Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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The Grand Wazoo said:
It's snowing here too..but it immediately melts :zzz: Booooring..
It's like that here as well. It's been snowing virtually non-stop for 3 or 4 days now, but it only settles overnight if at all (1cm on Tuesday morning, 3cm this morning) - but even then it melts by mid-morning. It's just not fair.
Rusty said:
It's like that here as well. It's been snowing virtually non-stop for 3 or 4 days now, but it only settles overnight if at all (1cm on Tuesday morning, 3cm this morning) - but even then it melts by mid-morning. It's just not fair.

meh, it snowed for 3 days here too, but it only lasted on the ground in the last day, it reached 20cm and melted immediately after it stopped :bah:
nf: i realized i have to go to work on saturday and, probably, sunday too... oh well, it's all about suffering for one's art, isn't it? on the other hand, i'm quite happy because on march 19 one of my favorite bands, banda bassotti, is playing here along with the specials: they are just about OK in my opinion, but it's lovely that bassotti are the opening act - i won't be forced to stay out until 2am to hear the whole set.
NF: worried, I have a pet crisis. My cat refuses to sleep with me as she used to, just because I let my puppy into the bed for ONE night. since then, my cat just goes to my sister's bed no matter what I do or say. also, I just took my puppy (yorkshire terrier) and the old dog (chihuahua) to the park, when out of nowhere comes this huuuuuge golden retriever. i picked up the puppy in time, but my old dog got trampled and shoved because the golden retriever wanted to play. It took me like 10 minutes to get them apart, but now my chihuahua hates me I think.... It all felt like a slow motion struggle, but must not have taken more than 1 minute

also, excited/nervous about tonight
NF: Absolutely freeked out. Some insane guy who has really taboo sexual preferences (like really taboo.... like so taboo I dont want to say what they are here) Was just trying to convince me we'd met before over the internet and he was trying to make me sign into this porno webshare thing... convinced I was one of his trading buddies. I feel so sick right now. WTF is this man? All cos my email is Feast of Burden and this guy he traded with was called feastofburden on the porno thing... Shitting hell, I'm worried as fuck now that this asshole is gonna stalk the fuck out of me.
@gav: i seem to tell you this all the time, but call the cops. :p seriously, there just has to be an hotline for these cases - i know there is one in my country. and i'm sure you feel compelled to get this man arrested, if he trades child porn or any other form of illegal material.
NF: Great :grin: We met a friend of Pierre Antoine's yesterday, Erwan and had so much fun :D They met on a board and one day Erwan said "'Hey, do you want me to come over so we can make love?' and PA said yes, that's how we met!!" :lol: Later we sat in a McDonald's and Erwan began to take pictures of the people walking past us on the sidewalk to see how they'd react. "I took a pic of Hoodieman!" :lol:
Right now PA is in class, we'll see what the day brings :p
hyena said:
@gav: i seem to tell you this all the time, but call the cops. :p seriously, there just has to be an hotline for these cases - i know there is one in my country. and i'm sure you feel compelled to get this man arrested, if he trades child porn or any other form of illegal material.
All I know about him is his MSN addy though... and he could be pretending to be someone else like somebody was doing to me on my account to converse with him. I'd probably be wasting police time with this case. I saved the conv though but it's not first-hand evidence, cos I could have edited it etc. He hasn't spammed me with baby porn yet so I'm trying not to worry too much; but then I feel guilty that he could be child abusing as we speak and there might be a way to get him caught through my knowledge of his actions. Maybe I should contact some MSN staff members and they could put tabs on him or something? :confused: :erk:

NF: Like a hard week has finished and Im going to spend the next 30 hours wating for THE HAUNTED!!! :kickass: I cannot wait.
@gav: i don't know how it works in our country, but here in italy if you visit the cops' website they have a page with instructions about what you should do in these situations. also visit for a charity that specializes in these cases exactly. good luck.

nf: i have to work tomorrow. and the day after. and the day after. wow.
I've been to Stockholm (together with about fifty other students) for a couple of days. It was ok, visited the ministry for foreign affairs and the ministry for education and culture, some boring union (which sponsored the trip), the parliament (been there, done that :rolleyes: ) and the "confederation of swedish enterprise", a neonazi...hrmm, neoliberal organization which tries to brainwash - among others - young innocent students.
I happened to see the minister of state (together with the minister of finance) just outside his residence. I wanted to throw a snowball on him just for the hell of it, but I fought back the impulse. :grin: And he's sort of an easy target too, it wouldn't have been fair.

We went to a hiphop club too (most of us weren't supposed to get in, but the guard was nice :hypno: ). It was fun for a while, but since everyone else enjoyed it much more than I did, I started to feel very lonely.
@carl: throwing snowballs at ministers is teh fun.

nf: overjoyed, the excess work notwithstanding. :grin:
Claudia: :grin:

Btw, when we sat at the minstry of foreign affairs in some sober conference room, I looked at my classmates in those surroundings. Then I thought about how little some of them care about their studies and how some of them behave when they're drunk. A quote from Kurt Vonnegut was very suitable:
"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your highschool class is running the country." :eek: :grin:
Child of Time said:
Claudia: :grin:

Btw, when we sat at the minstry of foreign affairs in some sober conference room, I looked at my classmates in those surroundings. Then I thought about how little some of them care about their studies and how some of them behave when they're drunk. A quote from Kurt Vonnegut was very suitable:
"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your highschool class is running the country." :eek: :grin:

'xctly :/

Nice quote tho :grin:

NF: Okay, nothing special I suppose.. :)
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