Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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nf: the shadows in my right eye are driving me berserk. i know i'm sounding like a madwoman, but i am really fed up. and i can't really stay away from computers and reading, life would be too boring. thanks bu the weather is getting warmer, so at least i can go out and engage in activities that are not too heavy on my eyesight.
@Idari: my cats are cute, but they're 10x's cuter when they all sleep together (i have 4 cats!). :)

@K.C.:I'm treating her like she's a queen :) . I actually have to feed her with a spoon b/c she has to wear this cone around her neck which makes it impossible for her to eat on her own :(

-thanks for caring :)

NF: Okay
NF: Tired, and quite stupid. My first day at work ended with the realisation that at some point in the 4 hours I lost my ID badge in the huge sorting office. Unless someone finds it tonight and informs the bloke at the agency, I'll have to tell him when he calls tomorrow and then I'll have to go in to town again to get a new one done. What a pain in the arse. The work itself was fine, except that all the temps (there were 6 others starting at the same time as me) were given really short explanations of what we had to do, which led to us having to ask numerous questions over the subsequent minutes and hours. When one bloke sighed at a question before giving the answer, I was very tempted to tell him that there'd be no need for me to ask if he'd have explained it properly in the first place, but I refrained. Overall it's easy money though.
@ Russel: Congrats on surviving your first day. With most things it's hazy at first, but within like a week you make a routine/method for things, then you'll look back at yourself on the first day and think "God damn I suck" :p or that's how it is for me all the time. Things will only get better. Now you can look forward to your first pay cheque :)

Nf: Like I should get a proper job, but I really dont have time with school and stuff.
My half brother who is not the brightest spark in the world (just been in two back-to-back fucked up relationships which have landed him in a pile of shit neck high... and he has no job... and he's 35.... and he has no home... and.. and.. and... yeah.) has moved into my house. Less space and more annoying conversations with people I don't relate to but am related to. The Irony is I don't care.
Rusty said:
NF: Tired, and quite stupid. My first day at work ended with the realisation that at some point in the 4 hours I lost my ID badge in the huge sorting office. Unless someone finds it tonight and informs the bloke at the agency, I'll have to tell him when he calls tomorrow and then I'll have to go in to town again to get a new one done. What a pain in the arse. The work itself was fine, except that all the temps (there were 6 others starting at the same time as me) were given really short explanations of what we had to do, which led to us having to ask numerous questions over the subsequent minutes and hours. When one bloke sighed at a question before giving the answer, I was very tempted to tell him that there'd be no need for me to ask if he'd have explained it properly in the first place, but I refrained. Overall it's easy money though.
I may have told you previously about a few guys' first days at my workplace. One had been here about a week when he crashed a domain name server or something which meant it had to be completely re-setup. The other was before my time, but on his very first day he dropped a pen or something into our main server which completely fried it and lost everything on it! At least your first day wasn't like that.

As King Chaos said, well done on surviving and you'll soon know it all inside-out. Enjoy that first paycheck too!
congratulations in surviving your first day Rusty :)

hey that sucks about your cat... we should start a cat thread with all the cat issues there are in this forum. only im afraid it would be creating a monster
NF: I don't know...weird. My grandfather died on the weekend, so now I have no grnadfathers. Today I pretty much wrapped up getting a car that will relieve the stress of my current one....opposite ends of the spectrum, yet I still feel weird.
MorbidEnemy said:
I'm treating her like she's a queen . I actually have to feed her with a spoon b/c she has to wear this cone around her neck which makes it impossible for her to eat on her own
OMG, that's so cute :'( awww.

MorbidEnemy said:
^i think idari started a pet thread once
That is correct, but people ruined the thread by spamming it with stupid jokes, so i gave up.
YaYo said:
I may have told you previously about a few guys' first days at my workplace. One had been here about a week when he crashed a domain name server or something which meant it had to be completely re-setup. The other was before my time, but on his very first day he dropped a pen or something into our main server which completely fried it and lost everything on it! At least your first day wasn't like that.
Ah yes, I remember the domain name server crash thing. Very true, it could've gone worse. It's still most annoying to have to drag my arse into town to get a replacement badge though.

@Gav: there are two Ls in Russell :p
Rusty said:
It was catastrophic indeed.
You should've at least thrown in some similar joke there as the ones in that thread.

What's an epiphany? It's a holiday here, but of course it wouldn't have the article in that case, so there must be another meaning...
Just came across it in Going Postal today too actually.

I'll probably be mentioning Going Postal in every post for the next few days. Can't read it all at once...damn exams bothering my reading. :p
Epiphany: A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something.
A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization: “I experienced an epiphany, a spiritual flash that would change the way I viewed myself” (Frank Maier).
well, too long to explain without it becoming a mexican soap opera, let's just say that lots of things finally make sense... and i think i know how to stop the downward spiral. of course, this could just mean leading an empty meaningless existance, but as long as im safe from more emotional damage and hearbreak, it'll be worth it.

NF: happy about a very cool week ahead of me :D
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