Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Originally posted by Episode666
Da Chicaggah Bahrbs ain' gounnah be da same widdaowt yah. Now we have a little more time to plan your farewell bash. Stuff that legends are made of.

Muahahahaha... :devil:

I hope Mr. Man is patient. He'd bettah be ehnnywoiay. *shakes fist* ;)


I wouldn't have it any other way:D .
I feel frankly strange. Things have changed a bit, lately, I hope the winds are blowing for good. I feel this board colder, some of us are living bad times, some others are simply confused, others in a lack of interest. Maybe it's just life, that never stops. Don't leave, almost not completely.

the moods of the board change a couple of times each month. two periods with people posting a lot usually take place before and after an interval of quiescence.
however, i guess that whoever wants this forum warmer should maybe try to light a fire.

Heh, I'm back. :p

As for the mood of the forum, I prefer it now to what it was a few weeks ago. Lots of new DT discussion, and an end to the tour threads.
Heh, I'm not expecting another European tour untill 2004. I'm almost sure the USA is getting at least another one this year though.
- I´ve started to hate americans..

- I´ve finally understood how inhibited personality I really am.

- I´ve played Original War whole day.. game keeps fucking with me. (My PC is too grampa for that kind of stuff)

- Now I listen Vintersorg - Cosmic Genesis album.

NF: Enlighted
NP: Vintersorg - Dialogue with the stars
ok, I guess, had a few beers with the guys, shoot the shit about work for an hour and now I am having some real greasy food, so I don't feel like shit in the morning, which I will since I have to be at work 7am and most likely will have to stay overtime again... blargh, oh well...
@salmy: i feel your pain, morning comes too fucking early and you started releasing the tension like ten minutes before :mad:

i'm not feeling well. apparently life is one big blur and there's nothing much you can rely on. i'd really wish someone would knock on my door and come up with something exciting and new, but they won't.
i'm stuck, and this is half-life. there's nobody i can tell anymore either.

I'm sure Rahvin's words were referring to some other not-specified circumstances, not related to my own experience. But somehow, the conclusion is the same. I'm sad tonight, quite sad. And that big blur is more enormous than merely big, right now. Sometimes I just pray for a little ground to have the minimum stability my dreams need to grow up. A ground to rest some seconds before start fighting again...

|ng. :(
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That blur seems to be global.. I'm supposed to be working on a 'thing' for school (quite a big 'thing' and deadline on monday) but how am I not a bit surprised when the 3 programs I'm using include Direct Connect, Winamp and IE instead of MS Word... and I don't really even care, I'm fed up with everything right now.
Umm.. I can't stand myself whining like this. Maybe I should go to bed?
Maybe i should hug you all? Life is too short to be miserable (as someone said to me recently :rolleyes: ).
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