Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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DragonLady1 said:
that is not very nice mister :cry: :cry: but I blame it on the drunkness :loco:
I shouldnt post when Im drunk and frustrated, Im sorry :(
Now Im hungover, but I have to pack my bag and get going in 1,5 hours.. that's what you get for your silliness :p
nf: utterly shellshocked. a mate of mine was left by his wife and the whole situation is so unbelievable that when he told me i kept on thinking that he was taking the piss, so i sort of laughed and told him to shut the fuck up several times. then i realized that he was telling the truth. i feel awfully sorry for him and i also happen to think that his wife is a complete idiot, since he's a great guy. of course i don't know what he was like at home, but i know him as a kind, smart, fun and generous person. they have a six-year-old kid who is shuffled back and forth between them. Life sucks.
hyena said:
they have a six-year-old kid who is shuffled back and forth between them.
that really sucks when the kids have to take the consequences of their parents idiocy... I know how it is, my parents got divorced too and it always makes me angry to see such situations :erk:

nf: confused and tired, didnt sleep good and had strange dreams :ill:
@ hyena: I bet she left him for another guy. Stupid slut. And poor kid :/

NF: Tired and hungry. I didn't sleep at all tonight. And now i'll still have to wait another 3 or 4 hours for my boyfriend to wake up. I'm jealous that he was totally unconscious the whole night, bastard :bah:
tired, even though i slept 10 hours last night.
also havent been around here for a long time, if anyone wants to contact me im usually on AIM or (starcraft/diablo2)
happy easter everyone. :)

nf: okayish. i had way too much to drink at lunch and i will probably drink more at dinner. then i will drink after dinner. i'm also kind of worried because i woke up late and we are one hour ahead today so i will definitely be unable to sleep until about 4am and i have a train to catch at 10-something. aww, early trains suck. i don't know what got into me.
NF: One of my cats is missing, so anyone who knows me at all can only imagine how hysterical I am. Though i just went to the movies with my boyfriend and it took my mind off it a little. I'll probably just cry myself to sleep like last night.

edit: Also, another cat here died today because people are too selfish to care about anything. Yesterday mom brought a cat here when she came home from work, because he was sick. Mom had taken him to the vet before, and they put him on medication. She was basically the only one at the place where she works, who bothered to give the cat his medicine and take care of him. He got a little better and his fainting-attacks stopped. Then mom was on holidays for a while, and the people there had told her that they'll take care of the cat. Anyhow, when mom got back to work the cat was more ill than ever and the fainting thing was back. No one had given him any of his medicine after mom left. So she brought him home so that we could take care of him. Only it was too late and this morning he died. I HATE PEOPLE! I could go kill everyone who works at that place. Fucking selfish assholes don't care about anything but themselves. I hope they all get sick and pass out every few minutes until they die.
unless the cat ran away in the first place

speaking of pets, my dog finally had her puppy, but it was born dead
@idari: sorry to hear. the cats who hang around here sometimes wander off for days on end and then they come back.

i have one funny cat story to cheer you up. one of the aforementioned cats has a very large face. i was kind of worried that he was ill, and a couple of other people in my condo shared this worry, so we took the cat to the vet and the vet looked quite puzzled. he asked to bring the cat back the following day because another vet would be there, so the two of them could visit the cat together and exchange opinions. we did as we were told, the cat disappeared inside the lab with the two vets for about thirty minutes, then they came back and the older vet said "we don't quite get it, your cat just seems to have an exceptionally large face, and that's about it". they didn't ask for money, thankfully - i wouldn't pay anyone to tell me that a cat has a large face. :p
@idari: i'm sorry to hear that. i once sort of had a kitten (he lived with my grandma), and even though i didn't see him often, the news of his disappearance were quite hurtful. i can only imagine how it must be for you. :/ i hope she gets back home soon.

NF: full, i had crappy dinner late at night and at a bigger quantity than i can really take.
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