your post, your loneliness may be magnified by this kind of thing. And all I can say is you're NOT alone. Obviously it's very important to remember that this kind of stuff happens to everyone continuously and randomly. And if you sort put yourself in another's shoes and take a look at what's going on in your situation, and then look at the similarities of the situations that other people are in, it almost becomes humorous. And when we can rise above the hopelessness like that, that is just about the best feeling there is. :)

@Malaclypse: I like your idea.
Malaclypse said:
what i sometimes try to do if i am in trouble is writing it all down and to try to sort ones thoughts. it's not easy, of course, but if you read all of it an hour later, you can probably discard some of the worst issues you have, just because you had a sober thought about them. try it, it might help in these times.

hm yeah thanx thats a good idea, actually I did that last night writing a loooong mail to a friend and I really liked his answer, made me feel better... also usually write down a lot of thoughts and poems when feeling like this, I think its better today, lets see... :err:
NF: Good and bad/PO'd

First the bad: The war in the Middle East hit the folks in our office really close to home today as one of our own in the Business Division found out her brother - a 20-year career military guy - was killed in Iraq. The other news people were buzzing about was the Senator Durbin/Gitmo reaction. Like many offices in this country ours is staffed with people that are both pro- and anti-Bush. Our co-worker who lost her brother happens to be pro-Bush and given the fact that her brother was a career guy, I suppose I shouldn't feel too upset about his passing. But it does bother me. It bothers me quite a bit. You see, not too long ago I was reading volumes of stuff - considered "conspiracy theory" crap - but had to cut down on my intake of it because it was making me severely depressed. Well, these latest developments have brought all those issues back into scope for me and I just have to say that I still think Bush and his fascist neo-con pig kind - everywhere, not just in the west - can all suck a big cock and go to hell. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and people like them, are all war criminals who need to be HUNG.

Reasons to be cheerful: It's Friday, I'm out of the office and into my weekend world, going to see GORGASM tomorrow night, and...Impeachment is in the Air! I've given $$ to the folks in the past. I think it's time to give again. If we get them impeached I'm going to go outside and do a little dance and sing Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye on my front porch while I treat the 'hood squirrelies to some macadamia nuts. :D \m/

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