Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Taliesin said:
So we're not allowed to make short posts about things that are on our minds?

everyone's allowed. but there was no reason for all this bickering, hitori was just trying to help.
it's ok to not want to open up, like i said, but i don't find it so outrageous that - if you do - you stop one step short of making fun of those who add their two cents.
the fun part is that i was convinced that hitori and angelbreeze were the same person.

as for the free-flowing expression of feelings on this thread, i feel that i would be exceedingly pathetic - besides repeating myself endlessly - if i did so at the moment. so i'll refrain from the details, but this is in no way a jab to those who do. i actually think that there's merit to seeing the thin line between the tragic and the boring, but that's me.
NF: tired and its still too hot here
came back after driving 800km in 2 days in my fucking-no-air-condition car. and with the open window I cant hear the music from the box on the right(I sit on the left and thats there where the box is broken and no music works) so I got the best idea of the day and was driving with my earplugs and the ipod as music source :grin:
but this doesnt help much when the autobahn is always blocked because of accidents and trucks ahhrg
rahvin said:
actually, she was too. quite obviously, she expressed an opinion on your case. also quite obviously, your reply was snotty in a "you know nothing at all" kind of way. hence all the sarcasm.
now, i'm a very cold and heartless person, so i'm interested in no more than two things. first, if someone posts one-liners about her feelings, it's not the readers' fault if they misunderstand what the problem is: either take the time to explain yourself a little better, or just drop it before a bazillion of arrogant replies ensue, because they're excruciatingly boring and nobody cares to read them except for your egos, who masturbate furiously to them during the lonely nights.

You're right, however I just thought this was the "How do you feel" thread, instead the "How can we be annoying giving advices when nobody ask for it" thread.
Angelbreeze said:
You're right, however I just thought this was the "How do you feel" thread, instead the "How can we be annoying giving advices when nobody ask for it" thread.

it's the same old story. how is anyone supposed to know if you want to receive some advice or if you're just posting to let out some steam? both are acceptable attitudes, but it should be made clearer, especially if you're going to actually take it out on those who give the unrequited advice. something like "i feel like crap but i don't wanna talk about it" would be enough. try to understand that most users are often eager to read messages of advice or sympathy when they're depressed, and this clearly is the "how can we give advices assuming people are posting here hoping to hear some" thread.
Been feeling pressured to find a better job, money situation has been tighter than ever, but on the plus side, things went okay with school, which I'm done with.

NF: Bleh.
I just got a place for working experience for the summer :)
I'll ring up the Vauxhall factory in Liverpool on monday and see if they have use for a clumsy german somewhere. I hope I can get a place there for next spring.. that would be so awesome :grin:
rahvin said:
your egos, who masturbate furiously to them during the lonely nights

... so what you're saying is, masturbating is evil? :p

i'd written a loooong reply and UM fucked up, so in a nutshell:

i don't see the point of writing in a forum and expect people not to respond. admittedly, the NF thread tends to look like several people's online diaries all merged into one, but i think the idea behind it all is that it's a good thing whenever someone comments on your particular daily drama.

funnily enough, my post was unrelated to her, i was just following on the interest point brought up by Ingenius, as many of my friends and i have sucumbed to the attracted-to-bad-boys syndrome and those are the conclusions i've come up with.

i wasn't trying to be annoying, though i admit it comes naturally to me.
i've actually made an effort to like you, but it seems you're just trying to pick up fights from the moment you got here. whatever, i have a short attention span and i'm not a big fan of bickering in public so have it your way. i'm done interacting with you.

NF: obligated to talk about my feelings since im in the nf thread
rahvin said:
not necessarily, but... how would you like to have a blind ego? :p

...or an ego with hair on its hands?

i feel i have to mention that i understood why masturbation is related in folklore to hair on the palms around age 25. i'm partially excused by the fact that being female the mechanics are a bit different, but still this is not a proper justification.

nf: like i've been awake for a long time, which actually i have been so no wonder. i resolve to go to bed in about 15 minutes and sleep in about 30.
hyena said:
i feel i have to mention that i understood why masturbation is related in folklore to hair on the palms around age 25. i'm partially excused by the fact that being female the mechanics are a bit different, but still this is not a proper justification.

this is the right time to mention that the french expression avoir un poil dans la main - having a hair in your hand - is an idiom meaning being lazy. isn't it suddenly very clear why no explanation is ever given for this during class? :rolleyes:
clearly, no explanations are given because otherwise everyone would think that all those who fail the exam are, indeed, first-class masturbators.

on the other (hairless) hand, i have an eye infection and i see next to nothing: can this be ascribed to the same causes? it would be weird, because i'm not indulging at all these days.
rahvin said:
actually, she was too. quite obviously, she expressed an opinion on your case. also quite obviously, your reply was snotty in a "you know nothing at all" kind of way. hence all the sarcasm.
now, i'm a very cold and heartless person, so i'm interested in no more than two things. first, if someone posts one-liners about her feelings, it's not the readers' fault if they misunderstand what the problem is: either take the time to explain yourself a little better, or just drop it before a bazillion of arrogant replies ensue, because they're excruciatingly boring and nobody cares to read them except for your egos, who masturbate furiously to them during the lonely nights. second, is misanthrope more or less ok, considered the circumstances?

Change opinion for condescending opinion making stupid baseless asumptions that to start, are not true, and to follow, given the context only had the intention of pure asshatery.

Either take the time to apologize and see how throwing a stupid bullshit stereotype on someone based on one line can be offending and justifies any sarcastic reply or shut the fuck up you stupid wop.
NF: weak. *crawls to the kitchen to get something to eat*
early mornings are not for me. :/
Siren said:
NF: weak. *crawls to the kitchen to get something to eat*
early mornings are not for me. :/

:lol: Sounds too familiar.

NF: Well I'm glad this week of exams is over. Only 2 exams left, both on the same day and both are harder than any other exam I've ever faced. Still, film studies went very well this week. I think I'm gonna get an A for sure. English, one exam went very well (got to write a short story (yippee!) ) and the other went really fucking bad. Must make it all up in this final onslaught.

I had to smash up my old bed last week so it would fit in bags to go to the dump. I beat it to pieces with my bare hands (and a hammer :p ) it was very fun. Extremely stress relieving.

The weather here has been fucking O.T.T!!! Never felt it so hot. yesterday it was hotter here than I felt when I was over in florida... that is saying something. Storms are expected today, but so far its just drizzle.

I haven't been thinking about the ex as much, but I havn't seen her at all recently. She might be dead :). That'd be alright. Nah, seriously, she still has some of my stuff at her house, and if I go over there asking for it after she dies they might think I'm insensitive. When my exams are done I'm going to arrange a pick up of my stuff, which is: one special edition copy of "The Eye", one Skull t-shirt, and one customised haunted shirt, which I loved alot and has much sentimental value. I have a feeling her knew cock will have ripped the clothes up and written all over them. Im hoping thats the case, as it would give me that extra push forward to burning his house down. Seriously though, I'd love to burn him, her and his family. I'd feel really good. It would be worth the jail time.
As every Friday, I'm currently sitting in university... Nothing interesting so far, just ODBC-stuff here. So I'm sitting here surfing. Feeling somehow tired since a few days without knowing why because I slept 7,5 to 8 hours nearly every night.

Looking forward to this weekend. I'll drive home today, see my dog again and will meet with some friends which I haven't seen for quite some time this evening. On Sunday, some friends will visit me and we'll have a small party because it's one more year for me this monday. Looking forward to this because there'll only be really important people to me, all in one place.
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