Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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hyena said:
nf: hyped in a semi-negative way. i'm going to have an EXTREMELY hectic day at work, then i need to get a window fixed in my flat. tomorrow i have to attend a party where i will get bored as usual and fail to meet a decent man, and then i'll have to travel north in order to cast my vote in the upcoming elections.

Life doesn't change, does it?. The quest for decent men is always a war in a crowded (and mostly colorful) battlefield. Go for it, child, go and don't look back!!

|ng (Having a peaceful day)
I'm so glad that i already have a (more than) decent man. *feels sorry for hyena*

NF: A bit upset, because i just had a dream where my princess walked in through the catflap and she was fine :( She sat in my lap and purred and licked my face :cry:
After that i had a dream where my other cat got hit by a train. I was holding her when a train went right past us and made a horrible noise, and her heart was beating so loud because she was scared. When the train was gone i let her go and we walked somewhere, but suddenly i couldn't see her anymore. Then another train went past me, and i realised that it killed my cat. I screamed like there's no tomorrow, and the next thing i knew i was sitting in a mental hospital. Then i woke up all sweaty and freaked out.
I'm going to go shopping now, that should cheer me up.
@idari: well, i'm a bit embarassed by the fact that you feel sorry for me, but thanks for the good intention anyway.

i survived the hectic day and elected not to go out tonight on grounds of excessive tiredness, having to go out tomorrow night, and having to travel quite a bit this weekend. i'm sort of bubu, too.
@siren: ouch :(

@la rocque: here it's a bit different. each person, even those who are not of voting age, is registered in a municipality. a lot of bureaucratic stuff is connected with this: municipalities run vehicle registers, public health care and so on. i moved about 700km away from my original residence three years ago, and while i have asked for a formal change of residence several times it never was given to me because local police are supposed to check that you're home in order to grant a request of change and i am always at work when they come here. so i am still registered very far from here and i have to go there to vote.

nf: like i have too many things to do today. i'll try to get a head start by going to buy some food in a few minutes.

edit: la rocque, i concur with rahvin: you should change your signature according to what he suggested if you want it to make sense in italian.
@tfh - i guess it means that you're so happy that you feel you've had everything you wanted in life, so you can die, there's no residual goals to achieve, no further happiness possible.

edit: idari, hooray for the cat. :)
hyena said:
@tfh - i guess it means that you're so happy that you feel you've had everything you wanted in life, so you can die, there's no residual goals to achieve, no further happiness possible.
I know. I guess when I say something like that I should always say that I comprehend what people mean with it, yet I don't understand.
It's a stupid saying. If I was happy then I wouldn't want to die.
NF: Much better than yesterday. My day was a usual day, i attended the last day of a conference (or at least part of it) and i spent a lot of time with a friend.
Life is often hard and unfair, i could even say ironic, but looking on the bright side of things always helps.

@hyena: :)
nf: well, bu. i went out for dinner with a friend, went to a party that looked promising but i wasn't really in tune with the mood and turned out to be fairly snappy to people who didn't do anything to me. then i went to st. peter's square to pay respects to the dead pope, and got home with an uneasy feeling of diffuse uncertainty. i still don't have my train tickets so tomorrow i will have to get up fairly early to get them. pffff, i'm going to bed.
idari said:
Nah. Or if it means that, then i have my own meaning for it. When i'm so happy that i don't know what to do and how to be, then i'm so happy that i could die.
..and we still don't know what "I'm so happy that I could die" means to you, do we.

About the cat's return home: I bet it was because she finally ran out of money; though I'm sure it was nice while her little escapades lasted.
(I'm glad for you)

Siren said:
Life is often hard and unfair, i could even say ironic,

Siren said:
looking on the bright side of things always helps
Not if the thing is a welding gun

hyena said:
nf: well, bu. i went out for dinner with a friend, went to a party that looked promising but i wasn't really in tune with the mood and turned out to be fairly snappy to people who didn't do anything to me.
Party pooper >p
Tsk tsk tsk

hyena said:
and got home with an uneasy feeling of diffuse uncertainty don't talk like that in real life, do you?
Aah, finally back home. I can't stay at my parents place more than two days without becoming restless. But when your mum is celebrating her 50th birthday you have to show up, haven't you? I wonder how I'll cope with living there during the summer. :eek: At least they gave me a bottle of vodka. :p
ah I can understand, I had a similar situation this weekend... but those memories are also a percious thing, whatever happened with my stories, I always kept those memories as something good in my mind, even if they hurt sometimes as they cant come back ...

nf: was a great time in vienna and now I'm back here alone and makes me think so much... fears again, always the same :( whatever...
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