Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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and now...

dr. hyena in

search and rescue, rescue not

my father is a very generous man.

consistently with this, he gave me a very nice and possibly very pricey (i didn't ask, of course) persian rug for my flat.

the rug was quite big so we rolled it up and we put some wine bottles in the roll. the wine bottles were also very pricey (this i know for sure because i knew the vintages).

the rug-and-wine roll needed a big bag so it was stuffed inside a large black sports bag which also happened to contain several pieces of clothing which, unfortunately, ALSO happened to be very pricey (this i know because i paid for them myself).

not to mention that the sports bag contained the documents for my car, which are not pricey per se but they're supposed to be on the car when i drive it, and a bunch of CDs in a cool nike rucksack which was inside the bag.


i went through several different states of mind. first i waited and waited. then i banged my head against the wall. then i went to church (not to look for my bags. i just did because i hadn't done it in the morning). then i realized i couldn't drive home without the car stuff.

so i went to the cops and i was redirected from office to office about thrice. every single cop was overweight and kinda bumbling: they had no idea what they should do with me, seeing how i wasn't a terrorist. i am by no means an anti-police kind of person, but they really were a disappointment.

in the last office, the force lived up to my expectations, so for a while i was busy falling hook, line and sinker for a wiry inspector with a sick of it all shirt (i want to be a plainclothes cop too!) who encouraged me to lie to his colleagues should they stop me on the drive home. then he kind of nicely dismissed me telling one of the bumbling officers to bring some romanian guy in "for a little friendly chat" and i was so replete with glee that i forgot that i had lost my bags.

alas, reality flooded back in once i was out on the street again - phoned the lost and found desk for the umpteenth time, got one more negative report, came home.

a comical search for a parking spot followed: i'm not relating the details, but suffice to say that run, parking spot, run is an apt description.

i fucking hate most people and things at the moment.
well... just remember you are not your expensive persian rug, or your clothing, or your wine bottles...
:p couldnt resist. well, hope they turn up eventually

NF: just wondering at what point i lost the ability to feel happy and at peace with myself, without becoming a fragile needy desperate person. or maybe i always was and never noticed before.
NF: I feel kinda weird. I know the birth of my brother should be a happy event, but it also brings back memories. The hospital he was born in is the one my mother was operated in when she was first diagnosed with cancer in 96. The upside is that Ive been talking about it with my dad, who is feeling pretty much the same, and after some crying and hugging, we both felt a lot better :)
Taliesin: Sounds, umm...cleansing? :err: Nice to hear anyway :p

Some funny dude among my friends seems to have signed me up for a subscription on "Stone", a magazine from "Sweden's stone industry union". HA HA HA. Very funnay.
@taliesin: it's good that you can share your pain with your father. i find that time kills the ability to share feelings with almost anyone.

@hitori: yeah. and may i say that the big advantage i have over my luggage is that i know where i am. not to mention the ability to talk, laugh and use a computer. :p

nf: bleak. still no news.
NF: So terribly restless, it's crawling inside in a really uneasy way. Don't really know why I feel like that. I know I should get some sleep, 'cause I'll be working tomorrow, but I also know that if I go to bed now I will lay awake and not be able to sleep anyway. Dont' know what to do...
NF: Just found out that I will miss the DT gig @ the JAXX in Springfield VA
(29 April 05) as I'll be on the other side of the USofA (I live in WV)
I wanted to introduce myself to a couple of forum members at this concert :)
Oh well always the next time ???

As I have the ticket for this show would anyone like it? No charge
@Rocque: Thats really nice..!
(No further means tho, I'm Dutch ;))

NF: Really busy (idd, Russian), cant be around too much these days..
..and I really have to find work >_<
..and I feel sooo tiiired all the time!
And the tests never found anything.. :/

NF: Tired from eating too much. Plus, I'm dreading on doing more stuff tomorrow.
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