Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Hitori said:
also happy so many people are going to the party my friends and I are organising
It could've been more (and the party could've been funner), but none of us were invited :rolleyes:

Child of Time said:
Aaah. Soon I'll be under teh influence AGAIN! Awesome.
Child of Time said:
I don't know why, but there was a lot of cheeklicking.
..I'm worried about you, bro.

NF: :erk:
I had a Manhattan, a Tom collins, and a shot of Black Haus on an empty stomach.
@hitori: about my user name... it was put there with reference to a specific person i was obsessing over a couple of weeks ago, but really it reflects a more generic experience. more or less what i was saying recently: most men don't have my respect, and the few who have are too good for me, in the sense that they always want someone else. and i've been single for about five years now, if you exclude a very short relationship which wasn't going anywhere and ended after around six weeks.

edit: now i got bored and changed everything. :p
NF: Hangover. There's a new metal bar in Helsinki, checked it out. Then afterparty at our place, found Barathrum's Sova walking on the street in the middle of the night without money and invited him in. Too much alcohol and heavy metal for one weekend. Uhh.. now even more tired than before. :zzz:
so women do have your respect then? I think its not a gender specific problem, works both ways

well, if you checked out the link n my sig you would see your invitation, its right there for anyone who wants to go ... in fact, if you come from another country I'll make sure you get in for free, regardless of not wearing a costume
@hitori: no, well, i don't really care about whether women have my respect or not. the ones who have are my friends, i guess. but it's not as annoying.
Good luck Taliesin. Worst things about Exams is how important they feel, when in the wider scheme they really shouldn't mean shit. Depends what your pursuit of hapiness entails I guess.

NF: Odd. A bit feverish. I've been getting down to some cool romantic composers while trying to do essays. Me and my friends also finished with planning our short movie, and it really is going to be insane if we can pull it off. I hope we can. It's about how Art/creation is the only thing which detracts us from animals, and how Art (Using the term really broadly) is the only thing worth living for in many cases. We explore the themes through the most ambiguous crap ever flung on to film. I'll be impressed if anyone can understand it. Hiding the meaning is part of the project. If it does turn out good then Im most likely going to follow the road of film making in University, but if it turns out bad, I'm simply going to do a music technology course.
@taliesin: best of luck on your exam.
@kc: best of luck to you too in your quest for finding what you really want to do.

nf: reflecting on the idiotic nature of love. love is too forgiving, and this very quality also has a binding slant which i can't make sense of. i am thinking about the few people i really love - and i'm using the word in a semi-broad sense: while it doesn't necessarily imply carnal feelings, i'm not sure i've ever felt it towards a woman. anyway, loving someone compels me to forgive very hurtful, very uncaring behavior toward me, because love redeems its objects no matter what. and when i try to tell myself that i'm being stupid - a lack of care and affection calls for the same, no matter how biased i might feel toward a person - i instantly feel like i'm stripped not only of the best feelings i'm capable of expressing, but also of my femininity as an abstract concept. in a way, i feel i am a woman through the ability to keep on giving without passing judgement. so if i endure emotional abuse i feel like an idiot with no guts, if i don't i feel like i'm relenting one of my defining personality traits, one which also has to do with how i interpret my sexuality.

ain't life a mistery?
NF: Incredibly pissed off. Porcupine Tree are touring here soon with Anathema as support, but the gig in Nottingham will be PT only. No Anathema. How absolutely shit. *gets even more worked up*
you spoiled european. PT by itself is better than no PT and no anathema at all, ever :bah:

NF: chula. heh, an old old lady today told me i was pretty, and it was not the beer talking, im sure she was NOT trying to get me in bed, ahd she was not related to me in any way whatsoever.
I have no idea about the exam, I know from past experience that Im bad at guessing the outcome of my exams, so.. it's mainly the trip to Paris that makes me happy :)
nf: like there's some things that at some unnoticed point in time become yourself and there's no way to get rid of them. i am finally recognizing that while planning ahead is mostly a source of unhappiness, i cannot really do anything about it even if i wanted and i'm stuck with it.

career-wise, i'm not leaving my current job for other experiences because i'm exceedingly rational and i know that if i stick with my position and work hard for about 13 years then i'll reach high places. nevermind that probably if i decided to pursue further education now instead of in the year 2009 (which is when my sabbatical comes) the quality of my 2006 to 2009 papers would be improved. nevermind that i kind of wanted to have a completely different experience in a completely different line of work for a while, but it's not convenient for my career so fuck it. nevermind that maybe i'm doing everything quite wrong, nevermind.

relationships-wise, i can't even understand the meaning of joy between man and woman anymore. i'm sort of unable to let fly (and no, i'm not speaking sexually, notably because there's no sex to speak of) if i'm not positive that something might work in the long run. so people get scared to death and there's no long run. wow, way to achieve a goal. :rolleyes:

i have a faint impression that someone may come in my life to turn that specific part upside down, but then again i would never trust anyone enough to let him do that. as nomeansno used to say: all in a word: stuck. fuck.
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