Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Weeeeeell, I don' quite know what to feel, today I had some
problems with our main logging tool at work, got an internal server
error (yeah, the dumbasses have a web based logging tool, see, they
are not too smart), so I send a mail to everyone with the error, going
something like this:

Oh, I love it when this system does this:


Why can't we go back to the old system, it sucked, but at least it
worked all the time.

Then I get a reply from one of my so-called "team leaders", going like


Obviously everything we have here sucks.

Please consider your staying here.

Blah blah, Team Leader for blah blah...

Now, I didn't really feel like doing anything about this, until I noticed,
it was ONLY addressed to me, the fucker didn't even have the balls
to say that to everyone... so tomorrow I think it's time for some
character assassination, like only I know how.

On top of this I was supposed to get some money from the bank
machine today and well, I didn't get any and I was 100% sure I had
some, soooo, I just took a look at my account and according to it, I
fucking got the money, oh yeah, TAD pissed off.
Salamurhaaja said:

i suggest you reply to the team leader by quoting his/her entire mail, preceeded and followed by the <enter error here> tag. :D
sorry if i seem to laugh over your disgrace, it was just funny (when seen from the outside).

but i understand all these little and not so little things must really be annoying. i might be talking crap, but why don't you apply for something more qualified, where your energy in bashing things that don't work (plus the needed knowledge, of course) can be put to use?

nf: sad. i just realized i've been unwittingly buying in the "sex for stuff" scheme up to now. this is ridiculous because i didn't have that much sex or even got anything (ANYTHING) out of it - when one cooperates to an evil scheme of subjugation there should be some sort of prize, but no, i didn't even get it. that's so pathetic. anyway, i am now seeing that my past three years are circles around "you sell yourself to get comfort" (and don't succeed, but that's another story). it's not working. but what will work?
Well to be perfectly blunt, whoring yourself for goods and services doesnt do much for self-esteem, and since you didnt get anything out of it, it sucks even more.

So obviously the answer is not to sell yourself, get what you want by working hard at it, not sleeping with a bunch of people.

yeah that's the point. if you can get something out of it, i mean something immaterial like satisfaction or pleasure, it can work. otherwise you are just bullshitting yourself.
@xeno: Hope you feel better soon. :cry: I seem to visit boards and write much more on them when I feel down too.

NP: David Gray -- A Century Ends
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Realy fucking pissed off.

Today, I have to have "study hall" in school. I go to a classroom for an hour and sit there during the day. One asshole is insulting me for 45 minutes, then I get up to get something and he punches me, so I try to push him away, and he jumps back. Then he falls over winding up to body slam me, then he shoves me into a table. I didn't touch him, but I 'm big so I must be a bully and I get suspended for 2 days, which makes me lose credit for most of my classes. If the fucked up school system doesn't give me credit, I'll have to repeat a year of High school. I also miss the fencing awards ceremony. I feel like smashing every window in the fucking school.
He's just an asshole who hates me for not being one of the stereotypical pop people. He constantly makes fun of me for liking metal, calls me a satanist (I'm fucking Catholic) and is an asshole in general. His friends were there, AKA his "posse". this kid is a fucking eminem look alike. The dean asked his friends and they gave him his story, but I managed to convince the dean he did at least as much as he thinks I did, so he is also suspended. It's bullshit. Hopefully I'll get even with the asshole dean. Maybe some blasting music over the intercom?

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@Steve: Oh, that's bad. Is there a student's association you could appeal to? Or if not, take it to the principal or even the school board if it becomes bad.

Argh, I hate tools like those people.
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