Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Edward Norton!


My favourite actor...
Heheheh. :p American History X is incredible, it's a crime he didn't get an Oscar for that. I definatly rate that as his all time best work. Fight Club is also great, to think that he started filming that two months after AHX, and changed character so convincingly. It's a shame he hasn't got to do anything groundbreaking recently, although he stole the show in Red Dragon.

EDIT: Just to speak of AHX again, he started off from 69kg (the man is 185cm tall), and was 85kg by the time the filming started. He did this in two months. :eek: Apparently without using steroids either. That's some dedication.
Ormir said:
Heheheh. :p American History X is incredible, it's a crime he didn't get an Oscar for that. I definatly rate that as his all time best work.

yep. i'm gonna expose myself to more jokes about my sexual preferences by remarking how he absolutely dominated the whole scene when confidently, slowly and deliberately obeying the cops' orders after killing the black guy, showing off the huge nazi cross all the time...

rahvin said:
yep. i'm gonna expose myself to more jokes about my sexual preferences by remarking how he absolutely dominated the whole scene when confidently, slowly and deliberately obeying the cops' orders after killing the black guy, showing off the huge nazi cross all the time...

That was a beautiful scene. When he raised his eyebrows and winked at Danny with his hands behind his back, and then resisted the police with a futile gesture. Brought a tear to my eye. And his body was simply beautiful in those scenes.
Ormir said:
That was a beautiful scene. When he raised his eyebrows and winked at Danny with his hands behind his back, and then resisted the police with a futile gesture. Brought a tear to my eye. And his body was simply beautiful in those scenes.

You've forgotten the mid-smile in an expression of satisfaction, proud of himself. Norton was actually impressive in Primal Fear, then in AHX, and the wonderful Fight Club. Red Dragon or The Score are far worse than the previous ones. For more info about Eddie:

Edward Furlong is also a good actor. ;)

|ng (Fight Club Maniac)
NF: Sad and conflicted

My mum goes back to australia tomorrow for three weeks...I'm gonna miss the hell out of her, and I wish the reason she was going was happier...but my grandad is dying of complete renal failure...he has maybe two-three weeks tops...and I haven't really seen him much over the past few years, and I try not to think about it...but now I do, and I'm already grieving, and I dunno...I just feel so sad...I love him so much :(

And as for conflicted...I've completely ignored Rahvin's advice on the HMAS board, and I think I'm falling in love with a friend of four years...I can't! I shouldn't! But despite all that, I am...and to make matters worse she knows...and to make them even more worse, she feels the same...but I don't know...I want to be with her so much, but at the same time I fear it blowing up in our faces, and possibly ending our friendship.

I just needed to get this off my, its like I wanna call out for help...but I don't know who to, and who could do anything...guess this is why we have God/god's...
as for why I feel like crap lately:

-no job
-bills to pay
-still living at home for the indefinite future, since my savings are going up in smoke
-my muffler drags on the ground and it will cost up to $300 to fix
-impending war

those are the big ones. hopefully soon I'll get a job god-DAMMIT
@dark_jester: if she's willing to try, well, then your worries are exaggerated. this might also take your mind off of your grandfather's situation enough to live with it, and this is a good thing regardless of how it turns out with your (girl)friend in the end.

@biatchguy: you have to pay the bills although you're living at home? i'm sorry to hear that. maybe once you've found a new job leaving home ought to become your priority. i know i'm trying to making it mine (that i move out, not you :p).

d_j: damn! i'm deeply sorry...and I suppose the worse is that he lives in Australia and it's not the easiest place to travel to :cry: I hope at least everything ends as peacefully as it can be...

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