Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@Siren: How much do I owe you? ;)

NF: A lot better. I told someone my problem and she listened to me.
That's how much it is for last night?

Ooooh ouch! :D
I participated in a study today. It was concerning whether an economic incentive was needed to make people donate blood. It seemed quite "fun" (I had no lessons and nothing else to do today), and one would get two lottery tickets. The participants got a short questionnaire, and the last question was something like this:

"Outside this building a van are waiting to take you to the hospital to make the necessary tests, if you would like to become a blood donor. It won't take more than 30 minutes. Would you like to donate blood?"

It was asked in a way that made it sound likely that it was only a theoretical question, but you couldn't be quite sure. But then the functionary said: "Those of you who answered 'no' to the last question might go now". Since I had answered 'yes' I stayed. Then we were followed out to the van which would take us to the hospital. :hypno:

So now I'm going to be a blood donor. And I got a box of candy. :dopey: :grin:

EDIT: 'cause Magsec said I used the wrong word. :cry:
@Arch: yes, that's how much it is since i only let you make dinner and kiss my fingers last night.


@COT: that's fucked up, bro. :hypno:
you should have replied "yes, it should be done for money", maybe they'd have given you some. :grin:
Haha, Archie, you got told!

CoT said:
And I got a box of candy.
Aww, I bet your mommy was proud of you too when you came home :D

The common word is 'donor'
When you say 'I'm going to be a blood donator' I picture Arnold Schwarzenegger pulling up his sleeve and saying it with a serious face.

Siren said:
that's fucked up, bro.
I think you're ready for New york.
I bought my mother an expensive water filtration system last Christmas. She used it and threw it in the trash without me knowing.
NF: Pissed. :mad:
@arch: :(

nf: like the world is owned by fucking hufflepuffs. i'm fed up with waking up and going to work. i'm sleepy, it's cold outside and i'm just lucky it is not raining.

My thesis passed (don't know the grade yet, but who cares) and I will now finally graduate! You can't possibly imagine how good it feels!

I have a zillion unread threads and lots of other things (which I had neglected during the past few months) to do, but I want to say this:

My most sincere thanks to each and every one of you, who supported me and believed in me. I won't forget.


Good job Villain!
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