Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Pissed off at a swollen eye lid... and even more pissed with the swedish healthcare system. :bah: This happened to me one year ago... then it was a stye in my eye (oooh it rhymes :rolleyes: ) that wouldn't go away, so I went to the doctor, he gave me some eye drops & when that didn't work he told me he had sent my papers to the hospital and that I would get to see a specialist and get some help in January at the latest (this was in September '02).
Now it's June. I still haven't gotten any help at all, or heard anything from the bloody hospital.
Eventually my eye stopped hurting (that was in january btw) and I carried on as usual... until now, when it seems to be back again. I'm going to Roskilde in 3 weeks, I do NOT need this now! Or ever! I would've recieved better treatment had I lived in Uganda! :yell:
Forgive me if I kill someone today, but it's really beyond my control...
NF: Dirty

@Northern Lights: One year? That's a long time. Isn't it dangerous to leave this problem unattended to? My left eye is acting up. Time for eyedrops.
@nothern lights: ouch. i have the feeling that in most countries if you want a better treatment you have to pay. and yes, since it is dangerous to leave the problem alone for a long time i'd suggest now you give it your full attention...

@caelestia. ah, new avatar = good. :Spin:

NF: Irrational hatred towards unliving things like server of Ultimate Metal that goes down every 4 minutes or my computer who seems to suffer of dormancy. Yes. :)
my dog is going to be euthanised this evening... and i can't be there.

farewell, buddy...

@VC: sorry to hear that! :cry: when our old dog was euthanised I wasn't there either... I miss her still.

on the eye thing... yeah I ought to do something about it, but I'll never get further than a doctor who will give me 2 minutes of his time, at the most... but I did have an eye examination not so long ago (for getting contacts) and they said everything looked fine then so I dunno...
@VC: :cry: *hug*

@NL: a doctor's job is to give you their time and take care of you...
please don't leave it, it could cause you severe damage i fear. :/
@Northern Lights: Hope that's gonna get looked after ASAP.

NF: I don't even know anymore.
:cry: goodbye doggie, may you find scores of bones in dog heaven.

@northern lights: what siren said. going to a doctor and telling him your eye hurts should be enough, especially if said doctor is being paid for the trouble.

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