Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Villain said:

My thesis passed (don't know the grade yet, but who cares) and I will now finally graduate! You can't possibly imagine how good it feels!


*HOOOORAYYY* for Villain :)
and yeah, I can imagine how good it would_feel ;)

Many congratz, I´m proud of you :cool:
Awesome news Vil. You are the man.

on a similar subject, I went to my prize giving today and got the special Music Prize. I couldnt stop crying before the presentation because I picked up the guitar seriously due to Dimebag, and the day after he is murdered I get a prize for my achievements, its just so surreal. This day has been an emotional ride for sure.

NF: Mellow, alot more chilled out than earlier.
Congratu-'kin-lations Vil for real. As much as we've missed your presence here of late, you did if for a VERY good cause, and ew applaud you for that. That said, we hope you have a lil time kick back for a while and catch up. ;)
Congrats, Villain! You done good! :D
As I'm writing this now, I'm taking a break from proof-reading a tentative draft of my own M.A. thesis to be submitted for a first reading over X-mas.
Thank you all! My feet are still quite a few inches above the ground, but once my euphoria-powered levitation ends, I'll be back in here, posting more than ever. :grin:

Btw, Spike, it appears I can't see the right side of your posts on this home-computer of mine. I believe it is due to the width of your signature-pic - for some odd reason the bottom scroll-bar doesn't extend enough to the right and a letter or two at the end of each line won't be shown on my screen. I can pretty much guess them by the context, but it makes reading your posts slightly uncomfortable. :erk:

NF: like i'm made of a lot of very stretched really thin strings. i must be calm, not get scared by bubu, calm and not get sad.
listening to this stuff of course doesn't help, but if i was (were?) intelligent i wouldn't be me.
NF: It's Friday and I'm feeling productive. I plan to get a few things done by today.
Arch said:
NF: It's Friday and I'm feeling productive. I plan to get a few things done by today.
I did too, but instead I'm still just sitting here in my bathrobe, sorta playing hookey from work (have to work tomorrow instead, so I decided to take the day off). I can't seem to get going, as usual.

p.s. Congrats, Ville. :)
NF: disgusted. one of the worst rapists in greece was let free yesterday, after serving 22 years in prison. he killed 2 women in a horrible way and raped at least 7, and he was sentenced to death twice. right now he's on tv wanting to give advice to young people and not knowing which of his many fans to choose for a relationship. the man is a psycho btw. :ill:
Siren said:
NF: disgusted. one of the worst rapists in greece was let free yesterday, after serving 22 years in prison. he killed 2 women in a horrible way and raped at least 7, and he was sentenced to death twice. right now he's on tv wanting to give advice to young people and not knowing which of his many fans to choose for a relationship. the man is a psycho btw. :ill:
love is in the air. :)
I never understood why people want to date/fuck/marry serial killers. Do people think the relationships are going to be all rainbows and orchids? Then again who are we to judge? Maybe the persons idea of a good time is getting their face eaten.

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