Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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rahvin said:
@biatchguy: you have to pay the bills although you're living at home? i'm sorry to hear that. maybe once you've found a new job leaving home ought to become your priority. i know i'm trying to making it mine (that i move out, not you :p).


I'm paying off a few loans from my aborted college education, and my computer. Also car insurance and internet.
@biatchguy: i see. car insurance sure must be a bitch. hope you get a new job soon. try not to get too down because of this anyway, i'm sure it's gonna be ok again. :)

now feeling: full of unreasonable expectations.

edit: check out my new review . it might be considered funny if you're in the right mood.

nf: bad, bad, bad. a friend of mine (@rahvin: im talking about giacomo) was accepted straight into the phd program in econ at harvard without even having to do a master's. i'm happy for him since he's a person i respect a lot, but i feel psychologically crushed. when i applied, with a similar - slightly worse, but just very slightly - cv and in mid-msc at the LSE, they told me to fuck off and die. now, this destroys all the legends saying that you need reference letters from powerful individuals in the states to get into an ivy league institution - he didn't have any, i'm positive about that. actually, he had reference letters similar to the ones i had, more or less the same professors. he was more organized, took six months off to organize his applications and find a proper scholarship, contrary to my chaotic course of action, but the papers the uni got were, in the end, similar. now, i don't know which part of the programme he agreed to finance were he not to have any scholarship (he got a very rich one from a bank, but this wasn't known at the moment of his application), and sure his family was more supportive than mine was for this specific aim, but one can't always blame the circumstances, the evils of the world, or iniquity, when it is plain for all to see that the only comment i should direct to myself is: fucking dickhead. :cry: :cry: :cry:

NF: Sad, for how some people get down when friends of theirs succeed.

Other than that, fine, just fine. :)
So so, my mum is off in Australia, yet to hear word about my grandad...unfortunately in this instance, I can't use the 'no news is good news' excuse, coz news or no news, he's still breathing his last...
At the moment I feel I can't grieve yet until he passes, yet thinking that I should feel bad because I'm not...human emotions are a strange thing at times...
Apart from that, great :) Just had word that a friend of mine who is in a first year advanced automotive engineering degree may have the chance to work with F1 engineers next semester, which has always been his dream. I'm thrilled for him :)
rahvin said:
but of course i'm just biased, as opposed to everybody else.
Chill out, nobody's calling you biased, you seem to be making too much a problem out of it. :err:
Siren said:
Chill out, nobody's calling you biased, you seem to be making too much a problem out of it. :err:

somebody will as soon as i point out that hyena actually said "i'm happy for him" round about line two of her message.
i honestly think if my best friend would succeed where i have failed i'd feel the same: happy for him/her, but kinda crushed because now i think i'm worth less.
i'm not going to express any other opinion on the subject - this time for real - or on any other subject which involves forum members bickering: it's pretty clear that not many like it when i do, and it really hurts me when it shows. this is not meant to single you out, siren, i'm just expressing my feelings on the feelings thread. :cry:

@ben: i am sorry about your grand-dad. both my granparents on my dad's side had prolonged illnesses and the moment when you know they're going to go is really painful. i hope he doesn't have to suffer.

@siren: yeah, i'm a heartless whatever, too right. everyone sez that.
rahvin said:
somebody will as soon as i point out that hyena actually said "i'm happy for him" round about line two of her message.
i honestly think if my best friend would succeed where i have failed i'd feel the same: happy for him/her, but kinda crushed because now i think i'm worth less.
i'm not going to express any other opinion on the subject - this time for real - or on any other subject which involves forum members bickering: it's pretty clear that not many like it when i do, and it really hurts me when it shows. this is not meant to single you out, siren, i'm just expressing my feelings on the feelings thread. :cry:

I'm not bickering or anything, i'm just expressing my opinion on something someone said (and since this is a public forum i guess i'm perfectly entitled to do it). I couldn't care less if that someone is hyena, you or god himself.
I wouldn't say you're biased, but instead a bit prejudiced on what our/my reactions will be. ;) In fact, if you were to point the "i'm happy for him" part, i'd just reply that it seems a bit hypocritical to me (and yes, i know i live far and don't know hyena etc etc, but it's still my impression).
And well, i accept the fact that you're expressing your feelings on the feelings thread, but you're somehow singling me out since you're replying to me and you're predicting what my reaction will be, and yes, i can't help but to feel slightly offended, esp after i've made my pov clear to you in private.
uh, thanks for expanding. "heartless hypocrite", that's it. and i suppose comments about things i say should be pointed out to me in private too, otherwise that's... well... hypocritical.
@hyena: I didn't call you anything, please don't put words in my mouth. :) I'm merely expressing my opinion on the things that you post.
And since you post it in public and not privately to me, my opinions will also be expressed in public and not privately to you.
Have a good day. :)
NF: Happy because:
+I am eating cake.
+I am drinking coffee.
+I am alive.
+I am happy with my life.

Not cause of:
-Nice people having word-battle...
-I am sleepy.

Summary: Happy happy..
BOTH OF YOU STOP!!!!!!!! :p No point in fighting, life is just too short for that non sense.

I feel bored, I have to work in afew hours (what a surprise). I misss my g/f alot b/c we dont spend too much time together anymore :(.

We stopped. :p I'm sorry, i'll be a good kid from now on, i promise.

Siren (
NF: Offended..
Ormir tried say that some of my threads represent vulgar-style..
If we don´t count that, i´d say I´m better than avarange..

NP: Klamydia - Vittu, oot ruma.
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