Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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ok, let's try...
i'm not thinking about sleeping
i'm not thinking about sleeping
i'm not thinking about sleeping
i'm not thinking about sleep... :zzz:
Rei Toei said:
ok, let's try...
i'm not thinking about sleeping
i'm not thinking about sleeping
i'm not thinking about sleeping
i'm not thinking about sleep... :zzz:

Hey, stop with these noisy, annoying and nocturnal thoughts, princess, you took me out of a precious dream involving massive slaughters, dragons and victorious cats over a battlefield. :D

|ngenius (Thinking about wake up at 7 o'clock, thinking...)
mousewings said:
@Steve: Oh, that's bad. Is there a student's association you could appeal to? Or if not, take it to the principal or even the school board if it becomes bad.

Argh, I hate tools like those people.

There's no way anyone can challenge what a dean says. When a teacher asked me what happened on time, he threatened to suspend me for a week for telling my side of the story. this school system is really fucked up.It's supposedly one of the five best in the country. No way in hell it is. I'm one of the few people in a rich asshole town who isn't rich. Our headmaster makes $127,000 a fucking year. And we have to consider cutting off funding for music programs. We also blow $3000 per piece on security cameras, with another $1000 for additional stuff, like VCR's and TV's to monitor them. there are probably 50 cameras in the school building. too much money wasted on this fucking shit. And we can't even have a decent set of rules here. Kids can carry around speakers and CD players to blast their shit music for everyone else, but friends of mine have gotten "Saturday Suspension", so they have to go into school for a day on Saturday for playing metal too loud on their headphones. Fucking crackhead town. I won't even get started on all the druggies who can come into school still wasted from ecstacy and not get in trouble...

@xeno; tristessa: /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

@red_beef: aww, hope you get well soon.

@steve: it's obviously unfair and it sucks for this, i almost can't believe this kind of shit happens. :/

@rei: The "Great Book of Sirens" suggests for this case:
2 portions of "Dream Theater - Wait For Sleep"
1 bottle of "Neuroticfish - Care"
3 tablespoons of "VNV Nation - Left Behind"
and a lot of "Assemblage 23 - Lullaby" /forum/images/smilies/wink.gif

Also, you can alternatively try the following solution:
Siren said:
@rei: The "Great Book of Sirens" suggests for this case:
2 portions of "Dream Theater - Wait For Sleep"
1 bottle of "Neuroticfish - Care"
3 tablespoons of "VNV Nation - Left Behind"

Yeah, Dream Theater! I want 4 portions, even. :D

|ng (Dream Theaterish)
Alcohol and medicated sleeping tea helps me sleep.

I feel okay today. Last exam today... and ever. Makes me feel strange. Also caught up on life events with one of my best friends.

I still don't feel very talkative though... I feel like watching tv so I'll do that later... The internet is actually boring me right now. Strange.

NP: David Gray--Sail Away
I've been riding my new scooter in every free second of the last 48 hours. If I keep on doing this for a while, I could even become able to drive, that is if I don't crash against a tree or something one of these days. It's pretty much a tough-love approach, having to learn how to drive a two-wheeled thing in a city with such a demented traffic. Oh well, before I know I'll be a pro, and yell the words to "From here to eternity" the first time someone cuts me off. :D
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