Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Blue Moon said:
Violet@ Would you please elaborate ? This last comment of yours is pretty intriguing... What book are you talking about ?
I love clever children's books :)

these books (13 total, 13 chapters each) called "a Series of Unfortunate Events" by a lemony snicket. at first i didnt want to read them because i thought they'd be a harry potter rip-off, but they have this incredible dark humour. the story is nothing terribly special, its the way how its written. and its clever because the author goes on adding little clues about himself until at last he's a full blown character of the book. amongst other things of course.
"If you are interested in stories with happy endings, you would be better off reading some other book. In this book, not only is there no happy ending, there is no happy beginning and very few happy things in the middle." So read it if you like books (specially childrens), and hurry, they will spoil the whole thing soon with a movie staring--- jim carrey. :yuk:

sorry Mr. Rahvin, i know this should go in the books section but he/she asked me :saint:
mousewings said:
@Violet: I'm planning to read the whole series as soon as I'm able to borrow them. Cool you like my avatar. :) I love the Harry Potter books (they're really well-written) and can't wait for "Order of the Phoenix" to be released. They have so many concepts and theories in the books for me to ponder. I wish I could travel by Floo(sp?) powder. :D

ah, sorry didnt see your post and was going on and on about them. i love harry potter too, and feel kind of guilty typing this in a metal forum :oops: hahah, anyway, i've been waiting 3 years for #5, so now only around 113 days to go!

Many thanks to Violet and Mousewings, I'll try to find those books.

As for Harry Potter, I never had the chance to read them despite all the good comments I heard. One day I will, promise ; for now though, I just bought two books by Mishima that I just can't wait to start...

Back to your regular "how do you feel" program.
I kinda feel like posting something, kinda life has changed way too much, in the shitty department.
Thanatos, it will get better. It is still hard for me after my father died in September, but It is bad to think about sadness too much. Try to relax and think of happy thoughts. SHe would not want you to be sad.

prince_in_red said:
@siren: oh, this might prove interesting. let's start with some questions: what are the special requirements to be invited on your rock? i know i'm not a robot and i don't really have any shiny part, but i can take my guitar possibly?
Not really any special requirements, just be willing to please me to no end and worship my divine beauty and/or personality. :D
Guitars are always welcome. :)
@luis: glad to hear that...

@everyone: i'm about to do some happy dance... after 6 hours of discussing measurement errors with my division head, i'm free to go home, have MANY drinks, phone friends, engage in my current favorite author's works, and FINALLY SLEEP ALL MORNING TOMORROW! i have work to do in the afternoon, bu forbid i have a proper weekend, but at least that's something. i know some of you will think i'm selfcentered cos i am posting this, but "as the song goes, if you don't like it..."

h (cheesy lyrics galore soon! soon!)
NF: Ready to partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
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