Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Siren said:
NF: disgusted. one of the worst rapists in greece was let free yesterday, after serving 22 years in prison. he killed 2 women in a horrible way and raped at least 7, and he was sentenced to death twice. right now he's on tv wanting to give advice to young people and not knowing which of his many fans to choose for a relationship. the man is a psycho btw. :ill:
I read about this story about a rapist who won the lottery in England and the British law can't have him pay up to the rape victim from his lucky windfall. Yeah, I'm disgusted at rapists. All of them.
Wolfman Von Jones said:
I never understood why people want to date/fuck/marry serial killers. Do people think the relationships are going to be all rainbows and orchids? Then again who are we to judge? Maybe the persons idea of a good time is getting their face eaten.

they showed a couple of his fans on tv, they were ugly old weird women. they probably see this as their only chance to get a good fuck. or a good torture, who knows.
ouch. this story is blood-curdling. i understand mass murderers, but rapists? gah.

@ville: huge congrats.
NF: Somewhat accomplished. I didn't complete every I set out to do on Friday, but I'm determined to finish the remaining tasks come Saturday. Also feeling sick. Stupid sore throat. :mad:
NF: Sick with hunger but I dont wanna eat anything, I'm about to go into town for some ultra stressful shopping.
That serial killer thing is fucking stupid. I cant believe he would have 'fans'... Then again my brother thinks Ed Gein (sp?) John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy are some kind of legends.
nf: i woke up with a very stiff neck and i'm in pain, but i hope that a bit of exercise in the afternoon will constitute sufficient warmup and ease all the kinks. OUCH. i want to go out tonight, i refuse to be sick.

as for the rest, i'm in a weird mood. i'm constantly thinking of someone i don't really have anything to share with. the thought just creeps over me while i sleep and doesn't leave me until i'm fully awake. pffff.
NF: depressed in advance about leaving. it's what i call the "sunday" feeling, technically it's still part of the weekend, but you know tomorrow there's school so you can't enjoy it as much as friday or saturday... i don't want to leave :(
@KC: hey, don't do that man, you have to eat properly..

NF: a bit sick, but i'm getting better.
NF: Sick and tired. Tired because I'm sick. Sick, because I'm tired. :p
Siren said:
@KC: hey, don't do that man, you have to eat properly..

I ended up having two savoury cheese sandwitches and a mediteranean chicken wrap.

TheFourthHorseman said:
Does he listen to Dead Skin Mask a lot?

Yes actually. He loves The Haunted 'made me do it', cos of the serial killer vibes and then he often blasts out death inspired bands like 'Intense Hammer Rage', 'Aborted', 'Circle of dead children' and 'Gorerotted'. You know, like really shocking goregrind. Most of them are joking with there content but my bro takes it pretty seriously :p

NF: Pretty mellow, got a band practice tonight with a new drummer. Dont know what direction to take this band in though... Either Dillinger Escape plan style madness but more Deathmetally riffs (baisically like the yattering) or I might try and push a deathy Powermetal cross over thing in to the sound, like Into Eternity. Either way I hope this drummer is more capable than some Ive had in the past. Its soooo stressful when you've got good songs ready to play live but no musicians to help you out. Im just gonna clone myself 4 times, then at least every member will understand the damnable structures.

Can anyone else in a band testify to this or give me some advise? When you write a song how do you get it across to the other band members with out just confussing them? I try step by step but when you say "all together now" it falls flat on its arse and then we end up playing pantera covers for the rest of the practice.
nf: slightly hungover but overall not bad. going to cook lunch now and maybe do a bit of shopping this afternoon if i happen to have the energy. a wise friend of mine mentioned that today i should work but i'm not so inclined. yawn.
i should study for a test this friday, point is, i won't know if i'll actually have this test till tuesday, or maybe tomorrow if my friends that live in the town where i study will go to uni for an "informative tour". obviously i can't start to study from tuesday, it's already late now. and i can't get myself to understand anything. the fact that there are 80% of chances that i won't have the test turns my brain into an uncontrollable gaseous state.
shouldn't i be supposed to have some control over myself?
Hiljainen said:
i should study for a test this friday, point is, i won't know if i'll actually have this test till tuesday, or maybe tomorrow if my friends that live in the town where i study will go to uni for an "informative tour". obviously i can't start to study from tuesday, it's already late now. and i can't get myself to understand anything. the fact that there are 80% of chances that i won't have the test turns my brain into an uncontrollable gaseous state.
shouldn't i be supposed to have some control over myself?

What an unfortunate situation :erk:. Just go for a quick walk, listen to some Late romantic composers or have a chilled bath... get your head all cleared and do the studying. Better safe than sorry, anyway, even if you dont have a test you'll still be shit hot on the subject and pwn everyone else with your revised knowledge... and when a test comes (even if its not this friday) you'll have done twice the amount of revision and you'll go Blitz Krieg on it's ass.
King Chaos said:
What an unfortunate situation :erk:. Just go for a quick walk, listen to some Late romantic composers or have a chilled bath... get your head all cleared and do the studying. Better safe than sorry, anyway, even if you dont have a test you'll still be shit hot on the subject and pwn everyone else with your revised knowledge... and when a test comes (even if its not this friday) you'll have done twice the amount of revision and you'll go Blitz Krieg on it's ass.
if the test doesnt' come this friday it won't come anymore, there will just be a huge exam in the spring :erk:
well thank you, but relaxing doesn't help, i'd just like to break stuff now (especially breaking my bones seeing how my rage is towards me) and i doubt i'd be safe even studying..imagine packing all your furniture and stuff and carrying it to a building when: a) you don't have enough time nor enough knowledge and you're surely going to leave stuff behind and probably also break all the rest in a huge mess, and b) most probably you don't get to actually go to live in the building. this is the level of frustration. i'll try to study at least something today and tomorrow, and then tuesday i'll know if i'll have to keep rushing or stop.
It sounds like a good plan though to study a little today and then to eventually rush after tuesday :)
I have to hand in a 15 pages paper on something I have absolutely no idea of on the 31st of december. The point is that I'll return home at some point between the 17th (last day of uni) and christmas, so I have little over a week to do it. Well.. I have 2 other guys who work with me but since Uni has started I learned to never rely on coworkers..
nf: like i'm happy the weekend is over. i've been going out way too much and drinking way too much and getting too little done recently. i need to get a grip on myself before i run out of time for a bunch of work-related things. there's only two weeks left until christmas and i NEED to get rid of a couple of relevant engagements.

i'm also quite glad that i now have teh complete iron maiden discography on my playlist. woohoo. :)
NF: pretty good. Band practice went well. We wrote one song... it's black metal with Beatdowns. Nice and heavy. I wanna make it ultimately technical, but the drummer wasnt that good. He was good enough to be in a mediocre metal band... but I really wanna be in sommet supreme. either way, he's one drummer I will give a second chance (I know that sounds big headed, but other drummers we've tried have been pants). Ive got a rivolis pizza on the way... its sooo good to be me right now *drools*
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