Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@wildfyr: would you mind explaining the Impeachment thing to me? I'm not familiar with it and don't have time to look it up. :)
Siren said:
@wildfyr: would you mind explaining the Impeachment thing to me? I'm not familiar with it and don't have time to look it up. :)

Hah! Lazy ass. :p J/K. Impeachment means we don't like this guy and we want him OUT. However, Clinton was impeached but it came at the end of his term so not as effective I guess. You should ask a political expert about the actual nuts and bolts of the process. Lots of stuff has changed in recent years. Still, whether it's the Bush bastard's end of term or whether we kick him out now, either way when he's done I'm out there on my porch. Are you with me?? :tickled:
@wildfyr: Sure. *prepares nuts and cocktails* =D

NF: very nice. i just had a nice looong chat with a good friend, helped my mood a lot. It's 5am, but i'm not tired, so i'll give it a go for a few more hours. :)
Just came back from a barbecue... Yesterday I saw Dew-Scented, which were great. Bougt the new album, which is - as a first view/ listen - great, too.

There's something on my mind, a fault I did yesterday. It broke one of my basical rules. I don't know how to handle it, I'm not sure what to do. Thinking of the possibility someone may read this stuff, I can't post in an open form...
Feel drunk and happy to talk to a friend I haven't had a good talk with in a while. Also feel more close to another friend who I adore. Also feel great listening to more new music ^_^
@Schwedentod: it sucks that you can't talk openly about it. do you have anyone to talk about it with in real life? perhaps you can pm someone from here. feel free to pm me anytime if you want (even though i don't know if my advice would be any good, i could at least listen if you want to rant). hope it gets sorted out soon.

NF: like i've had enough of staring at cunts. :p
Siren said:
@Schwedentod: feel free to pm me anytime if you want
yeah, same here. If I can help, I will. I owe it to you my good man.

NF: A mixture of repulsion, and other stuff that I really can't be bothered thinking of words for... erm... I too want a shower. It's so fucking warm here. any brits around to concur with me on this? It's unnatural... so humid. I couldnt breath at one point because of all the pollen and shit this storm blew around. not fun. Saw my ex fucking my enemy :yuk: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cry: :lol: :lol:

:yell: :yell: *cries like a baby*.

Nah I'm alright ;) really. :err:
@Siren, King: You both will get a PM tomorrow. Talked about it with a good friend. Didn't help much. Just said that I'm an idiot, but I already knew. Talked with the person concerned with the same situation a few minutes before which helped a little but not enough.

@KC: Not british but it was hot here, too. But I'm not going to take a shower because I'd be really awake after that and I planned to sleep really soon...
You didn't see your Ex really, have you? This is something I wouldn't want to see. And after that you're still alright? This could be a good sign...
Hahahaha, did anyone watch the Grand Prix? The biggest desaster Ive seen on telly in a long while
Otherwise Im really good.. Been playing "Incubation", a roundbased strategic game from 97, kickass classic ^^
I watched it for 5 minutes and on the danger of falling asleep right away switched to a good movie... feel a bit worried about a good friend of mine that I met again after long time today... and also feel a bit inspired so I put some new stuff online on my deviant art account
Schwedentod said:
@Siren, King: You both will get a PM tomorrow. Talked about it with a good friend. Didn't help much. Just said that I'm an idiot, but I already knew. Talked with the person concerned with the same situation a few minutes before which helped a little but not enough.

@KC: Not british but it was hot here, too. But I'm not going to take a shower because I'd be really awake after that and I planned to sleep really soon...
You didn't see your Ex really, have you? This is something I wouldn't want to see. And after that you're still alright? This could be a good sign...

I think the earth is heating up from its core and is going to explode. Its never been this hot here, Im sure of it!

I really did see her... and I was nearly ok with everything until that moment. :p Now I'm back to aggressing on inanimate objects. Quickly tell what happend: Walking home form a great night out, walk past worst enemies house, curse it as always ( :lol: ), see a light on and in the room my enemy is fucking my girlfirend. It was like 12.30, so they couldn't have expected people to be walking by. Funny thing is, the bitch looked at me as I walked, aghast and uncomprehending. I got only a frame of her expression, but it looked like fear. Im gonna burn that fucking house down I sware! :lol: :wave:
King Chaos said:
I really did see her... and I was nearly ok with everything until that moment. :p Now I'm back to aggressing on inanimate objects. Quickly tell what happend: Walking home form a great night out, walk past worst enemies house, curse it as always ( :lol: ), see a light on and in the room my enemy is fucking my girlfirend. It was like 12.30, so they couldn't have expected people to be walking by. Funny thing is, the bitch looked at me as I walked, aghast and uncomprehending. I got only a frame of her expression, but it looked like fear. Im gonna burn that fucking house down I sware! :lol: :wave:
That must be such a refreshing feeling. :tickled:

NF: Not too bad. It was a fairly random weekend. Got an unexpected visit from a college friend.
Some flake didn't bother calling me about canceling our Disneyland visit.
She first asked me if I wanted to go to Disneyland with her, because she said really wants to meet me, so I said sure. I made sure it didn't interfere with my work schedule and I said I was ready Thursday and Friday. I gave her my cell # and she said that she'll give me a call either Thursday or Friday morning. No call.
She e-mailed me Tuesday saying how sorry she was and that her mom wanted to go to Disneyland with her. Well, that's understandable, if that flake could just give me a call so I don't waste 2 entire days waiting for her phone call to go to Disneyland. I could have been doing a lot more productive things than to wait for her phone call.

NF: Bitter.
Arch said:
NF: Bitter.
And quite rightfully so.

Tebus said:
That must be such a refreshing feeling.:tickled:
:lol: Quite.

NF: Like an early bird. Already slipped in an hour of revision. Exams suck but for some reason I'm enjoying them this time round... probably because I'd rather fail than get into the uni Im expected at. nah, that's probably not true. I realized yesterday I have left loads of important stuff in a place I cant venture. I'll send my bro. Words for my mood are - accepting, mellancholy, temperamental, anti social :tickled:
Tebus said:
Well now I'm going to have to apologize again for calling you dude. :)

Hehe, no worries.. You couldn't have known my gender :)

As for that girl and her relationship and you not wanting to interfear, I think it's a good decision.. Respect!

Tebus said:
But in those situations, it makes you feel very alone, because a certain part of you becomes very dependent on anothers presence, so that person's absence exponentiates the feeling of loneliness.

Exactly! Not having that person around so often as we'd like makes us feel least in my case. Some words and some periods make me feel dependent too.. I miss those words, that feelings that both in a relationship shared. Sometimes it feels like I'm facing a big wall and I hate it, so I desperately try to knock it down and I get tired of it.

Tebus said:
In your situation though from what I sense about the way your feeling from your post, your loneliness may be magnified by this kind of thing. And all I can say is you're NOT alone. Obviously it's very important to remember that this kind of stuff happens to everyone continuously and randomly. And if you sort put yourself in another's shoes and take a look at what's going on in your situation, and then look at the similarities of the situations that other people are in, it almost becomes humorous. And when we can rise above the hopelessness like that, that is just about the best feeling there is. :)

That's so true. I know I'm not the only one having that kind of emotions, fears and sorrows, but that does not help much the moment it all passes my life.

Thank you for being kind and for trying to help!

@Schwedentod: I don't know what to say, cos it's obviously something you don't feel like sharing. But seeing that you talked to a friend and to the person involved, makes me think it'll be better. We all do mistakes, don't let it get you too much.

NF: Dunno... ups and downs all the time.
just wrote a long answer to that and then the forum broke down :(
whatever, feel a bit nostalgic today but also happy to go to the next festival soon and have some holidays... just a bit afraid cause I'll see my ex there and a bit insecure what to say after not seeing him for about a year :(
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