Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

@prince: rahvin is right, i'm not a couple with Sunjammer, just good net-friends. :) (btw, haven't seen you around in a while, Sun, where you been lost? :p).
The robot hangs out on my rock, sunbathing, and i apply sun-oil to his metallic parts from time to time.. :err: :rolleyes: :lol: But i didn't know i was a couple with him? :eek: :p
Actually, as my nickname would suggest, i treacherously try to lure/seduce on my rock as many of the male board-members as possible, with various unholy -but often pleasurable- intentions. Oh, wait, i shouldn't have said that last part, mh? :D :D :D

Siren ( :saint: )

PS: I think Tranquillian doesn't play an instrument either.
Got me a bit wrong there, I am not a programmer... yet...

that I am, that I am and I also am becoming a vBulleting hater real fast... ;)

NP: Borknagar - The Olden Domain - A Tale Of Pagan Tongue
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@Salamurhaaja: I love your new avatar. ;) *drools*

As for me, I won't get into how I feel until I know, myself. I'm having a mixture of emotions at the moment...
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do i finally see some forum activity? :eek:

@shadowlioness: texas, indiana, illinois... once i've made the step and crossed the ocean it's going to be more or less the same unless someone mentions alaska. :lol: i feel like a movie star. :)

@prince_in_red: leading confusing, emotionally disturbed lives is not necessary to be a regular on this board, but as you can see it does help. :D

@siren: actually, as your nickname would suggest, you've driven many men to a sudden death by drowning because of your singing. but i admit your explanation sounded slightly less self-effacing. :p

@Rahvin: No, you're drunk. Go back to bed :D
@Prince: You're scarily accurate about this shambles. IT'S A SHAMBLES I TELL YE! AND NOT A FUN DISCWORLD KIND!
@Everyone else: I feel like a poptart (everyone: 'you don't look like one!'), who else loves poptarts?
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@dark_jester: what is a poptart exactly?
@siren: oh, this might prove interesting. let's start with some questions: what are the special requirements to be invited on your rock? i know i'm not a robot and i don't really have any shiny part, but i can take my guitar possibly?
@salamurhaaja: well, there's always plenty of time to become a programmer... :)
@rahvin: i am not emotionally disturbed as far as i know, but i have the impression that hanging about here it is going to become a fact pretty soon :lol:

why does it have to be so damn cold around here? i wish my parents had an independent heating system (well, maybe i wish their house had, on second though), i'm freezing...
@mousewings: are you new too? or didn't i see you around becuase i'm stupid?
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@|ng: You're not stupid, you're unique :D
Just let me open up your cranium and I can reshock your system, and maybe get that extra processor working. Either that or short circuit you. Joys of progress :)
Originally posted by ShadowLioness
That would be true! Episode666 would be the gracious host
awww, tanks girlie. I do my best. :)

originally posted by prince_in_red
@American girls: can I come over too? There's always a shortage of nice Polish men in the USA I hear...
Like ShadowLioness says, there are a number of very kind Polish gentlemen in the area. But - the more, the merrier. ;) Which reminds me, I gotta get to Bobek's sometime soon. There simply must be a way to lure rahvin and |ng overseas. ;)

I keep on having a major headache and a fever due to the excessive cold, I'm home from school for two days only and I can't even go out for a drink... Argh, I'll just have the hot honey that my mom is preparing now...
Oh goodness, you poor dear. I hope you are feeling better soon. :) Happy belated birthday as well!

Originally posted by rahvin
@shadowlioness: texas, indiana, illinois... once i've made the step and crossed the ocean it's going to be more or less the same unless someone mentions alaska. i feel like a movie star.
We're booking your world tour! Well, as long as you don't nail my furniture to the ceiling... :p

Originally posted by prince_in_red
@dark_jester: what is a poptart exactly?
(Answering anyway) Pop Tarts are these sticky sweet "pastries" - for lack of a better term - that fits into a regular toaster. All the things that are just oh-so-bad for you: sugar, fats, more sugar, fruit substitutes; conveniently wrapped up in a frosted flaky crust. I have an affinity for any man that brings me the "brown sugar cinnamon" variety. *waggles eyebrows*

NF: a bit better. Poppa Roo has been up and about and may be home on Monday if all goes well. His eyesight has remarkedly improved. :) :) :)
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Episode666 said:
;) Which reminds me, I gotta get to Bobek's sometime soon. There simply must be a way to lure rahvin and |ng overseas. ;)

what's bobek? a machine-gun retailer? :)

Episode666 said:
We're booking your world tour! Well, as long as you don't nail my furniture to the ceiling... :p

is that what visiting movie stars do now? well, i promise i'm going to leave my axe outside the door. ;)

Episode666 said:
I have an affinity for any man that brings me the "brown sugar cinnamon" variety. *waggles eyebrows*

*scribbles frantically*

i'm glad your dad is better. i'm sure he's also feeling more reassured again. :)

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rahvin said:
what's bobek? a machine-gun retailer? :)
Bobek's is a Polish owned and operated grocery and deli in the Chicagoland suburban area. They have simply the finest meats and breads anywhere; for great prices. :)

is that what visiting movie stars do now? well, i promise i'm going to leave my axe outside the door. ;)
I keep hearing of the (mis)adventures of the rich and famous that attempt to attach furniture to ceilings. It's not that I'm trying to stifle your infamy.. just that I don't want you to get hurt, darlin'. ;)

i'm glad your dad is better. i'm sure he's also feeling more reassured again. :)
:) Thanks. Thanks to everyone for being reassuring to me, for that matter. The past few weeks have been very trying on my otherwise unstoppable ego. Once he's home to his fine old grumpy self I'll feel much better. :D
@Dark Jester: My cranium will be yours, as soon as you approve the mechanical design subject. ;)

@Episode: Thank you for adding me to the "Rahvin World Tour 2003". I can fix technical problems and drink all the time (alcohol, in order to keep myself sober). And talking about unstoppable egos, my ego is more an individual personality than a part of me. We can introduce our egos each other. :D Glad to hear the wind is blowing for good in your life, little one. :)

|ngenius (Leading the undercovered "|ngenius World Domination Tour") :cool:
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|ngenius said:
@Episode: Thank you for adding me to the "Rahvin World Tour 2003". I can fix technical problems and drink all the time (alcohol, in order to keep myself sober). And talking about unstoppable egos, my ego is more an individual personality than a part of me. We can introduce our egos each other. :D Glad to hear the wind is blowing for good in your life, little one. :)

|ngenius (Leading the undercovered "|ngenius World Domination Tour") :cool:
Introduce the egos? You trying to destroy the Earth or something? :lol:

As for the Rahvin World Tour (target date: sometime next year, before the Rapture By |ng's and Epi's Egos), I need to know exactly how many DT forum members will be arriving. Menu, people! MENU! What do you people eat?

As always, thanks for the ecouraging words. :)

NF: Feeling. For the first time in three solid weeks.
@Episode666: thanks for caring! I am a little better now after one and a half days of rest. I won't drive to university tonight, I guess I'll go tomorrow morning and be late. Ewwww.

And I am happy that your dad is feeling better, now he's going to enjoy looking at his family instead of imagining it... I think this is a very moving situation, I know you'll welcome him home warmly and this is a joy to everyone's heart :) That is, until someone comes into his house and nails his furniture to the ceiling.

Oh, and I am sure Bobek's rules completely :) And I don't thinkl I would like these Poptarts... traditional Eastern alcoholic drinks are a substitute?
Episode666 said:
As for the Rahvin World Tour (target date: sometime next year, before the Rapture By |ng's and Epi's Egos), I need to know exactly how many DT forum members will be arriving. Menu, people! MENU! What do you people eat?

methinks our numbers are dwindling by the minute: i can at best coerce the robot into coming along, you'll be surprised how few regulars would candidate me as mr. popularity and go along for a rather longish trip with me. :rolleyes:
as for eating, i'm not pickish: i like my meat rare, and all that is fast-food is ok as well. :)

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