Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I'll be pressing my thumbs, sir :p

Hmm.. step one of my plan for the week fell victim to my laziness.. but I had a good cuppa tea and at least it was a decent day so it wasnt so bad after all :grin:
Yes, ma'am!

I shall put that Bu in my caffeinated soda, along with a tad of vodka ..I could certainly use it, thank you
we'll wait for Mags news :)

NF: it takes ages to type a 3 letter word (why would i type my name though, and waste ages for it) and i get confused by the shortest sentence, wonders of being "drunk". i could write for hours, really, but i suppose i'll spare you that
@Mags: i'm crossing my fingers for you, man.

NF: i woke up very early yesterday after a short sleep, so by the afternoon i was dead tired and slept for a few hours and i saw a beautiful dream.. now i'm not sleepy but i'm like a dizzy chicken, and i have to wake up in a few hours and have a horribly long day..

edit: right, and instead of going to bed, here i am, eating nuts, so when i'm half asleep i'll be thirsty like a horse in the desert. :/
Siren said:
NF: i woke up very early yesterday after a short sleep, so by the afternoon i was dead tired and slept for a few hours and i saw a beautiful dream.. now i'm not sleepy but i'm like a dizzy chicken, and i have to wake up in a few hours and have a horribly long day..

edit: right, and instead of going to bed, here i am, eating nuts, so when i'm half asleep i'll be thirsty like a horse in the desert. :/

That's identical to what hapened to me yesterday. I woke up mega thirsty (After eating pizza and crisps, I know not exactly nuts, but still) and my top lip split when I moved... it sucked. I didnt have a nice dream though, I had a freaky one.

All my pals are dreaming at the moment, My girlfriend especially. Ive had vivid dreams 2 nights in a row now. It's a wierd coincidence thay we tend to dream at the same time. One of my friends is suffering sleep paralysis on top of all that. I do wonder why dreams come in big clumps with me, I go 6 months with non then a month with tonnes. Shame they've only been nightmares so far.

NF: Too awake for the time of day.
@KC: it sucks when lips split. :erk:
my dream was very vivid too, but maybe it was because i was taking a nap and not normal sleep.. i've been having many (weird) dreams lately, but none so vivid.
what is it btw with people all having dream periods at the same time? my friends are having dreams now too..
i do hope you get nice dreams soon.. maybe tonight. ;)
King Chaos said:
That's identical to what hapened to me yesterday. I woke up mega thirsty (After eating pizza and crisps, I know not exactly nuts, but still) and my top lip split when I moved... it sucked. I didnt have a nice dream though, I had a freaky one.

The lesson learned: don't stuff yourself right before bedtime. ;)

NF:A little anxious. :erk: I've got an offer about a new appartment, but if I accept it I might not be able to get anything better in bu knows how long time. It's a little bigger than this one, but it's also much more expensive considering what I'll get. I guess one nights sleep filled with weird dreams will make the decision a tad easier.
Siren said:
what is it btw with people all having dream periods at the same time? my friends are having dreams now too..
Well this is past coincidence :hypno:. There must be some kind of higher power. The only change I can think of that is common between us dreamers is the Loss of 'Dimebag' Darrell, which has effected me and my friends, consciously and perhaps subconsciously. Maybe its the Subconscious mourning manifesting itself. Thats all I got :p

Siren said:
i do hope you get nice dreams soon.. maybe tonight. ;)
Thank you. I'm gonna try burning some insense and Ill have a glass of ice water in case I dry up again.

Child of Time said:
The lesson learned: don't stuff yourself right before bedtime. ;)
Shame it had to be the hard way. *Cant stop tonguing damn split* indeed... lesson learned
I underestimated it...
That exam was more brutal than it was supposed to be.
Hopefully it won't be too bad, since my grade depends on how well (or badly) everyone else does.
But thank you DJ, NL, Siren, and KC; I appreciate it.
And thank you hyena and Hiljie, may the Bu be back with you now.
Gotta do a guitar recital tomorrow. Its either gonna rule, or suck... depending on how nervous I get. Im doing 'Cliffs Of Dover' by Eric Johnson, I really do hope Im on my game or its just not going to happen. One thing thats pretty bad is the gusto Eric Johnson plays this with is just awe inspiring. He articulates everything so well... I really dont, and thus Im going to literally rape his awesome song. Im rather tempted to get drunk before hand... I know I can still play drunk, or at least I play better drunk than nervous. Im sure most awesome bands or performers either drink or get stoned before stepping out on stage. I dont do pot, so alcohol is my only other option. (I always say Im gonna get drunk but in the end I just grit my teeth and do it sober. Last time I played I sucked balls though so my confidence is rather shattered in all honesty.)

@Idari: Long time no see :). I hope your oximoronic state passes :wave:

NF: Nervous... but ready.
King Chaos said:
Im sure most awesome bands or performers either drink or get stoned before stepping out on stage. I dont do pot, so alcohol is my only other option.
Yeah, just look at Stratovarius.
Awesome bands...Stratovarius...
Forget it.

Anyway, good luck!

As a sidenote, idari is like Profanity with PMS.
NF: Sick and stressed. Final examination tomorrow.
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